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Discover the world of Trauma and Orthopaedics through the eyes of a Core Trainee, Miss Elizabeth Dominguez, in this on-demand teaching session. Gain insider knowledge into the variety, practical and academic balance, significant impact on quality of life, and the hands-on experience offered in this field. The presentation also discusses the typical day of a T&O SHO, providing insight into trauma vs elective theatre, ward rounds, and clinics. You'll explore both the usual dramatic career progression – from medical school, and foundation training, to core surgical training, specialty training, and eventually consultancy – and the presenter's personal journey in the field. Learn what it takes to get into Core Surgical Training, including involvement in 40+ surgical cases, attendance at 3+ surgical conferences, leading a surgical-themed audit, and more. This session is a must-attend for any medical professional looking to learn more about or planning to pursue a career in Trauma and Orthopaedics.

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Orthopeadics CST Portfolio Lecture given by Dr Dominguez

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the variety and balance between practical and academic skill in orthopaedics training.
  2. Gain knowledge about the career path and typical timeline of core surgical training to consultancy in orthopaedics field.
  3. Identify necessary preparations, experience, and portfolio points needed for core surgical training, and learn how to meet these requirements.
  4. Understand the day-to-day work in Trauma and Orthopaedic Specialty, including managing new patients with acute injuries and regular clinic and ward rounds.
  5. Gain insights and advice on how to effectively pursue a career in Trauma and Orthopaedic field based on the speaker's personal experiences and journey.
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Trauma & Orthopaedics: A Core Trainee’s Perspective Miss Elizabeth Dominguez, MBChB RIOC | 20 APRIL 2024Why Orthopaedics? VARIETY BALANCE IN SIGNIFICANT VERY HANDS RESEARCH PRACTICAL VS IMPACT ON ON ACADEMIC QUALITY OF SKILL LIFE Trauma Meeting T ypical Theatre (Trauma vs Elective) Day as a new patients with acute injuries See T&O SHO Ward Rounds / Clinics Medical School (5-6 years) Foundation Training (F1 - F2) CST Interviews Core Surgical Training (CT1 – CT2) Usual Timeline MRCS Parts A&B, Speciality Interviews Speciality Training (ST3 – ST8) Senior Fellowship Consultancy Medical School (5-6 years) Foundation Training (F1 - F2 à F3, F4, F5 ++)) CST Interviews Core Surgical Training (CT1 – CT2 CT2 à CT3, Usual CT4, CT5 or Junior Fellowships) Timeline MRCS Parts A&B, Speciality Interviews Speciality Training (ST3 – ST8) Senior Fellowship Consultancy My Journey 2014 2018–2019 2020–2022 2024 - 2030 Started Medical Intercalated MRes in Foundation Year 1 & 2 Specialist Registrar School (University of Health Sciences (Aneurin Bevan Training (Scotland Bristol) Research University Health Deanery – East Board, South Wales) Region) President of BUOS, Core Surgical Training – Social Media Officer First BOTA Medical T&O Themed (Royal SCRUBS Student Representative United Hospitals, Bath) 2017–2019 2018–2019 2022-2024What do you need to get into Core Surgical Training? MSRA + Portfolio + Interview What do you need to get into Core Surgical Training? MSRA + Portfolio + Interview What do you need to get into Core Surgical Training? MSRA + Portfolio + Interview What you need for max portfolio points: • Involvement in 40+ surgical cases (Assisted ++) – elogbook.com • Attended 3+ surgical conferences – Certificates of attendance • Surgical taster week – signed letter from consultant • Led in ALL aspects of a surgically themed audit – signed letter from consultant • Presented the audit at a national or international conference/meeting – Letter of acceptance of presentation + slides + programme (optional) OR, • First author publication with PubMed citation (not case report/letter) What you need for max portfolio points: • Designed and organized a teaching programme (4 or more sessions) for healthcare professionals or medical students – letter from consultant, summary of feedback (optional) – see wording from HEE guidance • Masters in teaching (minimum 3 university terms) or PGC What do you need to get into Core Surgical Training? MSRA + Portfolio + InterviewMy advice during medical school: üPhang it on a wall, tick things off as you go along. üBe proactive and ask. üBe enthusiastic and keen. üENJOY medical school while you can. üDon’t be so hard on yourself!Questions? Email: elizabeth.dominguez@doctors.org.uk