Case Report
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CASE REPORT Alishba Z Khan AIM To now what, why, how, where, and when of Case report Aren't they the same thing? • Case: – single unit in a study • Case Study : – research method • “Clinical Case Study ” – is defined as “case reports that include disorder, diagnosis, and clinical treatment for individuals with mental or medical illnesses,” • “Non-clinical Case Study” – is a “document consisting of non -clinical or organizational case examples of the concepts being researched or studied. • Case Series: – is group of casereports • Case History: – a record of data which contributes to a case study. • Case Control: – A study that compares two groups of people • Case Report Questions: • What? – Case reports are defined as the scientific documentation of a single clinical observation. – Da few patientsptions: symptoms, diagnoses, disease courses, and treatments of one or • When? – Unusual observations – Adverse response to therapies – Unusual combination of conditions leading to confusion – Illustration of a new theory – Question regarding a current theory – Personalimpact. • How? • Where? – Case report journals table - – mainstream edical journals -5%, – case report journals generally have a higher cceptance rate, ranging between 20% and 70%. – JPMA • Why? Your Whys • Observation and pattern recognition skills • hypothesisgenerating skills. • patient-centered are. • Writing skills and rhetorical versatility • “Mini-thesis”. Their Reason “First line of evidence” . ExamplesWhere Does it Go wrong for us? Lack of quality mentorship AND formal raining in case report writing. How? • First steps: Discussion with supervi, Registra, forming ateam. • Informed Consent of patient. • Information gathering: Collect notes, investigation, images • Decide a Journal: Think. Check. Submit. Check their guidelines. • Writing up -Ensure complete anonymity • Coming up with a title • How your case is different? Diagnosis/Management. • Conclusion • Writing an abstract • IRB Approval to publishTitle Key Words Abstract 100 words or less. Introduction main concerns and important clinical findings. primary diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. Conclusion Introduction Case Discription Patient Information C De-identified o Primary concerns and symptoms Medical, family, and psychosocial history including relevant genetic information. n Relevant past interventions and their outcomes. t Clinical Findings DiagnosticAssessment Diagnostic methods t Diagnostic challenges. Diagnosis Prognostic characteristics TherapeuticIntervention Types of therapeutic intervention Administration of therapeutic intervention Changes in therapeutic interventions with explanations. Follow-up and Outcomes Clinician-and patientassessed outcomes Important fol-up diagnostic and other test results. Intervention adherence and tolerability. Adverse and unanticipated .ventsPatient Perspective DisDiscussion of the relevant medical literature. The rationale for your conclusions . C Strengths and imitations n The primary “take -away” lessons from this case report (without references) in a one paragraph conclusion. Reference tion Limited o less than 15. Figures and ables n Limited to one table, and two to three figures i Informed Consent/IRB Approval u e d ) Additional Material • Case report ournals: • .1186/s13256-017-1351-y/tables/ • Our Story: • A case report of case report pursuit by medical student: • • CASE REPORT Example: • / Reference • • • • • • • • 186/s13256-017-1351-y • would love to have you, do join SYNCH FMC Research. For details email: synchFMC.research@gmail.comThank you for ListeningJ