Getting Started...Running Interviews and Focus Groups
Join us for an on-demand teaching session led by expert Doyin Alao titled "Getting Started in Running Interviews and Focus Groups". This session is specially designed for medical professionals looking to enhance their research practices. It will guide you in preparing a discussion schedule, understand the role of an interviewer or facilitator, and provide insights into the entire process from preparation to reflection. This engaging session will not only arm you with effective techniques to conduct insightful research but will help you understand and navigate unexpected changes in study plans. It even includes a hands-on exploration of how to create a discussion schedule for a pivotal topic like the barriers and facilitators to teaching undergraduate medical students. To sustain the momentum of learning, we recommend joining the upcoming sessions on 'Tackling the Practicalities of Research', 'Routes to Publishing', and 'Planning a Career'. Pave the way towards effective clinical education research by signing up today. Follow us @ClinEdResearch. See you there!
Learning objectives
- By the end of this session, participants should be able to describe the necessary preparation for conducting interviews and focus groups in clinical education research.
- Participants should be able to design an effective discussion schedule, considering the flow of conversation and types of questions that address the research questions.
- Participants will learn and comprehend the role of an interviewer or facilitator, including leading relevant discussions, ensuring balance and effectively adapting the session according to the group.
- Participants should understand how to conduct a focus group or interview, including asking initial questions, addressing key questions related to the research, and concluding the session effectively.
- Participants should be able to identify and reflect on the potential barriers and facilitators to teaching undergraduate medical students in general practice, using interviews and focus groups methodology for data collection in their research.
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Getting started inrunning interviews and focusgroups Doyin Alao Describe what is required to conduct interviews and focus groups Prepare a discussion schedule Learning outcomes Describe the role of an interviewer or facilitator interviews and focus groupsingStepsforrunninginterviewsandfocus groups PREPARATION CONDUCTING THE REFLECTION INTERVIEW/ FOCUS GROUPDiscussionschedule Welcome & introductions Introduction to the purpose and format of the focus group. Introduce aim of project Review of focus group information sheet Take informed consent Ask participants to introduce themselvesDiscussionschedule,questions Initial questions General, ‘fact-like’ eg role, experience, understanding of the topic Example: Has there ever been a medical student present in your consultation either in the surgery or hospital? Tell us about thatDiscussionschedule,questions Keyquestions Address the research questions Structured to ensure flow- eg chronology,themes.General-specific,positive-negative Example oPatients’ knowledge oPatients’ roles oStudents’ roles oBarriers/ enablers oSupport oConsentClosing Summarise what’s been discussed Check: if this reflects their views/ anything missed Example: Thank you for your time today, Is there anything important that I have not covered? Sort out reimbursement, if plannedSmallgroupdiscussion topic of your choice.ll you include in a discussion schedule for research on a You can use this topic if you wish: Barriers and facilitators to teaching undergraduate medical students in general practiceDoyin’ stoptips Be prepared to be Prepare a schedule Use this as a guide not taken along a different with the research a checklist of all path from what was questions in mind questions to be asked planned- this makes the data interesting Guide the discussion Think of it as a chat to ensure it’s relevant Read and learn from with a focus on the to the topic- try to published studies research topic- so strike a balance enjoy it Do Reflect ImproveRecommendedreading medical education research: AMEE Guide No. 91. Medical teacher, 36(11), 923– 3 Wednesday of each month 12:45 to 1:45 pm th Tackling the practicalities of research 17 April 2024 Routes to publishing 15 May 2024 Planning a career 19 June 2024 Sign up here Getting Started in Clinical Education Research serieFollow us: @ClinEdResearch Incubator for Clinical Education Research