Enhanced recovery protocols after surgery
This medical teaching session will provide medical professionals with an overview of Physiotherpy, focusing on the structure and function of the muscular system, physiotherapy services, rehabilitation strategies such as mobility assessment and treatment for respiratory and mobility needs, as well as referral guidelines. This session will include an in-depth analysis of national and Kingston hospital stats related to length of stay and mortality rate as well as strategies for post-emergency laparotomies. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of the importance of and role of Physiotherapy in contemporary medical practices.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives for Medical Audience
Understand the anatomy and physiology of the muscular system, including the three primary muscle types - smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
Identify the role of physiotherapy in the restoration of function due to injury, illness, or disability.
Summarize and understand the services and processes provided by physiotherapy teams in two different surgical wards.
Describe the different assessment and treatment techniques employed in a physiotherapy setting that are aimed at improving mobility and respiratory health.
Analyze the difference in emergency vs. elective surgical pathways and identify physiotherapy referrals and principles for emergency laparotomy post-operative scenarios.
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Physiotherapy x Surgery BY ALINE SHALEV SURGICAL PHYSIOTHERAPIST LEADThe Muscular System Muscles play a part in every The muscular system is made up function of the body of over 650 muscles These include three muscle Only skeletal muscles are types: smooth, skeletal, and voluntary, Smooth and cardiac cardiac muscles act involuntarily.The Muscular System these functions possible.s also work together to make ü For instance, when you run (skeletal muscles), ü Your heart pumps harder (cardiac muscle), ü Causes you to breathe heavier (smooth muscles).Physiotherapy General overview • “Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. • It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future” • (NHS 2022)Physiotherapy Surgical team Services We cover: • Emergency Surgical Wards - Isabela and Astor Ward • Elective Surgical Ward - Alex ( Wednesday DSU ) What time: • 0830-1630pm - Weekdays Night on call service 24/7: • 1630 – 0830am the next day - This only covers respiratory physiotherapy referrals (PT ‘s are not on site overnight have a 40min response time) Reduced service on weekends: • contact switchboard and ask for Respiratory Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Rehabilitation: Mobility Assessment o Transfers o Mobility o Balance o Sensation o Proprioception o Strength o Range of movement Physiotherapy Rehabilitation: Mobility Treatment o Provide Safe Aid o Restore mobility baseline o Prevent decondition and increase endurance. o Education and Advice o Personalize Exercise Programs o Referral to : Falls team, OP PT referral ,CPT , Rehab potential o D/C Planning Physiotherapy Rehabilitation: Respiratory Assessment o Chest X-Ray o WOB o Palpation o Auscultation o Cough o Secretions o Bloods - ABGs o Vitals Physiotherapy Rehabilitation: Respiratory Treatment Secretion management o O2 therapy o Nebulizer ( Doctors to prescribe ) o Medication Prior Tx ( carbocisteine ) Secretion clearance o ACBT Breathing cycle o MT ( vibs, percussion) o Cough assist o Bubble PEP o Suction OP ( Yankeur, Soft Catheter, Guedel ) o Suction NP ( Soft Catheter) o Acapella or Flutter ( COPD and Bronchiectasis) o Postural drainage Lung Expansion - Consolidation / Collapse / Atelectasis o DBEs o IPPB o MobilisePhysiotherapy Rehabilitation: Respiratory Physiotherapy Referral - YES o Refer to Patients via CRS, Bleep, MDT , Notes o Concern about retained secretions o Sudden increase in O2 demand due to retained secretions or consolidation/atelectasis o Acute aspiration o Acute rib fractures o Day 1 post-op – Laparotomies Physiotherapy Referral - NO Increased WOB and O2 demand due to; o PE o Pleural effusions o Pulmonary oedema o Pneumothorax o Severe bronchospasm / Wheeze Physiotherapy x Enhance Recovery PathwayElective ERP at Kingston Hospital Colorectal and Theatre Nephrostomy ERP Pre- Assessment Pathway goals : Optimizer Pt. until Surgery day Day 0 Post Day 1 Day 2-7 ( Operative depends on types of Surgery ) Elective ERP an MDT Approach o Doctors o Nurses o Physiotherapist ( Laparotomy or when required ) o Occupational Therapist o Dietician o Pain team o Pharmacist o Stoma Nurse ( if appropriated )ERP Pathway for Emergency Surgeries • A&E Screen Patient • Sepsis Screen • CT Scan • Theatre Within 6 hours of decision to Operate • ICU/HDU Post-SurgeryEmergency Laparotomy National 21.846 2019 – 2020 Kingston hospital 132 2019 - 2020 (NELA, 7 annual report) 10/9/2021 PRESENTATION TITLE 17National vs Kingston Hospital stats Average length of hospital stay Mortality rate (days) 20 10% 8,70% 17 8,00% 15 8% 15 6% 10 4% 5 2% 0 0% National Kingston Hospital National Kingston Hospital th (NELA, 7 annual report) 18Physiotherapy Post Emergency Laparotomy Respiratory + Rehab Physiotherapy promote: 1.Increase in lung volumes, optimization of ventilation to perfusion ratio (VA/Q) and better airway clearance; 2. Reduction of risk of immobility associated with PPC; 3. Improvement in level of consciousness; 4. Increase in functional independence; 5. Improvement in cardiovascular fitness; 10/9/2021 PRESENTATIONTITLE 19 6. Psychological benefit. Nicolino Ambrosino 8:4 2013, multidisciplinary respiratory medicine. Dewi Nurul Makhabah , Federica Martino andThank ou