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Charlie Martyn Medical leadership and SAS doctors



SEHSCT SAS event to allow staff to connect, celebrate achievements, despite the challenges over the past couple of years, and collaborate with colleagues to improve opportunities going forward.

This event will highlight the SAS Career as a positive choice for doctors interested in a hospital or portfolio career.

The in-person event will be held at :

Ards QII Centre, Ards Hospital, Church St, Newtownards, BT23 4AS

with catering provided by the award-winning Krazi Baker, Dromore

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Medical Leadership and SAS Doctors Mr Charles J Martyn, Medical DirectorGMC Register as of 23 September 2021 • SAS doctors are almost 20% of all doctors, rising to 30% when local employed doctors are included • A diverse group ranging from doctors with 4 year’s experience to highly experienced Independent Practitioners • All prospectively appointed doctors into SAS are Specialty or Specialist Doctors • Some doctors remain on the historic grades, now closed to new entrants Academy of Medical Royal College’s Leadership Framework 1. Demonstrating personal qualities – self awareness/integrity 2. Working with others – networking, building relationships, team working 3. Managing services – planning, manage resource and people 4. Improving services – patient safety, critically evaluate, facilitate change/transformation 5. Setting direction – identify context/need for change. Apply evidence, make decisions, assess impact RCP SAS Doctor Strategy 2022-24 Strategic Aim 1 – Educating • Ensuring equity of access to education and examinations • Supporting SAS doctors’ involvement in delivery of education • Supporting development of SAS doctors in research Strategy Aim 2 – Improving • Supporting SAS doctors to be involved in quality improvement and service design and consequent service developmentStrategy Aim 3 – Influencing • Supporting SAS doctors to develop leadership skills and therefore positioning themselves for leadership of design workforce planning and the delivery of patient centred care • Sharing good practice of SAS doctors • Working within an multi-professional communityRCP Strategy Aim 4 – Member Engagement • Building SAS communities with RCP to represent workforce • Establishing SAS networks • Support SAS doctor wellbeing• NI Charter for Specialty and Associate Specialist Doctors 2015 • Appointment of SAS Trust leads who work collaboratively to develop and support SAS doctor development and career opportunities locally • We look forward to the appointment of a regional SAS Lead (Associate Dean) • I am aware of the collective work of SAS Trust Leads to collaborate with DoH in that space SAS Development Programme • This incorporates leadership training with access for SAS to Proteus and Aspire Senior Leadership st Programmes (1 time) • Designing also a new bespoke SAS Leadership Programme ‘Chrysalis’ • Mentorship, communication and interview skills also included• Clinical skills training identified as to the most desirable type of training by SAS doctors in ‘Training Needs Survey’ • Would potentially enable SAS to upskill to deliver new services and influence service improvement and patient care • Specialty curriculum development to augment and develop good quality clinical skills is a key priority for staff What can you as clinicians do to lead the agenda? • Challenge the status quo • Pose questions • Stimulate the team • Is there an ‘ideas’ person in your team, if so utilise them Usually successful services have at their heart: • Strong clinical leadership • Close working relationship with service manager • Respect for both parties’ position is essential to achieve • Try to understand each other’s position Creating the right culture • Value based organisation • Emphasis on people management • Focus on continual improvement • Visible leadership • Partnership approach • Continual engagement • Bottom up as well as top down Clinical Leadership •“Essential in creating a culture of safety” •“Transformational leadership is essential in promoting a culture of safety” •“Finally, leaders must maintain a ‘just culture’ that recognizes most errors involve system deficiencies, not human error and that disruptive behaviour cannot be tolerated.” Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology GLUCK, PAUL A. MD• How do you as a group aim to take forward your newfound skills and interest in clinical leadership? • What might you plan as an individual? • Is there work you plan to target? • How might that fit with the formal clinical leadership structures? Anne Marsden SAS Trust Lead T F Trust Sayed Ahmed SAS Trust Lead Calderstones Partnership F Trust Why SAS doctors can be effective leaders:- • Use ‘Initiative’ to act on opportunities • ‘Become a leader before other people view you as one’ • Healthy organisations reward those who take the lead, not just those with formal management rolesTake responsibility for your own objectives:- • Set priorities • Display a ‘ Can do’ attitude • Try to solve problems, rather than pass them on to others • ‘Yes, I’ll make it happen’• ‘Go the extra mile’ when asked to do tasks • Go beyond your job description – do work that gets you noticed • Show enthusiasm • Take ownership of problems, anticipate problems and solutions • Take pre-emptive action where possible • Don’t be afraid to try and fail, you may succeed• Present a positive image • Be assertive when the situation calls for it • Learn from failure, plan carefully, get objectives, persevere • Listen, be supportive, encourage others to do better • Making sure you get the best from others Work …Life – What’s Important To You?Questions?Good luck in your future career decisions and eventual career. Work hard, be the best you can be.