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Flyer: NHS Health Check Training - Strengthening Clinical Appreciation for Commissioners



This interactive training session is tailored to medical professionals and commissioners associated with the NHS Health Check programme. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of clinical aspects such as CVD risk, POC testing, diabetes filters and national diabetes prevention programmes, while discussing any questions or issues they may face. Led by experienced trainer and personalised prevention clinical advisor, Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc, this training is a great opportunity to sharpen your knowledge and skills from the comfort of your home.

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We all know that a competent workforce is essential for the success of the NHS Health Check programme.

Based on engagement with commissioners, we are delighted to launch our new training: Strengthening clinical appreciation for Commissioners.

  • Live and interactive online training, led by Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc, Lead Trainer for Smart Health Solutions, Former Personalised Prevention Clinical Advisor at OHID and Chair Health Care Committee HEART UK.
  • This session will build on the commissioners existing knowledge of the programme's clinical aspects. For example, understanding CVD risk, pros & cons of Point of Care Testing, understanding diabetes filter, aligning NHS Health Check with the National Diabetes Prevention Programme and ensuring effective clinical follow-up
  • Offer a unique insight into the challenges and issues often faced by staff providing the checks.
  • Your questions will help shape the direction of the session in real-time.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the key clinical aspects of the NHS Health Check programme
  2. Analyse the pros and cons of Point of Care Testing for CVD risk
  3. Compare NHS Health Checks to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme
  4. Comprehend the challenges and issues that staff may face when conducting the checks
  5. Develop their own questions and make decisions about appropriate follow-up procedures.
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Computer generated transcript

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NHS Health Check Training: Strengthening clinical appreciation We all know that a competent workforce is essential for the success of the NHS Health Check programme. Based on engagement with commissioners, we are delighted to launch our new training: Strengthening clinical appreciation for commissioners. Live and interactive online training, led by Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc, Lead Trainer for Smart Health Solutions, Personalised Prevention Clinical Advisor at OHID and Chair Health Care Committee HEART UK. This session will build on the commissioners existing knowledge of the programme's clinical aspects. For example, understanding CVD risk, pros & cons of Point of Care Testing, understanding diabetes filter, aligning NHS Health Check with the National Diabetes Prevention Programme and ensuring effective clinical follow-up Offer a unique insight into the challenges and issues often faced by staff providing the checks. Your questions will help shape the direction of the session in real time. Cost: £135 plus VAT