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This upcoming on-demand teaching session will provide nurses with a toolkit to help them identify, prevent, and manage chronic diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and atrial fibrillation. The session will also provide skills-building for nurses in topics such as maintaining a healthy heart, cardiovascular disease prevention, weight management and healthy eating, alcohol reduction, mental health and wellbeing, physical activities, smoking cessation, and oral health. Attendees will also have access to resources such as training, webinars, podcasts, and videos. Come join us at CAN Mezzanine on August 2022.

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Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Increase understanding of cardiovascular disease and the resources available to prevent it.
  2. Be familiar with physical activities to increase physical health.
  3. Understand strategies to help with weight management and healthy eating.
  4. Be able to identify resources for stress management, sleep, hydration and menopause.
  5. Gain knowledge of the individual apps and resources available for nurses to revalidate and improve their own health.
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Date: August 2022 Revalidation tool kit Apps or resources to target nurses’ individual health: N4HC Aim: To increase nurses’ knowledge about chronic disease and prevention for themselves their patients and communities and provide skills- building in areas of their choosing. Objectives: Support Nurses to identify their health and wellbeing Develop training associated with Nurses revalidation To support Nurses in engaging with training Provision of training using various methods Learning outcomes: For all community staff to be able to identify and prevent chronic disease and promote healthy eating and living. To preserve safely, promote professionalism, practice effectively, prioritise people. Target: Black, Asian and Minority ethnic group of Nurses within the Brent, Harrow and Ealing Boroughs: Topics: cardiovascular disease prevention Weight management and healthy eating, Alcohol Reduction Mental health and wellbeing Physical activity, Smoking cessation, Oral Health Director: Christine Hancock CAN Mezzanine, 7–14 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YR, United Kingdom; Tel +44 (0) 20 3096 7706 www.c3health.org; Twitter @c3health C3 Collaborating for Health is a registered charity (no. 1135930) and a company limited by guarantee (no. 6941278), registered in England and Wales.Hydration resources The menopause resources Stress & mental health resources Sleep resources Healthy ageing, Cardiovascular disease prevention Resource Image Category(s) One line Paragraph description*** Link to resource name * description** Cardiovascular https://www.heartuk.org.uk/tackling-cholesterol- disease Maintain a Online training There are various links which healthy on maintaining include online training, together/podcasts prevention heart a healthy heart webinar, podcast and video https://www.heartuk.org.uk/tackling-cholesterol- and preventing that discusses conditions that together/videos heart disease. can lead to heart disease such https://portal.e- lfh.org.uk/LearningContent/Launch/571421 as hypertension, high https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/high-blood- cholesterol, atrial fibrillation. It identifies methods of pressure-hypertension/ preventing each one of them. It https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cardiovascul ar-disease/ comprises of tool kit to check https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health- heart age. check/check-your-heart-age-tool/ https://www.gov.uk/government/publication s/health-matters-preventing-cardiovascular- disease/health-matters-preventing- cardiovascular-disease https://www.england.nhs.uk/rightcare/wp- content/uploads/sites/40/2019/03/nhs- rightcare-toolkit-cvd-prevention.pdf https://www.heartuk.org.uk/tackling-cholesterol- together/e-learning https://anon.healthline.com/17-effective-ways-to- lower-your-blood-pressure/ 2 www.c3health.orgPhysical activity & weight loss resources Resource Image Category(s) One line Paragraph description*** Link to resource name * description** Physical Physical Links to various These links provide access to physical https://portal.e- Activities Activities to support link for activities. Some of the activities are free. lfh.org.uk/LearningConten improve physical There is also educational information on the t/Launch/587402 health activities benefits of physical activities to the health ofhttps://www.nhs.uk/bett individuals. There is an opportunity for a er-health/get-active/ female only fitness program especially for https://www.sportenglan females from background that cannot mixed d.org/jointhemovement with men during exercise. Type and price https://couchtofitness.co Some of the activities can be done at home m/ such as the You tube video which had 10,381 https://www.thisgirlcan.c views. the park and some are in the gym o.uk/activities/ which requires https://www.youtube.co a cost m/watch?v=jrkI00wSCzk https://assets.publishing.s ervice.gov.uk/government /uploads/system/uploads /attachment_data/file/10 54541/physical-activity- for-adults-and-older- adults.pdf 3 www.c3health.org https://walkit.com/best- walking-distance- calculator/ Active 10 Physical A free app that What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/ap Walk Activity; tracks your Active 10 is an app that tracks and records p/one-you-active-10-walking- Tracker Weight Loss walking activity your daily walking activity. Through the app, tracker/id1204295312?mt=8 and encourages you can select how active you want to be you to increase (how many 10-minute brisk walks you want walking speed to achieve per day), giving you an achievable to achieve brief fitness goal to work towards to increase your 10-minute physical activity in a simple way. bursts of brisk Type and price of resource daily physical App; free to download and use activity. Who created it? One You (PHE) Reviews: 3.5 Stars “It is a good App and I really like the fact I can see when I am walking briskly” Couch to 5K Physical A free app that What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/g Activity; takes you An app that gives you step-by-step b/app/one-you-couch-to- Weight through a nine- instructions and coaching to get you walking 5k/id1082307672?mt=8 Loss; Stress week and running a 5K in just nine weeks. It Levels programme to provides motivation and advice from a choice get you off the of 5 trainers whilst you run, and also allows couch and you to track your progress you have made running a 5K. throughout the 9 weeks. Couch to 5K also gives advice and tips throughout your journey, and connects you to likeminded people through its community forum. Type and price of resource 4 www.c3health.org App; free to download and use Who created it? One You (PHE) Reviews: 4.8 stars “As someone who has never run I would say this app has the potential to change life styles. I honestly love running now and feel healthier and get a huge sense of wellbeing after every run.” Weight Weight Links to various These links provide access to weight https://share.transistor.fm/s/ manageme Manageme types of weight management programs. Some of the 312bf871 nt & nt to management activities are free. There is also educational https://www.nutrition.org.uk/t Healthy improve program to information on the benefits of healthy weight raining-and-events/nutrition- Eating health prevent long to the health of individuals. There are talks/ https://www.nutrition.org.uk/t term conditions opportunities to listen to podcast, blogs, and raining-and-events/our- and promote webinar from various professional regarding webinar-programme/ health. weight management https://www.youtube.com/wat Type and price ch?v=QvzjMla8fRE Some of the activities can be done at home https://portal.e- lfh.org.uk/LearningContent such as the You tube video which had 10,381 /Launch/571222 views. the park and some are in the gym which requires https://www.nhs.uk/better- a cost health/lose-weight/ https://www.nhs.uk/better- health/ https://www.nhs.uk/better- health/lose-weight/ https://www.efltrust.com/fit fans/ https://www.nhs.uk/live- well/eat-well/food- 5 www.c3health.org guidelines-and-food- labels/the-eatwell-guide/ https://www.nhs.uk/live- well/eat-well/how-to-at-a- balanced-diet/eight-tips- for-healthy-eating/ https://www.heartuk.org.uk/n utrition-academy/home Easy Meals What you A free app that What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/g eat allows you to An app that gives you the tools to search for, b/app/one-you-easy- search for create a shopping list and make healthy meals/id1082307333?mt= delicious and meals with ease. Search for more than 150 8 simple recipes recipes that include breakfast, lunch and to cook for dinner ideas, that are nutritious and help you breakfast, lunch keep track of calories. and dinner. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use Who created it? One You (PHE) Reviews: 4.8 stars “The meal ideas are varied but not complicated making them useful every day. I feel encouraged to try a variety so healthy eating isn’t boring.” MyFitnessP What you A free app that What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/g al eat; Weight allows you to MyFitnessPal is an app that allows you to log b/app/myfitnesspal/id3412 Loss; track your food your food and calorie intake, your physical 32718?offer_id=40887&aff Physical intake and activity, number of steps and make goals to _id=28095&aff_click_id=b3 activity calories with set and stick to. The app allows you to chart bc25af-3da9-4809-99d5- ease, and record your progress (in terms of physical activity, e3edecf89f09&source=59d 6 www.c3health.org your physical weight loss, nutrition) to promote a healthier f3af1b6920d344f3930c9&a activity and happier you. ff_sub3= Type and price of resource App; free to download and use; offers in-app purchases to access MyFitnessPal Premium Who created it? MyFitnessPal LLc Reviews: 4.7 stars “I love that you can scan in what you eat, track your progress, you friends can join which means you can develop your own support network and there’s also articles to read along the way” NURSING Physical A free app What is it? https://www.c3health.org/ YOU app activity; designed by Designed by nurses, for nurses: NURSING our-programmes/health- weight loss; nurses YOU is an exclusive app to help nurses care professionals/nursing-you/ hydration; exclusively for for themselves so they can keep doing what alcohol; nurses to they do best – caring for others. what you support their Now in its second year, the NURSING YOU eat wellbeing and app comes from a partnership with weight MAXIMUS UK. Building on MAXIMUS’ digital management wellbeing platform, NURSING YOU enables goals. nurses to reflect on how they make decisions at work and to identify wellbeing goals, such as how to help maintain a healthier weight or drink more water. The app includes wellbeing assessments, tracking functions, and recipes and health tips. For 2019, C3 and MAXIMUS are adding one- to-one health coaching. This unique 12-week behavioural change programme will better 7 www.c3health.org support nurses on their weight-loss journey, as health coaches help decide on goals, track progress and help nurses push through relapses. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use if you email in for the access code Who created it? MAXIMUS UK & C3 Collaborating for Health A podcast that The Food Diet, offers expert What is it? Available through the Medic exercise/ph A free podcast, hosted by Dr Hazel Wallace – podcast's app: Type in The ysical advice from medical doctor, personal trainer, blogger and Food Medic activity, leading experts on author – where experts in their field are https://thefoodmedic.co.u how we can live stress, healthier, happier interviewed on evidence-based advice from k/the-podcast/ fertility lives female hygiene, to diet, to exercising and stress. Type and price of resource Podcast, free to access Reviews: 5 Stars “Fabulous: some really inspirational topics discussed here” The Diet and A podcast with a What is it? Available through the Doctor’s what you specific focus on A free podcast, hosted by Dr Rupy Aujla – GP podcast's app: Type in The what you can eat Kitchen eat, to promote good and author – who interviews experts in Doctor’s Kitchen Podcast Podcast exercise health health, nutrition and wellbeing on healthy eating to how to prevent disease and illness. Type and price of resource Podcast, free to access Reviews: 8 www.c3health.org 5 Stars “Great Podcast” Feel Better, Mental A podcast that What is it? Available through the Live More health, provides easy A free podcast, hosted by Dr Chatterjee – a podcast's app: Type in Feel with Dr stress, health life-hacks GP, author and TV Presenter – who Better, Live More into the and expert advice Rangan anxiety, to give you tools interviews experts togive you easy, lifestyle search bar Chatterjee sleep, food to manage stress, and health hacks; from mental health, to gut sleep, eating health, to stress, to mindfulness. habits and more Type and price of resource Podcast, free to access Reviews: 5 Stars “Fantastic” “Podcast I listen to most” Thinking Relationshi An App designed What is it? https://thinkingslimmer.co slimmer p with food for listening m/how-it-works/ intending to A free trial App with a mixture of and loving and weight change unconscious persuasion, neuroscience, life loss relationship with modern psychology, behavioural science food and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) gently retrains the mind to change the way you think and feel about food and yourself. Type and price of resources Free 9 minutes access trial £33.00 / month for 3 months with a 10-day free trial 9 www.c3health.org Review NHS success story of healthcare professional Hydration resources Resource Image Category(s) One line description** Paragraph description*** Link to resource name * Hydration Hydration A free app that allows What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hyd Genius you to log your water An app that encourages you to ration-genius-daily-water-logger- content to calculate the record your water intake and, keep-track-your/id886735824?mt=8 amount of water you using a simple Algorithm, need to stay hydrated calculates the exact amount of water you need to stay hydrated throughout the day. The app provides you with information to let you know how hydrated you are, and sends daily 10 www.c3health.org reminders to encourage you to drink more water Type and price of resource App; free to download and use Who created it? Kalden Ficklin Reviews: 3.5 stars “I love this app. I never get enough water during the day but this app makes me try harder. It is easy to use and is very well organised.” Waterlogged – Hydration A free app to help you What is it? Drink More stay healthy and Waterlogged is an app that Water hydrated provides personalised charts and reminders to help you stay on top of your hydration. Simply log your drinks intake to track your fluid intake and monitor your consumption by day, week or year. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use; offers in-app purchases so you can sync the app with your fitbit/apple health, and unlock reminders to help you stay hydrated. Who created it? 11 www.c3health.org Day Logger, Inc. Reviews: 4.2 stars “I use this to track my water intake and it’s very useful as I suffer with bad acne and measuring my water intake motivates me to drink more water” NURSING YOU Physical A free app designed by What is it? https://www.c3health.org/our- app activity; nurses exclusively for Designed by nurses, for nurses: programmes/health- weight loss; nurses to support their NURSING YOU is an exclusive professionals/nursing-you/ hydration; wellbeing and weight app to help nurses care for alcohol; management goals. themselves so they can keep what you doing what they do best – eat caring for others. Now in its second year, the NURSING YOU app comes from a partnership with MAXIMUS UK. Building on MAXIMUS’ digital wellbeing platform, NURSING YOU enables nurses to reflect on how they make decisions at work and to identify wellbeing goals, such as how to help maintain a healthier weight or drink more water. The app includes wellbeing assessments, tracking functions, and recipes and health tips. 12 www.c3health.org For 2019, C3 and MAXIMUS are adding one-to-one health coaching. This unique 12-week behavioural change programme will better support nurses on their weight-loss journey, as health coaches help decide on goals, track progress and help nurses push through relapses. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use if you email in for the access code Who created it? MAXIMUS UK & C3 Collaborating for Health The menopause resources Resource Image Category(s)* One line Paragraph description*** Link to resource name description** Women’s The PDF Fact sheet Three PDF factsheets: the https://www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and- Health menopause menopause; menopause advice/factsheets/menopause/ Concern and insomnia and; menopausal hair loss. They aim to explain just what these changes are, 13 www.c3health.org and what you can do to make things easier. Manage my The Bespoke https://www.managemymenopause.co.uk/menopause- Free online resources: menopause menopause menopausal advice/ advice from Manage my experts in post reproductive Menopause questionnaire: contains number of health sections, data is then used to tailor specific lifestyle advice. If a donation is made it allows the user to download advice document as a PDF. Also, an option to calculate your QRISK, QFracture and Frax scores Manage my Menopause handbook: Highlights the changes and how they impact on long-term health and suggest small lifestyle changes. Menopause The To improve https://menopausesupport.co.uk/ Support menopause menopause Free PDF documents available to download: GP education menopause symptoms and raise awareness checker; ten things your within the doctor should know about workplace to menopause; getting the 14 www.c3health.org support most out of your doctors’ women appointment; experiencing understanding menopause symptoms. for men Poster #MakeMenopauseMatter poster to download and print to raise awareness in the workplace Stress and mental health resources Resource Image Category(s)* One line description** Paragraph description*** Link to resource name Mental Wellbeing To support improvement There available links that will www.wellbeingnands.co.uk health and of mental health and assisting and support mental https://portal.e- wellbeing well being health and wellbeing of individual lfh.org.uk/LearningContent/Launch/58 in the working and personal life. 7402 Having good mental health helps https://equallywell.co.uk/ individual to relax more, achieve https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind- more and enjoy lives more. matters/ The resource educates and gives https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind- insight into ways to improve matters/coronavirus/long-term- health-conditions-and-mental- mental health and wellbeing. wellbeing/ Types of Resources 15 www.c3health.org Online training, and informational https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind- websites. matters/lifes-challenges/health- Who created it? issues/ Most of the links is the NHS site and Health Education England. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/calm/ Calm Stress Levels; An app that offers What is it? id571800810?offer_id=40887&aff_id=2 Quality and guided meditations, An app that aims to reduce your 8095&aff_click_id=331e6433-ee39- quantity of sleep stories, breathing stress levels and improve your 4bf2-ac72- sleep programmes and quality of sleep through a range of 2c5df874d2bf&source=59df3af1b6920 stretching exercises in-built services. These services d344f3930c9&aff_sub3= include guided meditations, sleep stories, breathing programs, stretching exercises and relaxing music. The app features daily 10- minute programme of ‘Daily Calm’, 7- and 21-day mindfulness program for beginners and advanced users, and allows you to track your progress by recording your mindfulness (meditation) minutes and your daily use. Type and price of resource App; free to download; offers in app-purchases for monthly and annual subscription Who created it? Calm.com, Inc. Reviews: 4.7 stars “Calm gives you a toolbox with multiple different tools that you can use in various situations. I love 16 www.c3health.org it and highly recommend it to anyone” Thrive: Stress Levels; Thrive: Mental Wellbeing What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/thrive Mental Mental is an evidence-based app Developed in the UK by specialists -feel-stress-free/id1048928580?mt=8 Wellbeing health to prevent and manage with many years of clinical stress, anxiety, and experience, the app uses easy to related conditions. learn clinically proven techniques to help you live a happier, more relaxed, stress-free life. The app helps you monitor your mood and teaches you relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep muscle relaxation that with practice have shown to help people cope better with stressful situations. It also has a 'thought trainer' programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy tohelp you manage those negative thoughts. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use Who created it? Thrive Therapeutic Software Ltd Reviews: 5.0 stars “I appreciate this app so much. I’ve always had anxiety when my daily responsibilities have overwhelmed me. But the breathing exercises 17 www.c3health.org and ‘retraining my brain’ with positive thoughts has been life changing. Thank you for making this!!!” Headspac Stress Levels; An app that offers a What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/head e: Quality and number of mindfulness Headspace is an app that provides space/id493145008 Meditatio quantity of and meditation a completely free ‘basics’ course to n and sleep techniques with the aim teach you the fundamental Sleep of improving focus and techniques of meditation and decreasing stress and mindfulness with the aim of anxiety reducing stress and getting you on your way to being healthy and happy. After the basics course, you have the chance to gain access to the full Headspace meditation library by subscribing (monthly and annually). The app offers guided meditations on topics such as focus and exercise, and ‘sleep headspace’ and ‘everyday headspace’ to help you tackle parts of your daily life. Type and price of resource App, free to download; offers in app-purchases for monthly and annual subscription Headspace Inc. Reviews: 4.8 stars “This app has 100% helped me to manage my mental health for the 18 www.c3health.org better and has encouraged me to appreciate life. Cannot praise this app enough. Absolute life changer” CIPD Mental Resources developed to Factsheet: Mental health in the cipd.co.uk/mentalhealth (Chartered health; stress support those work place Institute experiencing stress and Gives an overview of mental health of mental ill health issues issues in the workplace. It provides Personnel and sets out practical guidance on supporting and steps that employers can employees’ mental health at work, Developm take to create a mentally including spotting early signs of ent) healthy workplace. mental health issues, training line managers, and promoting a good work-life balance. The factsheet emphasises the importance of making adjustments at work and offers guidance on providing specialist clinical and professional advice for employees who need it. Guide: People managers’ guide to mental health (Produced in collaboration with MIND) This guide is designed to support anyone involved in managing people, from line managers in large organisations to owner-managers of small firms. Includes practical guidance the principles, checklists and templates for facilitating conversations about mental health that are easily adaptable for 19 www.c3health.org different workplace environments and relationships. Poster Lets’ talk mental health Poster available to download and print. It is designed to help raise awareness of the ways in which colleagues can support each other’s mental health at work. Mental Mental A set of resources that Toolkit https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org. Health at health offer a starting point in Four free resource – two websites uk/toolkit/looking-out-for-healthcare- Work looking out for and two PDF documents: workers-mental-health/ healthcare workers’ Creating healthy workplaces: a mental health. toolkit for the NHS How are you feeling, NHS? How to be mentally healthy at work Everything you need to know about sickness absence: mental health Feeling Mental What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/feelin Good: health An app that provides a programme g-good-positive- positive based on positive psychology and mindset/id941140783?mt=8 mindset the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The audio tracks on the app combine deep relaxation with resilience techniques to promote focus and mental clarity. Themes or areas covered by the tracks are 20 www.c3health.org mindfulness, body relax and confidence boosting tracks. Type and price of resource App; free to download; offers in app-purchases for additional audio tracks Who created it? Positive Rewards Ltd. (Approved by NHS Digital) Reviews: 4.5 stars “Highly recommended: This app is amazing and has really helped me turn negative thoughts into positives” A link to where nurses, Sources of Support Now Finances, What is it? https://rcnfoundation.rcn.org.uk/apply Support mental midwives and nursing A webpage that signposts Nurses -for-funding/hardship-grants (Nurses, health, stress assistants can get support ito a number of different charities, www.qni.org.uk midwife levels difficult times. The resourcorganisations and resources, from www.1930fundfornurses.org are focused towards nurses, and Mental Health to Addiction to Junius Morgan website. associate Counselling to Finances thecareworkerscharity.org.uk. nurses It helps professionals manage their healthcareworkersfoundation.org own health and wellbeing while https://www.rcn.org.uk/get- looking after others. help/member-support- Type and price of resource services/financial-wellbeing/charitable- Webpage, free to access funding-and-other-help Who created it? https://www.rcn.org.uk/get- Nurses, midwives and nursing help/member-support- assistants. services/financial-wellbeing/charitable- funding-and-other-help 21 www.c3health.org https://www.england.nhs.uk/supportin g-our-nhs-people/ Happy Mental A podcast that promotes What is it? Available through the podcasts app: ways to find joy in every-day Place health, A free podcast, hosted by Fearne Type in Happy Place anxiety life Cotton, who interviews people in the limelight on the tools they use to promote their own wellbeing and positive mental health Type and price of resource Podcast, free to access Reviews: 5 Stars “Utterly inspiring, motivating, life changing" Time and Stress; Mindfulness-based What is it? https://www.rcn.org.uk/healthy- Space mindfulness; videos for nursing staff These mindfulness-based videos workplace/healthy-you/time-and-space mental created by the RCN. have been created for nursing health staff. The six videos each cover a different stage of your day, from starting your day to arriving home. Each video provides practical techniques which you can put into practice. There is also a team support and defusing video, which has been created for a nurse in charge or nurse manager, alongside a supporting leaflet. Type and price of resource Videos, free to access online Who created it? 22 www.c3health.org RCN Sleep resources Resource Image Category(s)* One line description** Paragraph description*** Link to resource name Sleep Life Sleep A podcast designed to help What is it? Available through the podcasts app: you unlock your sleeping A free podcast that provides advice Type in Sleep Life potential on how sleep interacts with various things going on in your life: relationships, nutrition; and provides tips and tricks to help you get a better night’s sleep. Type and price of resource Podcast, free to access Reviews: 5 Stars “Great Podcast” 23 www.c3health.org Promoting This link give https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/LearningContent/Launch/748420 Health Healthy access to a https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/a-practical-guide- y Ageing science-based to-healthy-ageing.pdf through https://www.nutrition.org.uk/life-stages/older-people/healthy-ageing/ Ageing physical information to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-matters-midlife- supports activities, individuals approaches-to-reduce-dementia-risk/health-matters-midlife-approaches-to- keeping the towards a reduce-dementia-risk brain stimulated, journey to sustainable maintaining healthy lifestyle healthy weight during ageing process. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/delivering-better-oral-health-an- Oral Delivering Evidence based evidence-based-toolkit-for-prevention Health better oral toolkit/Docume health nt to support HCPs in improving their and patients oral health and general well- being https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/brush-dj/id475739913 BrushDJ Multi award Oral https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.appware.brushdj&hl=en_GB&g Health winning free app l=US that works with any toothbrush to make brushing fun 24 www.c3health.org https://www.nutrition.org.uk/life-stages/older-people/healthy-ageing/healthy- Oral lifestyle/#teeth Health https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/ Oral BetterHealt Free NHS Health h resource that Change4Lif helps one make e healthier food choices and alternatives to sugary snacks. 25 www.c3health.orgAlcohol resources Resource Image Category(s)* One line Paragraph description*** Link to resource name description** Alcohol Alcohol Various link This link educates on alcohol, https://portal.e- reduction reduction to support support that can be offers to lfh.org.uk/LearningContent/Launch/587422 /cessation alcohol individual having problems https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/drink- reduction or with alcohol. Furthermore, it less/ to stop promotes healthy drinking https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/drink- drinking. with the correct amount that less/#tips-to-help-you-cut-down-on-alcohol is safe to drinks for both https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol- female and male. advice/calories-in-alcohol/ https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol- advice/the-risks-of-drinking-too-much/ https://www.alcoholics- anonymous.org.uk/ 26 www.c3health.org Drink Free A free app to What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/one-you- Days Reduction in the help you An app that allows you to days-off/id1196694906?mt=8 drinking of track and record and track your alcohol alcohol, reduce your consumption. It also allows daily alcohol you to nominate Drink Free consumption Days in order to reduce by weekly alcohol consumption. nominating The app provides daily Drink Free motivation and advice to Days. reduce alcohol consumption, delivers reminders, and allows you to understand how much you drink and how this is affecting your wallet and your waistband. Type and price of resource App; free to download and use Who created it? One You (PHE) Reviews: 4.5 stars “I find this a really good way of reminding myself not to drink! It is non judgmental and low key – just a private little nudge” Alcohol Change Alcohol Website A website that provides free https://alcoholchange.org.uk/help-and- UK consumption resources on cutting down. support/cut-down/tips-for-cutting-down Content includes practical tips on how to cut down; a link to a unit calculator; a comprehensive list of no/ low- 27 www.c3health.org alcohol options – with reviews and; an interactive alcohol body map. Smoking cessation resources Resource Image Category(s)* One line Paragraph description*** Link to resource name description** Smoking Reduce or Information is The link providessession to give health https://portal.e- cessation stop provided on and care professionals an overview of lfh.org.uk/LearningContent/Launch/5963 smoking how to reduce smoking and tobacco - including key 76 or and stop https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit- smoking. evidence, provide support on how to smoking/ promote an understanding of smoking and tobacco. https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit- The link also checks knowledge about smoking/personal-quit-plan/ smoking and established to support the 28 www.c3health.org delivery of smoking cessation https://www.youtube.com/user/NCSCTfi interventions provided by local stop lms smoking services, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qljB zXmTqjE https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/05/8 -things-to-know-about-e-cigarettes/ https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy- information/im-pregnant/smoking-and- pregnancy NHS Smoking A free app What is it? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/smokefr Smokefree that can assist An app that provides a four week ee/id687298065?mt=8 you in programme that entails practical support, stopping motivation and advice to help you stop smoking by smoking. Features include: daily support providing messages, badges to reward progress, a daily savings calculator and tips to help you quit motivation smoking. and support Type and price of resource during a four- App; free to download and use week Who created it? programme. PHE Reviews: 4.5 stars “This great App helped to motivate me and kept me going when I needed a bit of extra support!” 29 www.c3health.org30 www.c3health.org