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Make the most of this unique opportunity to attend the Northern School of Radiology's Radiology Week and explore the world of CT with experts Juen Hao Chan and Praveena Priyadharsini Prabakaran, both ST2 Radiologists! Throughout this session, you will learn about imaging modalities, explore case studies, and discover take-home messages to ensure you are fully prepared to go back to your practice with valuable knowledge and skills. Don't miss the chance to join this amazing experience!

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This FY Survival Guide is aimed at medical students and those starting foundation jobs to help cover practical tips to help you feel more confident starting work! We focus on surgical foundation jobs but there’s plenty of useful information for all specialities!

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from the 12th of September to learn more about bleeps, on calls, asking for help, post-op complications, and advice from the MDT including radiology!

These FREE lectures are given by doctors for doctors and cover everything we wish we knew when starting out.

Follow us on social media to find out more and to find the webinar links for medall.

Medall: https://app.medall.org/organisation-profiles/national-surgical-teaching-society-nsts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nationalsurgicalteachingsociety/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nsts.ed

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the different radiology modalities commonly used in the medical field, such as CXR, AXR, MSK, USS, CT, MR, and iRefer.
  2. Comprehend the indications, pros, and cons of each imaging modality.
  3. Develop the ability to identify appropriate imaging for different clinical scenarios.
  4. Be aware of the need for pertinent history when filing radiology requests.
  5. Develop the clinical acumen to select the most appropriate imaging modality based on the patient’s condition and the corresponding imaging requested.
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Computer generated transcript

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NATIONAL SURGICAL TEACHING SOCIETY Radiology Week Intro to CT 26/09/2023Name: Juen Hao Chan Current job: ST2 Radiology Name: Praveena Priyadharsini Prabakaran Current job: ST2 Radiology Northen School of RadiologyKEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES ▯ Introduction to different imaging modalities ▯ Indications ▯ Pros and cons ▯ Cases ▯ Take Home MessagesImaging ModalitiesModalities • CXR- supine/ semi erect/ erect • AXR- gross abdominal abnormalities (not really sensitive) • MSK- look for bony injury • USS- general abdomen/ KUB/ Duplex/ Post-transplant • CT- TAP/ CTPA/ CTKUB/ CTA • MR- MRCP (selectively)/ MRI spine cauda equina • iReferCasesCase 1 • 63 y/o gentleman admitted post fall at home complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath with a history of colorectal malignancy. You are an FY1 on-call asked to review patients in ED. ECG normal. • What investigation(s) apart from routine bloods you can request?Case 2 • 55 y/o gentleman 10 days post-whipple surgery complaining of right sided abdominal pain with deranged LFTs. • What suitable imaging to initiate the investigation?Case 3 • 45 y/o lady with a history of gallstones in the has developed 2 days of severe upper abdominal pain. Amylase 380 U/L. • Lactate is 7 mmol/L. • What is the most appropriate next step?Case 4 • 23 y/o lady admitted for left iliac fossa pain with associated diarrhea and vomiting. • What is the most appropriate next step?Case 5 • 66 y/o gentleman with had Right sided fem-below popliteal artery bypass surgery 1 day ago has developed sudden onset of severe right limb pain. • What do you actively examine for? • What is the most appropriate imaging of choice?Take Home Messages ▯ Clinical examinations ▯ Pertinent history when filling request forms ▯ Know what you are looking for and why you are looking for ▯ CT is the doughnut of truth but not all the time ▯ CT is not the only imaging of choice ▯ Hope this is helpfulStudent Regional Leads Vacancies opened for: • Aston University MS • University of Surrey • Lancaster University • Barts and the London • St. George’s SoM • University of Leeds University • University of • Newcastle University • University of Birmingham Sunderland • Norwich Medical • Brighton and Sussex School • University of MS • University of Warwick • Edge Hill University Southampton • Ulster University • Hull York MS • University of St. SoM • Kent and Medway Andrew’s • University of ChesterFoundation Regional Leads Vacancies opened for: • East Midlands Deanery • Mersey Deanery • Southwest Peninsula Deanery • Wessex Deanery • West Midlands North Deanery • West Midlands Central Deanery Application Forms For more information, please use the QR code: We look forward to you joining the team!