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Learn all about the complex dynamics of cardiac physiology in an intuitive, comprehensive course presented by expert educator, James Cartlidge. This session is ideal for medical professionals looking to deepen their understanding of cardiac electrophysiology, the cardiac cycle, output and pressure, control of regional blood flow, and capillary function. Understand the mechanisms and functions of pacemaker cells, the impact of the parasympathetic nervous system on heart rate, and the sequences of ventricular action potentials. Dive into key areas such as the cardiac conduction system, electrocardiograms, and the contraction of cardiac muscle. Interactive quizzes throughout the course promotes active learning and retention. Choose this course to master the underlying physiological principles that govern your daily clinical practice.

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Welcome to week 8 of the QUB CardioSoc weekly peer-to-peer teaching series! This is our last week of our teaching series! Today we will cover cardiac physiology which will include going over the basics of normal cardiac physiology to form a basis of knowledge for pathological conditions!

Learning objectives

  1. To understand the roles special pacemaker cells play in creating electrical impulses, focusing primarily on the Sinoatrial node and the Atrioventricular node & Purkinje Fibres.
  2. To comprehend the changes and functions across different phases within the Cardiac Pacemaker Cells, from Slow spontaneous diastolic depolarization to Repolarization.
  3. To grasp the complexities of Ventricular action potentials, and how different ions including Na+, K+, and Ca2+ contribute to various phases of it.
  4. To learn how the Cardiac Conduction System works, especially the propagation of impulses from the Sinoatrial node to Purkinje fibres, resulting in ventricular systole.
  5. To explore the contraction mechanism of the cardiac muscle, particularly how Ca2+ induced release and sliding filament theory contribute to the contraction process.
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Cardiac Physiology QUB CardioSoc T eaching Series James Cartlidge wcartlidge02@qub.ac.ukOverview • Cardiac Electrophysiology • Cardiac Cycle • Cardiac Output • Control of Arterial / Blood Pressure • Control of Regional Blood Flow • Capillary Function • Venous Return Electrophysiology – Cardiac Pacemaker Cells • Specialised pacemaker cells generate electrical impulses • Systole – coordinated contraction • Potential difference generates AP – intra- vs. extra • Occurs in SAN & AVN • SAN (upper wall of right atrium) • Natural automaticity – generates own APs • AVN & Purkinje Fibres • PM activity capable First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 • Normally overridden by SAN – due to slower natural rate • Fastest pacing dictates rate – SAN controls Electrophysiology – Cardiac Pacemaker Cells • Phase 4 • Slow spontaneous diastolic depolarization • ‘Funny current’ – ‘If’ channels • Activated by hyperpolarization • HCN activation • Slow mixed Na+ inward / K+ outward current • Automaticity of SAN & AVN • Phase 0 (upstroke) • Opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels • Fast voltage-gated Na+ channels inactivated • HCN inactivation • Phase 3 - Repolarization • Inactivation of Ca2+ channels • ↑ activation of K+ channels → ↑ K+ efflux • Autonomic NS Control First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 • HR affected by PNS & SNS – innervate SAN & AVN • PNS → ACh → M2 muscarinic receptors (SAN) → ↓HR • SNS → NA → β1 adrenoceptors → ↑ HRQ1 • Which of these locations is normally the natural pacemaker site of cardiac muscle? A. Sinoatrial node (SAN) B. Atrioventricular node (AVN) C. Coronary Sinus D. Ventricular myocytes E. Purkinje FibresQ1 • Which of these locations is normally the natural pacemaker of cardiac muscle? A. Sinoatrial node (SAN) B. Atrioventricular node (AVN) C. Coronary Sinus D. Ventricular myocytes E. Purkinje FibresQ2 • When the parasympathetic nervous system releases acetylcholine to act to decrease heart rate, what receptor does it act on? A. Beta 1 adrenoceptor B. Mu opioid receptor C. Alpha 1 adrenoceptor D. Muscarinic 2 receptorQ2 • When the parasympathetic nervous system releases acetylcholine to act to decrease heart rate, what receptor does it act on? A. Beta 1 adrenoceptor B. Mu opioid receptor C. Alpha 1 adrenoceptor D. Muscarinic 2 receptor Electrophysiology – Ventricular Action Potentials • Ventricular myocyte APs trigger Ca2+ entry → contraction • Gap Junctions • Regulated pores connecting adjacent cardiomyocytes • Connexins → Connexons (at intercalated discs) • Electrical coupling → synchronous contraction • instant APion down electrochemical gradient → • Unidirectional AP spread TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com • 5 Phases (0-4) • Main channels – Na+, K+, Ca2+ • Driven by opening/closing of specific ion channels Electrophysiology – Ventricular Action Potentials • Phase 4 – Baseline • K+ channels open • K+ currents main determinant of RMP– Ek = ~ - 70mV • 3Na+/2K+ pump restores RMP – uses ATP • Phase 0 - Fast Depolarization • Depolarization spread through GJs • Voltage-gated Na+ channels open → Na+ influx → +ve feedback loop → steep depolarization • Na+ channels inactivated immediately after opening – refractory period • Some L-type Ca2+ channels open • Phase 1 – Notch • Transient K+ channel opening – K+ efflux First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Electrophysiology – Ventricular Action Potentials • Phase 2 – Plateau • K+ channels remain open – K+ efflux • Ca2+ channels open – Ca2+ influx • Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release • Essential for excitation-contraction coupling • Phase 3 – Repolarization • Ca2+ channels close, K+ channels open • ↑ K+ channel permeability • MP toward Ek - rapid K+ efflux • Na+ channels recover, cycle restarts First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Q3 • What ion in phase 2 of the ventricular action potential maintains the plateau phase, preventing rapid repolarization? A. Na+ B. K+ C. Ca2+ D. Cl- E. Mg2+Q3 • What ion in phase 2 of the ventricular action potential maintains the plateau phase? A. Na+ B. K+ C. Ca2+ D. Cl- E. Mg2+Electrophysiology – Ventricular Action Potentials TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery Cardiac Conduction System • Conduction System • Collection of nodes & specialized conduction cells • Initiate & coordinate contraction • Sequence of Conduction • SAN → spread across atria (atrial systole) → AVN (delay ~120 ms) → bundle of His (membranous interventricular septum) → L&R bundle branches → Purkinje fibres (subendocardial plexus) → ventricular systole First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Q4 • At what cardiac structure is the electrical action potential delayed by ~120ms? A. Sinoatrial node B. Atrioventricular node C. Purkinje Fibres D. Bundle of His E. Membranous interventricular septumQ4 • At what cardiac structure is the electrical action potential delayed by ~120ms? A. Sinoatrial node B. Atrioventricular node C. Purkinje Fibres D. Bundle of His E. Membranous interventricular septum Electrocardiogram • Trace • P wave • Atrial depolarization • Q wave • Initial ventricular depolarization • R wave • Bulk of ventricular depolarization • S wave • Depolarization from ventricular apex to base • T wave • Ventricular repolarization • ECG Cardiac Territories • Inferior – II, III, aVF – RCA, LCx • Lateral – I, aVL, aVR, V5, V6 – LCx (branch of LAD) • Anterior – V3, V4 – LAD First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 • Septal – V1, V2 – LAD Contraction of Cardiac Muscle • Cardiomyocytes contract according to sliding filament theory • Ca2+ Induced Ca2+ Release • Via IP3 • Gq protein coupling – Ca2+ release from SR • Gq activates PLC → breakdown of PIP2 → IP3 + DAG → Ca2+ channels on SR open → Ca2+ efflux • Via Ryanodine Receptors • Depolarization opens voltage-operated Ca2+ channels in T tubules → Ca2+ release • Ca2+ binds to RyR on SR → RyR activation → Ca2+ release from SR stores → Ca2+ spike • Activates cross-bridge cycling mechanism → contraction • Ca2+ Removal • Enters SR via SERCA or via Na+/Ca2+ exchanger TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com Contraction of Cardiac Muscle • Sliding Filament Theory • Ca2+ bound to troponin-C • Conformational change of tropomyosin • Myosin head binds to actin • ADP & iPO4 released from myosin head • Permits power stroke • Myosin head pivots & bends • Pulls on actin moving it • Muscle contraction • New ATP binds to myosin head • Myosin detaches from actin • ATP hydrolyzed into ADP & iPO4 • Cycle repeats, further contraction TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com Cardiac Cycle 4 Stages • Filling / Inflow Phase • systole (contraction)g diastole (passive flow) & atrial • AV valves open, SL valves closed • Isovolumetric Contraction • Ventricles contract • S1/SL valves closed – ventricular pressure build-up – • Outflow Phase • At/PAicular systole – ventricular pressure exceeds • Valves open → blood ejected into great vessels • Isovolumetric Relaxation • cycle repeatslax, At/PA pressure exceeds ventricles • AV/SL closed (S2) → AV valves open First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Q5 • At what phase of the cardiac cycle may S1 be heard? A. Inflow phase B. Isovolumetric contraction C. Outflow phase D. Isovolumetric relaxationQ5 • At what phase of the cardiac cycle may S1 be heard? A. Inflow phase B. Isovolumetric contraction C. Outflow phase D. Isovolumetric relaxation Cardiac Cycle Auscultation • S1 (‘lub’) • AV valves shut – start of isovolumetric contraction • S2 (‘dub’) • Outflow (semilunar) valves shut – start of isovolumetric relaxation • S3 • Early diastole (after S2) • Older patients – CHFetes • Decleration of blood from LA to LV • S4 • Late diastole, before S1 • Reduced ventricular compliance or LVH First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Cardiac Cycle First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Cardiac Cycle Central (Jugular) Venous Pressure Waveform • ‘a’ wave • Atrial contraction • ‘c’ wave • closed tricuspidntraction of RV, bulging • ‘x’ descent • phase, downwards displacement ofction closed tricuspid • ‘v’ wave • Venous return against closed tricuspid • ‘y’ descent • Open tricuspid, emptying in RA Key Questions in Cardiac SurgeryQ6 • Concerning the jugular venous pressure, which cardiac valve is most important in explaining its waveform? A. Aortic valve B. Pulmonary valve C. Tricuspid valve D. Mitral valveQ6 • Concerning the jugular venous pressure, which cardiac valve is most important in explaining its waveform? A. Aortic valve B. Pulmonary valve C. Tricuspid valve D. Mitral valve Cardiac Output • Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume x Heart Rate • Stroke Volume • SV = EDV– ESV, amount of blood expelled each cardiac cycle • Preload • Central venous pressure • ↑ CVP = ↑ SV (up to certain point) • ↑ CVP → ↑preload → ↑ diastolic filling pressure / stretching cardiomyocytes • (Starling’s Law)ntricular contraction → ↓ ESV • Afterload • Total peripheral resistance • arteries – dictates ease for expelling bloodgh First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Cardiac Output • Starling’s Law • More heart chamber fills, stronger ventricular contraction (↑ SV) • ↑ CVP = ↑ SV • Heart chamber stretches/fills • More regions of overlap for actin-myosin cross-bridges • Greater force of contraction • Optimal muscle fibre length for most forceful contraction • Above this, fibres can’t overlap more, may become overstretched • Preload too high, optimal fibre length surpassed → ↓contractility ↓ SV First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Cardiac Output • ANS Regulation of Stroke Volume • SNS & PNS act to ↑/↓ HR & contractility (inotropy) • SNS → β1 adrenoceptors → ↑ contractility (+ve inotropic effect) • PNS → M2 receptors → ↓ contractility (-ve inotropic effect) • ANS control regulated by medulla oblongata in brainstem • Sensory input from peripheral/central baro- & chemo- receptors • Carotid sinus, arch of aorta, carotid body First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Cardiac Output • Heart Rate (CO = HRxSV) • HR established by SAN - ~60-100bpm • Nerve impulses & hormones influence rate of SAN • ANS Control • PNS – input via vagus nerve • Vagus synapses in SAN & AVN • ↓HR (-ve chronotropic effect)PM potential slope→ • SNS – input via superficial & deep cardiac plexuses • Innervates SAN & AVN • NA acts on β1 adrenceptors→ ↑ PM potential slope → ↑HR (+ve chronotropic/inotropic effect) • At rest, PNS input to SAN dominates First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 Cardiac Output • Baroreceptor Reflex • Mechanoreceptors • Carotid sinus & aortic arch • Sensitive to changes in stretch & tension • Communicates changes to medulla oblongata (brainstem) • Via CNIX & CNX • Medullary centres responsible for ANS output • ↑ arterial pressure • PNS activated → activates cardiac decelerator centre • Cardioinhibitory centres impulses via CNX ↓HR • ↓ arterial pressure • SNS activation, no PNS • Cardiac accelerator centre activated ↑ HR & contractility • Hormonal • Adrenaline from adrenal medulla → ↑ HR First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Q7 • What structure in the brainstem regulates autonomic nervous system control, which in turn controls influence on cardiac output? A. Midbrain B. Pons C. Medulla oblongataQ7 • What structure in the brainstem regulates autonomic nervous system control, which in turn controls influence on cardiac output? A. Midbrain B. Pons C. Medulla oblongataControl of Blood Pressure • Stable BP maintained through homeostasis • mmHg • Systolic pressure – pressure during contraction • Diastolic pressure – pressure at relaxation • Mean arterial BP = cardiac output x total peripheral resistance • Factors affecting BP • CO - ↑ CO, ↑ blood volume in vessels, ↑ vessels pressure • TPR - ↓ vessel diameter, ↑ resistance, ↑ BP • Blood viscosity • Vessel length Control of Blood Pressure • Short Term Regulation of BP • Controlled by ANS • BP changes – baroreceptors – aortic arch, carotid sinus • ↑ arterial pressure → PNS (vagus) → ↓BP • ↓ arterial pressure → SNS → ↑HR / contractility → ↑BP • Long-Term Regulation of BP • Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosterone System • Anti-Diuretic Hormone • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide • Prostaglandins TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com Circulation – Blood Flow in Vessels • Flow • Volume of fluid passing given point per unit time • Flow = pressure / resistance • Velocity greatest in centre of vessel • Decreases closer to vessel wall (↑ resistance) • Pressure • Liquid flows down gradient – high (arterial) → low (venous) • Resistance • Force opposing blood flow • Poiseuille’s Law – resistance = (8 x viscosity x length) / (3.14 x TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com radius ) • Radius - ↓ radius ↑ resistance • Flow = CSA x velocity, as vessel CSA ↓ avg velocity ↑ - capillary beds, collective large CSA, slow flow • Viscosity • Relatively consistent • Vessel Length • Length directly proportional to resistance - ↑ length ↑ resistance • Virchow’s Triad – stasis, hypercoagulability, vessel injury Circulation – Peripheral Circulation Flow • Circulation • arterioles → metarterioles → capillaries → tissueeries → • Total peripheral resistance • Arterioles – resistance vessels • Diameter <0.1mm, muscular layer, single layer of smooth muscle cells • CO = HR x SV = ~5L/min • Regulating arteriolar tone • Vasomotor tone of arterioles controls blood flow to capillary beds TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com • At rest, high vasomotor tone • SNS → NA → ɑ1 GPCRs → vasoconstriction • Vasodilator metabolites • MCO2, K+, adenosine, lactate)release vasodilator metabolites (H+, • Reduce vasomotor tone → vasodilation → ↓ resistance → ↑ blood flow • Transports metabolites away limiting potential toxic effects First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Q8 • What variable in Poiseuille’s Law has the greatest impact on the resistance of a blood vessel? A. Radius B. Viscosity C. LengthQ8 • What variable in Poiseuille’s Law has the greatest impact on the resistance of a blood vessel? A. Radius B. Viscosity C. Length Circulation – Capillary Exchange • Capillary exchange between blood & tissue • Delivers nutrients, removes waste products • Fick’s Law • Rate of diffusion proportional to concentration difference & area available for diffusion • Rate of diffusion inversely proportional to diffusion distance • Many capillaries supply same tissue → ↑ diffusion area • Constant blood flow, maintains large concentration gradient • Capillaries in parallel ↓ resistance • Thin endothelium, small diameter → ↓ diffusion distance • Small lipid soluble molecules (O2/CO2) – freely diffuse • Molecule exchange via specialized channels/pores Circulation – Capillary Exchange • Starling Forces • Blood hydrostatic pressure • wallsure exerted by blood against capillary • Forces fluid out of capillary • Blood colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure • Pressure exerted by proteins in blood (mostly albumin) • Attempts to pull fluid into blood • Proteins too large to diffuse into interstitium • Interstitial hydrostatic pressure • Pressure of fluid in interstitium • Forces fluid back into capillary First Aid – USMLE – Step 1 • Interstitial colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure) • Pressure of proteins in interstitium • Pulls fluid out of capillaryCirculation – Venous Return • Blood flow back to heart – via veins • Low pressure, low resistance vessels • Venous pressure driving force for filling heart • Venous pressure affected by • Rate blood entering veins • Linked to peripheral resistance • ↑ resistance, ↓ rate blood entering veins, ↓ venous pressure • ↓ resistance, ↑ rate blood entering veins, ↑ venous pressure • Cardiac output • ↓ CO, blood backs up, ↑ venous blood volume, ↑ venous pressure • CVP is BP in vena cava near RA – normal ~2-6mmHg • High capacitance vessels, valve for unidirectional flow • Factors affecting venous return • Skeletal muscle pump, respiration, venous compliance, gravity, blood volume, COReferences / Resources • TeachMe Physiology https://teachmephysiology.com • Quesmed https://quesmed.com/ • Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery • First Aid – USMLE – Step 1Feedback Any Questions?