Diagnosis & Management of Small Bowel Obstruction
This teaching session aims to inform medical professionals on the diagnosis and management of Small Bowel Obstruction involving understanding of mechanical and functional causes, the various presentation and symptoms, examination and investigation techniques involving imaging modalities, and when to resect bowel during management. The session will discuss diagnosis of ischaemia, initial management of SBO including conservative versus surgical management, and use of Gastrograffin and evidence to support decision making. It will discuss indications for exploratory surgery, salient facts on non-operative managements, as well as laparoscopic versus open surgery.
Learning objectives
• Laparoscopic adhesiolysis requires skills and specialist equipment • Open adhesiolysis requires technical skill to preserve intestinal vascular supply • Intestinal resection and re-anastomosis • Bowel resection chosen for mechanical obstruction due large mass/radical operation Learning objectives:
- Define Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) and identify its causes.
- Understand the presentation and symptoms of SBO.
- Understand the examination related to SBO.
- Identify appropriate imaging investigations for SBO.
- Understand complications of SBO, initial treatment and decision making related to conservative versus surgical management.
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Small Bowel Obstruction Tarak ChouariLearning objectives • Definition and causes • Presentation and symptoms • Examination • Investigations – imaging • Complicated Small bowel obstruction - ischaemia/perforation • Initial Management of SBO • Conservative versus Surgical management • Gastrograffin evidence • When to resect bowel – intra-operativelyDefinition • SBO is a condition leading to the absence or abnormal progression and passage of intestinal content through the small bowel MECHANICAL FUNCTIONAL Partial/Subacute CompleteMechanical causes of SBO 1. Adhesions (60-75% of SBO admissions). • Post-surgical • Infective/inflammatory • Congenital 2. Hernia • The most common cause in the virgin abdomen – the importance of physical examination!! • Eg. Inguinal, femoral, incisional, internal, parastomal 3. Rarer aetiology eg. Foreign body, gallstone ileus, neoplasm (primary SB or secondary/metastatic), Crohn's stricture, intussusception, haematoma, TB/Parasitic infection Think of these as intraluminal, intramural and extramural.Presentation and Symptoms PROXIMAL DISTALExamination • ABCDE rd • Signs of dehydration from vomiting and 3 space loss • Fever? • Abdominal examination*: Look: Distension/scars/hernias (abdominal/groin), beware of the still patient Feel: Peritonism/hernias Listen: Bowel sounds DRE – Collapse rectum, rectal masses, blood – ischaemia/inflammatory, peritoneal shelfingInvestigations Sensitivity: 79-83% Specificity: 67-83% AXR NORMAL IN 20% AXR of PATIENTS WITH SBO IH, et al. Challenges in diagnosinggh World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19: 7489– 93. Investigations ü Definitive diagnosis of Sensitivity: mechanical SBO 95% ü Diagnosis of underlying aetiology Specificity: ü Identify location i.e. 96% transition point ü Severity i.e. complete Mallo RD, Salem L, Lalani T, et al. versus incomplete ischemia and complete obstruction in ü Identify complications – CT small bowel obstruction: a systematic 2005;9:690–4.trointest Surg. ischaemia, necrosis, perforation ü Identify features which may dictate if patient will settle or notSpot diagnosis on CTSpot diagnosis on CTSpot diagnosis on CTSpot diagnosis on CT Ischemia on CT • Ischemia is notoriously difficult to predict on CT alone: Sensitivity varies ; 15-100% 1,2,3 • Yet important to predict – associated with 25% mortality in SBO versus 2% without ischemia .1 1. Zalcman M, Sy M, Donckier V, Closset J, Gansbeke DV. Helical CT signs in the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia in small-bowel obstruction. AJR Am J Roentgenol2000;175(6):1601–1607 3. Sheedy SP, Earnest F IV, Fletcher JG, Fidler JL, Hoskin TL. CT of small-bowel ischemia associated with obstruction in emergency department patients: diagnostic performance evaluation. Radiology2006;241(3):729–73697;205(2):519–522Assessing for ischemia Constant severe pain as opposed to colicky. Clinical and Pain out of proportio biochemical signs correctly predictfindings Clinical Evolving abdominal sides findings (Hx of cases o lynism and Ex) Tachycardia/hypotension/ new fever 1Metabolic acido isn D, Svanes K, et al. Early operation Imaging Biochemical small conservative management of patients with 20.bowel obstruction? Eur J Surg. 2002;168:475–81. Previously 2. Takeuchi K, Tsuzuki Y, Ando T, et al. Clinical studies 2004;70:40–4.uc cytosisbowel obstruction. Am Surg. discussed and CRPInitial management • NBM • Intravenous fluids / resuscitation • Analgesia /anti-emetics • NG tube to decompress SB – aid with symptoms, prevent aspiration, help resolve obstruction, facilitates measuring of fluid losses & guides IVF, monitor if resolving. • Fluid balance • Stool chart • Urinary catheter • +-Abx • G&S • PPI • (NELA) to aid any operative decision makingReassess response through serial clinical assessment & decide on operative versus conservative management +- GGOperative vs conservative management ? Indications for exploratory surgery: • Complicated SBO i.e. closed loop obstruction, bowel ischaemia, necrosis or perforation • Aetiology eg. Hernias, Gallstone ileus, small bowel volvulus, closed loop obstruction, managed )y1(studies show a high failure rate and high mortality rate if not operatively • Failure of non operative management in 72 hours - can potentially extend conservative management to 5 days* • ?Virgin abdomen mortality and morbidity .2anagement beyond 5 days is associated with increased 1. 2014;149:383–92.inkerton C, Brasel KJ, et al. Palliative surgery for malignant bowel obstruction from car- cinomatosis: a systematic review. JAMA Surg. 2. Bauer J, Keeley B, Krieger B, et al. Adhesive small bowel obstruction: early operative versus observa- tional management. Am Surg. 2015;81:614–20.Salient facts on non-operative management • Extremely rare for subacute obstruction to result in ischaemia with non operative management (3-6% progress). But it can happen. 1 • Non-operative management is overall successful in 65-80% of patients within 2-5 days of admission 2 and (in appropriately selected patients – most studies specific to adhesional SBO). 1 Jeong WK, Lim SB, Choi HS, et al. Conservative management of adhesive small bowel obstructions in patients previously operated on for primary colorectal cancer. J Gastrointest Surg. 2008;12:926– 32. 2. Catena F, Di Saverio S, Coccolini F, et al. Adhesive small bowel adhesions obstruction: evolutions in diagnosis, management and prevention. World J Gastrointest Surg. 2016;8:222–31. 3. Choi HK, Chu KW, Law WL. Therapeutic value of gastrografin in adhesive small bowel obstruction after unsuccessful conservative treatment: a prospective randomized trial. Ann Surg. 2002;236:1–6.Gastrograffin & Evidence • Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic benefit Systematic review and meta-analysis: Ceresoli et al. Water-soluble contrast agent in adhesive small bowel obstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic and therapeutic value. Am J Surg. 2016;211:1114–25. • Predicted resolution of SBO with a sensitivity 92% and specificity 93% • GG reduced need for surgery, decreased LoS and time to resolution of symptoms • No increased morbidity or mortality associated with GG Gastrografin challenge versus stan- dard treatment in adhesive small bowel obstruction. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;83:47–54. the Compared those with adhesional obstruction treated with and without GG: GG Group : Lower rate of operative exploration (21% vs 44%) Reduced LoS (4 vs 5 days) Multivariable regression models demonstrated GG was INDEPENDENTLY associated with successful non operative managementGastrograffin & Evidence Other contradictory evidence show no benefit: ASBO1 (Acute Small bowel obstruction study, prospective RCT ) – GG vs saline in adhesional SBO. -No difference in operative intervention or resection rates -No difference in LoS 1.intestine obstruction (ASIO): a prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical trial. World J Surg. 2008;32:2293–304.Gastrograffin • Water soluble hypertonic contrast solution How does it work? • Decreases bowel wall oedema • Stimulates bowel • When to give?Surgical Management Laparoscopic versus open surgery • Dependent on etiology of obstruction • Depending on the surgeon’s experience • Patient factors – extensive Hx of abdominal surgery/nature of previous surgeries i.e. meshes and timing of previous surgery abdominal Examination findings - distension/tense/space, CT - number of transition points, space patient physiology - able to tolerate time to carry out laparoscopy and physiological changes associated with it?When to resect small bowel? • What are intra-operative signs of ischaemia ? • Lack of peristalsis • Cold • Colour • Shiny appearance • Smell • Thrombosed mesentery • Lack of bleedingQuestions