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Disabled Doctors Network - Diversifying our Workplace


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Diversifying our workplace Dr Charlotte Cuddihy, Disabled Doctors Network, @disableddoctors c.cuddihy@nhs.net https://www.disableddoctorsnetwork.com/ • Who I am • What is disability and why should we care • What can we do Plan • Qs Ultimate take home point: every person is different the best we can do is be humble, curious and empatheticWho am I? • qualified Glasgow • patient, wheelchair user medical school 2012 • part-time trainee, disability • foundation training, advocate Glasgow • medical educator with an interest in inclusion • Public health training, East of England Privileges: white, cis gendered, straight, (relative) social economic privilege, work in the language & country I qualified in Limitations: acquired physical disabilityAssumptionsWhat is disability? GMC welcomed and valued guidance a) the GMC says you should b) it’s the right thing to do morally Why should you care? c) to know how to support my colleagues d) because it might be me In my opinion - it’s all of the aboveWhat can and should I do to help? https://www.cpmsgroup.com/initiative/cpms-ally-spectrum-2/Listen Avoid diagnosing. Empathetic witnessing. Begin I want to be a supportive colleague is there anything you would like me to know do differently that would be helpful?Learn preferred terminology and challenge assumptionsRecognise your privilege and use it if you can. - speak up on issues that affect everyone. - be an inclusive trendsetter .Come join us! Do your research, think about your passions, skills, areas of expertise and find an organisation where you can make an impact and whose values align with yours.Questions? @disableddoctors https://www.disableddoctorsnetwork.com/