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Join us for an in-depth medical discussion event as part of the Ubuntu Network - an initiative grounded in the core human virtues of compassion and humanity. Engage in a facilitated case study that emphasizes human factors, leadership skills, and decision making in the wilderness environment. This real-time conversation will stretch your understanding, problem-solving skills, and foster a spirit of collaborative learning. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout, ensuring a safe, inclusive learning space. Post-event and participant feedback will be encouraged, and continuing participation in the Ubuntu Network - as an attendee or a facilitator - welcomed. Prepare to emerge from the discourse inspired, enlightened and eager to apply your own learning points. It's not just another event; it is a community for continuous learning, reflection and personal development. Don't miss out!

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Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'

Ubuntu Network is a space made for you: to share experiences from your expeditions, collaborate with others working in the field, and connect with the wider expedition community.

Our goal is to stimulate online group discussion that enables you to share your experiences with like minded individuals, providing a constructive space for our community to grow and develop through interactive reflection.

Achieved through:

  • Quarterly meetings via the MedAll learning platform.
  • Discussion of a challenging or interesting case brought by a member of the group.
  • Trained facilitation.
  • Confidential, supportive discussion of the environmental, clinical and human factors that led to decision making of the case.
  • Reflections and learning for future practice.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the Ubuntu Network's objectives and how to participate respectfully and effectively in the discussion events.
  2. Identify the critical elements of human factors, leadership skills, and decision-making in a wilderness medical environment.
  3. Engage in a reflective practice, drawing meaningful conclusions from provided real-life scenarios and group discussions, focusing on how to improve personal medical practice.
  4. Comply with the required confidentiality standard, ensuring patient-identifiable data, expedition providers and individuals are kept anonymous.
  5. Enhance self-awareness and critical thinking skills in order to identify personal learning points and areas for improvement in the provision of medical care, especially in remote environments.
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Ubuntu Network: Discussion Participant Guidance Document Ubuntu - a term from the South African Nguni languages of Zulu and Xhosa that translates as ‘a quality that includes the essential human virtues of compassion and humanity’. Thank you for wanting to be a part of the Ubuntu Network and to be involved in one of the discussion events. The format of the event will run as follows: 1. Please try to join the MedAll conference call in time for the start of the session so you can hear the case being presented, or as soon as possible afterwards 2. When you do join, please do so with your microphone muted 3. The event will start with the facilitator introducing the event, and a presenter outlining the case for discussion 4. The case will conclude and the group will be invited to discuss it. The facilitator may step in at points to guide the discussion 5. The discussion will come to a close and the facilitator will outline some learning points from the case Please be mindful throughout the session that this is a real-life scenario that one of your colleagues has found themselves in. It takes a lot of courage to come forward and discuss clinical cases, especially when encountered in austere environments with little or no support. The main focus of the event should revolve around human factors, leadership skills and decision making in the wilderness environment. Albeit some topics may lend themselves to talking about pathophysiology and pharmacokinetics etc., we would rather that the discussion didn’t get bogged down in these details. The Ubuntu Network encourages reflection, enabling an environment for learning, inclusion and development. The purpose of facilitated group reflection is to allow us to learn from each others’ experiences and to consider how we would manage a similar scenario when providing medical care in a remote environment. We hope that through these discussions people come away feeling positive, as well as inquisitive, with the desire to go away and continue learning. If you do want to bring in personal examples of cases, please speak confidentially at all times: no patient identifiable data should be shared. Likewise, expedition providers and individuals should be kept anonymous. Specific details from the discussion should not be shared outside the Ubuntu network. Ensure you follow the GMC guideline for Good Medical Practice throughout Good medical practice - professional standards - GMC At the conclusion of the event. 1. Please fill out the feedback form so we can continue to improve the experience for further events 2. We will then provide you with a certificate of attendance for your portfolio 3. Should you feel inspired, please feel free to submit a case for consideration through the MedAll submission platform 4. Similarly, if you would like to become a facilitator please contact the faculty 5. If you have any concerns about the event, before, during or after, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the team to resolve this October 2023Remember: 1. Maintain confidentiality 2. Get involved with the discussion 3. Be supportive and reflective 4. Aim to come away with your own learning points 5. Enjoy! October 2023