F1 Tips and Tricks
■ TMC tracker
■ To ensure rotas are fair ■ To ensure you're being paid on time for your work
This online session presented by Dr. Laura Moreton (FY1) will teach medical professionals tips and tricks for making their day-to-day life easier. Dr. Moreton will cover topics such as useful apps, note taking, routine bloods, discharge summaries, preparing for nightshifts, exception reporting, wellbeing, annual leave, and ensuring accurate payments. Attendees will also get a first-hand look at BNF check indications and dosage, BMJ Best Practice, Induction, Microguide, Tidy Resus, IResus, and MDCalc. Participating in this session is a great way to stay up to date with the latest knowledge in the medical industry.
Learning objectives
■ Ensure you are being paid correctly ■ Contact payroll ■ Breaks, holidays, bank holidays ■ Supernumerary shifts ■ Tribute events
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F1 TIPS AND TRICKS Dr Laura Moreton (FY1)What we will cover ■ Useful Apps ■ Note Taking ■ Routine bloods ■ Discharge Summaries ■ Preparing for nightshifts ■ Exception reporting ■ Wellbeing ■ Annual leave ■ Ensuring you get paid correctlyUseful Apps: • BNF • BMJ Best Practice • Induction • Microguide • Tidy Resus • IResus • MDCalcBNF ■ Check indications and dosage ■ Hepatic and renal impairment ■ Contraindications ■ Interactions ■ Side effectsBMJ Best Practice ■ Outlines causes, symptoms and management for a multitude of diseases ■ Based on national guidelines ■ Caveat: trust guidelinesInduction ■ Bleep numbers ■ Extension numbersMicroguide ■ Antibiotic guidelines for your trustTidyResus ■ Times resus events ■ Can input: o What rhythm it is o When a shock is given o When adrenaline is giveniResus ■ Resus council UK guidelinesMDCalc ■ Medic calculator for all the scoring systems in medicine ■ E.g. Well's score, CrCl, cQT 75yr F DOA: XX/XX/XX TEP: DNACPR, not for ITU, for met calls Note Taking PC: chest pain Issues: 1. ?ACS. ■ Everyone has their own style - Troponin 17>280 - On DAPT, awaiting angio (booked for XX/XX/XX) ■ My style On Review NEWS 2 -sats 96% on 1L NC Bloods NAD O/E PlanRoutine Bloods ■ FBC ■ CRP ■ U&E ■ LFTs ■ Bone profile ■ MagnesiumDischarge Summaries ■ Keep it simple – remember there's a GP on the end having to read through it! ■ Say what the presented with ■ What they were treated for and how ■ Important investigations ■ Safety netting ■ Follow upPreparing for Nightshifts ■ Everyone prepares differently ■ Everyone eats differently ■ Find what works for you!Exception Reporting ■ Your trust will give you information on how to exception report ■ What is it for? ■ Gets sent to your CS and guardian of safe working ■ Get time off in lieu or paymentWellbeing ■ Mess events ■ Headspace ■ Colleagues ■ Friends and familyAnnual Leave ■ Myduty app ■ 9 days per rotation ■ Maximise your time off!Ensuring you're getting paid correctly