Coming Up with An Idea and Writing a Research Question
"Getting started in: Coming up with an idea and writing a research question" is an on-demand teaching session by Hugh Alberti and Lily Lamb tailored for healthcare professionals. The webinar focuses on helping attendees understand how to convert an idea into a scholarly research question. Attendees will get insights into the educators' personal journeys, receive tips for developing an idea into a research question, and have the opportunity to ponder their research ideas, goals, and potential questions. The session further examines the importance of choosing a topic matter that appeals to you and others, highlighting the necessity of significant communication and relevant theory considerations. The tips discussed will assist attendees in refining their topic and writing a compelling research question.
Learning objectives
- The learners will understand the process of developing a research question from an initial idea.
- The learners will be able to identify potential ideas for research within their fields and formulate relevant questions.
- The learners will acquire strategies for refining and narrowing their research topics to achievable and manageable scopes.
- The learners will have insights into effective strategies for research design, data collection, and analysis in the context of clinical education.
- The learners will be equipped to assess the relevance of their research ideas in relation to existing literature, theory, and stakeholders' interests.
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Getting started in … Coming up with an idea and writing a research question Hugh Alberti and Lily LambSession aims • To help you understand the process of turning an idea into a research question • To share our own journeys from idea to research question • To cover some top tips for developing an idea into a research question • To give you the opportunity to consider your own research ideas, aims and potential questionsWhat is Clinical Education Research? … research which has the understanding or evaluation of any aspect of clinical education as a primary focus…. Asks the question: ‘what works for whom, why, how and in what context?’ Critical component of scholarship in health professions education; the scholarship of discoveryLilys idea…Hugh’s ideaResearch ideas • Problems, questions, potential solutions can all turn into research IDEA RESEARCH ACTION • Qualitative research asks ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘why’ or ‘who’ Research design BACKGROUND THEORY AIMS RESEARCH DATA ANALYSIS QUESTIONS COLLECTION Top tips • Find something that matters, to you and to others! • Is the question worth asking? Will others be interested in the outcome? • Talk, talk and talk! To people within your field and outside it.T op tips • Spend time reading and thinking • What is already studied/ written on your topic? • What are the gaps? Have studies recommended areas for future research? • Find a supervisorT op tips • Consider relevant theory • Be reflexive • Refine your topic • Involve patients and the publicAims and Research Questions • Aim is broad, RQs are more precise. • Aim is usually to (verb) (phenomenon) • Research questions are the questions your research sets out to answer • Think about theory from the start- it provides a framework for describing/ understanding the topic and findings. Read around to find relevant theories. • Don’t think about methodology/ methods too soon• ‘Good questions do not necessarily produce good research, but poorly conceived or constructed questions will likely create problems that affect all subsequent stages of a study’ Agee 2008 • ‘Our questions change during the process of research to reflect an increased understanding of the problem’ Cresswell 2007T op tips for writing research questions • Don’t expect the first version to be the final question(s) • Identify an important topic where your research can provide new insights- where is the knowledge gap? • Find out from stakeholders/ published articles what the important/ unanswered questions are in this area • Good research questions are narrow and specific… but don’t always start this way • Don’t expect to make huge leaps in knowledge through your research, make sure your research questions are manageable and achievable in the time you have • What kind of question (when, what, how, why) will determine the methods you use • Talk to your supervisor(s), listen to their advice and refine your questions with their input From Mattick et al, How to write a good research question, The Clinical Teacher 2018Lily’s research questions • Supporting medical students towards careers in general practice through maximising the potential of role modelling:Arealist review of what works, for whom and in what circumstances. • What are the potential outcomes of General Practitioner (GP) role modelling in undergraduate medical education? • What are the key contexts where GP role modelling occurs to produce intended and unintended outcomes? • What are the key mechanisms whereby GP role modelling leads to intended and unintended outcomes? • In what ways can interventions support positive GP role modelling to facilitate careers in general practice and reduce unintended outcomes?Hugh’s research questions To develop a conceptual understanding of the cultural factors that emerge when delivering a core component of the Newcastle CCS curricula in Malaysia (NUMed), to inform Newcastle University and other international medical educators in cross-cultural contexts. What are the perceived cultural factors that emerge when delivering the core ‘information gathering’component of the Newcastle CCS curricula in the NUMed setting. Newcastle CCS curricula in Malaysia.ence the delivery of the ‘information gathering’component of theTime to have a go… • In small groups discuss your ideas, potential research aim(s) and initial research question(s)SummaryResources • Agee J Developing qualitative research questions: a reflective process 2009 • Mattick et al, How to write a good research question, The Clinical Teacher 2018 • Maxwell JA Qualitative research design, an interactive approach • Rees E Starting research in clinical education