CST Applications: Preparing Your Portfolio
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CST Applications: Preparing Your Portfolio DRV ARUNSARODAYA DCT1 Yorkshire Deanery CT1 Yorkshire Deanery Secretary, YFTSS YTFSS Committee Members ROSIE V ARUN Sheffield Graduate Grad School Leeds Intercalation F1 - Mumbai F1/F2 - Academic, Sheffield F2 - Gen Surg, Barts F3 - A&E and Orthopaedics, F3 - ITU, Barts Sheffield Portfolio Score: Portfolio Score: 59/72 47/72 - Approximate Timeline - Application process What we're going to - Summary of points breakdown - Portfolio sections 1-9 cover - QuestionsTimeline 2021-2022 ***LAST YEAR*** 1 2 3 4 5 6 Online portal Submit and Once you Certificates, Clearly label Make it easy Since 2020 structure Upload letters, emails,evidence for the per self-as Upgrade screenshots, award you to assessment No Change points guide Downgrade Current process for submitting portfolio2021-2022 Summary of points breakdown /72 1. Commitment to Specialty 20 2. Postgraduate degrees and qualifications and additional degrees 4 3. Prizes and Awards 6 4. Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit 8 10 5. Teaching Experience 6. Training in Teaching 4 7. Presentations 6 8. Publications 6 9. Leadership and Management 81. Commitment to Specialty ➢ Attempt - No points ➢ Passing letter/ email 1. Commitment to Specialty ➢ All courses ➢ BSS/ ATLS/ CRiSP ➢ So you want to be a Surgeon ➢ Catheter course ➢ Research Courses 1. Commitment to Specialty ➢ eLogbook ➢ Previously 15 cases → 3 points ➢ Observed/ Assisted/ Scrubbed ➢ No patient identifiable ➢ Logbook → Cons Name/ GMC No/ Sign1. Commitment to Specialty ➢ Surgically themed ➢ CPD Accreditation ➢ UG Surg Soc NOT Accepted1. Commitment to Specialty Glossary Surgical course Any surgical themed course either organised or accredited, by one of the UK Royal Colleges of Surgeons, an international/national surgical organisation or regional deanery will be accepted. Alternatively, any surgically themed course with evidence of CPD accreditation will also be accepted. Non-accredited or undergraduate medical school society organised courses will not be accepted. Surgical Conference Any surgical themed conference either organised or accredited by one of the UK Royal Colleges of Surgeons, an international/national surgical organisation or regional deanery will be accepted. Alternatively, any surgical themed conference with evidence of CPD accreditation will also be accepted. Non-accredited or undergraduate medical school society organised conferences will not be accepted.2. Postgraduate degrees and qualifications and additional degrees2. Postgraduate degrees and qualifications and additional degrees3. Prizes and Awards ★ Oral presentation 3. Prizes ★ Poster Presentation ★ Essay Competitions and Awards ★ Distinction In Medical School ★ Global scholarship programme ★ Bursary for funding a research project Glossary International The activity is deemed international when an applicant has delivered it in a country other than your country of residence/education at time of delivery or a recognised international meeting that rotates to different countries so then may occur in the country of your undergraduate education or residence. National The activity is deemed national level when firstly the applicant has delivered it in the country where their undergraduate education took place, or at their time of residence, e.g. if an applicant delivered a presentation in Sweden whilst undertaking their undergraduate education in Sweden, this cannot be classified as ‘International’ just because it is outside of the UK: it would be national. Regional The activity is deemed regional if it extends beyond a local hospital, single trust or university setting; for example, the deanery or sub-deanery region or a cluster of hospitals comprising different NHS trusts. If your activity extends beyond this, then this would count as national. Local The activity is deemed local if it is confined to a hospital, trust or university setting. If your activity extends beyond your local hospital/trust, this will count as regional or national as appropriate.4. Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit4. Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit ➢ Closed loop/ Complete cycle ➢ Lead HIGHEST ➢ Surgically Themed POINTS ➢ Presentation4. Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit4. Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit5. Teaching experience5. Teaching experience6. Training in Teaching7. Presentations7. Presentations7. Presentations - Oral Presentation - More challenging - Viva - Poster Presentation (In Person/ e-Poster) - Submit Abstract - Prizes - ASiT/ AGBI - International/ National/ Regional/ Local8. Publications 8. Publications Original Research → First Author → Max ➔ OR → SRs, Prospective studies Everything Else → First Author ❏ Case Reports ❏ Case Series ❏ Invited Commentary ❏ Book Chapter Collaborative Research - Named v/s Collaborative Author Glossary First author The first author is usually the person who made the most significant intellectual contribution to the work. (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-andcontri butors.html) Co-author An author who is not the first author but has met the ICJME criteria (as above) for authorship and is cited/listed on the title page of the published manuscript. Collaborative author Collaborators will not have met all 4 of the ICJME criteria for authorship but are acknowledged due to their contribution made. Typically, this list is found at the end of the manuscript.9. Leadership and Management Top Tips Read the Self Assessment Handbook! All evidence has to be since starting medical school or first degree Be organised - Design own contents page - Collect and organise your evidence - Get letters from supervisors in the past with exact wording as self assessment - Don't use the same piece of evidence for different sections Be honest You just need enough for an interview (⅔ marks from interview)QuestionsThanks for listening Good Luck!!!