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Dr Becca Elson - Climate Change, Health, and Sustainable Healthcare



Explore how climate change impacts health in the UK in this essential on-demand teaching session designed for medical professionals. Gain knowledge about the specific risks posed by extreme weather conditions such as heatwaves, droughts, fires, and floods, shifts in infectious diseases, food insecurity, and the strain on healthcare services. Understand how healthcare itself contributes to climate change, and identify strategies for sustaining healthcare in an increasingly precarious climate. This session is not only powerful and informative, but is also vitally important for all working in the healthcare sector.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the link between climate change and health, particularly in the context of the UK.
  2. Recognize the different health risks associated with climate-related events, such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and storms.
  3. Understand the impact of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases and the implications this has for healthcare.
  4. Identify the ways in which climate change can lead to disruption in healthcare facilities and services.
  5. Develop strategies to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare provision, such as sustainable healthcare practices and quality improvement measures.
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WHO, 2024How does climate change impact health in the UK? UK CHEALTH RISKSUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH EXTREME HEAT Heat related disease and death UK Heatwaves increase the risk of heart attacks, kidney disease, cardio-respiratory diseases, decreased mental welHEALTH, and death RISKS 2WHO, 2024 Liu et al., 2022UK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH DROUGHTS & FIRES Dehydration, injuries, exacerbation of respiratory diseases Crop failureUK Lack of sanitation HEALTH RISKSUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH FLOODING Drowning & injuries Damage to homes and infrastructure Contaminated water HEALTH RISKSUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH FLOODING Drowning & injuries Damage to homes and infrastructure European Contaminated waterTE Environment HEALTH Agency, 2024 RISKSUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH STORMS Death and inUKry ExacerbatiCLIMATEsthma and other respiratory diseases HEALTH RISKSUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASES Changes in vector ecology and distribution Contaminated water and lack of sanitation Increased risk of pandemics HEALTH RISKS change will make sure of thatmic – climateUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH FOOD INSECURITY Crop failures Malnutrition and famineUK CLIMA TE RISKS TO HEALTH MIGRATION & CONFLICT Loss of housing and income ~migrating in the next few decades or Increased poverty Conflict over scarce resources Over the coming 50y, 1 to 3 billion people are projected to be left outside the climate conditions that have served humanity well over the past 6,000y.DISRUPTION TO HEALTHCARE Infrastructure damage Patients unable to access healthcare Damage to facilities Damage to equipment Power and IT outages Lack of clean water in healthcare facilitiesDISRUPTION TO HEALTHCARE Infrastructure damage Patients unable to access healthcare Damage to facilities Damage to equipment Power and IT outages Lack of clean water in healthcare facilities Shortages of essential medications and supplies Supply chain disruption Food shortagesDISRUPTION TO HEALTHCARE Infrastructure damage Patients unable to access healthcare Damage to facilities Damage to equipment Power and IT outages Lack of clean water in healthcare facilities Supply chain disruption Shortages of essential medications and supplies Food shortages Risk to health at work – heat, pollution, infectious Staff health diseases Increased work burden Inability to workDISRUPTION TO HEALTHCARE Infrastructure damage Patients unable to access healthcare Damage to facilities Damage to equipment Power and IT outages Lack of clean water in healthcare facilities Shortages of essential medications and supplies Supply chain disruption Food shortages Risk to health at work – heat, pollution, infectious diseases Staff health Increased work burden Inability to work Increase in cases after extreme events and from chronic diseases Increased demand Unexpected infectious disease outbreaks (food-, water- and vector-borne) Increase in undernutrition (particularly children)“1.5C doesn’t sound like much” … HEALTH IMPACTS Heat related illnesses stroke, respiratory diseases, CKD Injuries and death UK Mental disorders CLIMATE Infectious diseases & pandemics HEALTH Food insecurity and malnutrition RISKS Insufficient water quality and quantity + Disruption to healthcare Reduced access to healthcare Risks to staff health MENTAL HEALTH 83% said that they think people have failed to take care of the planet Climate anxiety in children and young people. Hickman et al, Lancet Planetary Health 2021SNEE ICB Climate Risk SNEE ICB BAF Climate risk Jan 2025https://www.england.nhs.uk/greenernhs/publication/delivering-a-net-zero-national-health-service/NHS Emissions https://www.england.nhs.uk/greenernhs/publication/delivering-a-net-zero-national-health-service/HEALTHCARE ISART OF THE PROBLEMhttps://www.rcseng.ac.uk/about-the-rcs/about-our-mission/sustainability-in-surgery/2% of global plastic production medical plastic Increases by 6.3% per year Source: Centre for Sustainable HealthcarePlastic Of the 7 billion tons of plastic waste generated globally so far, less than 10% has been recycled(Geyer 2020).Plastic We need to turn off plastic pollution at the sourceDeforestation - rubber plantations for surgical gloves Source: Centre for Sustainable HealthcareScarce resources - conflict minerals in medical equipment Source: Centre for Sustainable HealthcareRiver pollution from pharmaceuticals https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.5973Source: Greener NHS - Delivering a net zero NHSThe way we currently deliver healthcare is creating a public health paradox via climate damage It is at the expense of our children and future generationsHEALTHCARE CAN BE PART OF THE SOLUTIONWhat is sustainable healthcare? Vulnerable / disrupted supply chain High burden of preventable diseases Rising hospital energy (both communicable and non- costs communicable) Increasing workload and overburdened workforce PERSONALLY PROFESSIONALLY - Staff - Healthcare providers - Patients - Administrators - Public - Management Adopt healthier and more sustainable Lead by example What can I do? lifestyles PROFESSIONAL ACTION ● As a health professional, you are uniquely qualified to talk about climate change and health WHO Communicating on climate change and health: Toolkit for health professionals Uppalapati et al, 2023 PROFESSIONAL ACTION ● As a health professional, you are uniquely qualified to talk about climate change and health ● Educate and talk to your patients (and colleagues!) WHO Communicating on climate change and health: Toolkit for health professionalshttps://www.rcp.ac.uk/media/4upfml1k/green-physician-toolkit- infographics.pdfLead by example 48 PROFESSIONAL ACTION ● Educate and talk to your patients ● Deliver sustainable healthcare SusQI The overall goal of sustainable quality improvement is to maximise sustainable value. This means to deliver the best possible health outcomes with minimum financial and environmental costs, while adding positive social value at every opportunity.ResResource useDesDesign of the impr vementDesign of the improvementMeasuring impacts Patient Health Outcomes Population Health Outcomes - Thinking at population as well as the individual level helps to ensure that inequalities are being addressed and that everyone who would benefit from prevention or care are being reached. Environmental Impacts – measure carbon savings, water savings, biodiversity benefits etc Financial Impacts Social Impacts ● Patients ● The wider local community ● Carers and families ● Distant communities (e.g. supply ● Staff chain workers)Measuring impact - carbonSustainable Development Unit (2015). Care pathways guidance Greener NHS emissions factors 2020/21 on appraising sustainability.Sustainable Development Unit (2015). Care pathways guidance Greener NHS emissions factors 2020/21 on appraising sustainability.Intensive Care Environmental Sustainability Recipe Book (2025)ResourcesResourcesEncouragement from staff survey responsesT ake home messages • Reducing our impact on the environment will improve the health of our patients, our staff, and the NHS • Sustainable healthcare is high quality healthcare that uses our resources responsiblyTHANK YOU becca.elson@esneft.nhs.uk