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Breaking Down Trauma & Orthopaedics: Paediatric Orthopaedics



Join Orthopaedic Registrar Katie Hughes for an insightful on-demand session that focuses on women's role in Paediatric Orthopaedics. Discover why this specific speciality is so rewarding, including the ability to restore form and function in young patients, from tiny babies to small adults. Katie shares her experience as a registrar by giving tips and tricks on navigating training. Learn how the field has a global community with potential cost-saving impacts and observe the intricate process of guided-growth surgery. Hear about the benefits and challenges in the field, including the great work-life balance, and increasing focus on equality and diversity, alongside the workload and training costs. A must-attend for all medical professionals interested in advancing their careers in Paediatric Orthopaedics.

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🦴 Welcome to the final talk of our 'Breaking Down Trauma & Orthopaedics: Subspecialty Series' on Paediatric Orthopaedics. 🦴

This talk will be delivered by Miss Katie Hughes, an Orthopaedic Registrar on the South East Scotland Training Programme. Miss Hughes is currently completing her Research M.D. on Hip Displacement in Cerebral Palsy alongside her role as an NHS Lothian Medical Education Fellow.

📣 This talk will cover all things related to Paediatric Orthopaedics, which is a key aspect of being a Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon!

📅 Date: 8th April (Monday)

🕕 Time: 6 pm

📍 Venue: Online (MedAll)

Don't miss out on this opportunity! See you all there!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the scope and nature of paediatric orthopaedics and explore its impact within the wider medical community.
  2. Gain insight into the realities of life as an orthopaedic registrar, detailing the academic, professional, and personal challenges and rewards.
  3. Discover strategies and guidance for successfully navigating medical training and entering the field of paediatric orthopaedics.
  4. Explore case studies and real-life scenarios that demonstrate paediatric orthopaedic procedures and their impact on patients and families.
  5. Identify resources and avenues for further education on paediatric orthopaedics and its evolving practices.
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Paediatric Orthopaedics Katie Hughes – Orthopaedic Registrar ST5 EUTOS April 2024Session Overview Why paediatric orthopaedics is awesome What life’s like as an orthopaedic registrar Tips & tricks for navigating training Edinburgh Orthopaedics 2Session Overview What do you want to know? Edinburgh Orthopaedics 3Paediatric Orthopaedics Restore form & function all over the body Work with tiny babies to small adults Congenital, trauma & sports Great team work Global community Edinburgh Orthopaedics 4Simple solutions to complex problems Edinburgh Orthopaedics 5Cost Saving & Global Impact Edinburgh Orthopaedics 7 CURE International’s clubfoot photo of the year 2015 – a family of clubfoot! Baby successfully treated with Ponseti method 8Ortho / ὀρθός : straight, upright, deformity-free Pais / παῖς : child → Orthopaedics Edinburgh Orthopaedics 9Growth & Remodelling is Amazing Ortho / ὀρθός : straight, upright, deformity-free Pais / παῖς : child → Orthopaedics Edinburgh Orthopaedics 10Guided-growth Surgery Edinburgh Orthopaedics 11Leg is straighter, now needs to grow longer Edinburgh Orthopaedics 12T&O: Best Job Ever!How did I get here?Still on the telly…. Edinburgh Orthopaedics 18Coming out of programme…. Edinburgh Orthopaedics 19Coming out of programme…. Edinburgh Orthopaedics 20M.D. Research Edinburgh Orthopaedics 21Teaching Edinburgh Orthopaedics 22The Good! • 8 years of geographical / financial / career stability • Apprenticeship training • Great colleagues • Well supported • Work/life balance • Increasing focus on equality & diversity • Out of programme research / teaching opportunitiesPayThe Bad • Competitive entry to training & within Yearly Spending £ BMA 357 training programme GMC 420 • Workload MDU 105 • On calls & long hours (48hr weekends…) ISCP 260 • Keeping up your portfolio – 40 assessments ASiT 50 / 300 cases in logbook a year BSCOS 50 • Cost of training BOA 144 • Exams BOTA 30 • COVID disruption • Difficult NHS climateIf you’re keen, start planning now Google “person specification orthopaedics Scotland” Edinburgh Orthopaedics 26Find Out More • EUTOS! • Peds Ortho Podcast • British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery (BSCOS) Medical Student Membership and Podcast • Orthohub • British Orthopaedic Trainees Association (BOTA) • Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) • edinburghorthopaedics.org Edinburgh Orthopaedics 27Edinburgh Orthopaedics 28 Questions? katie.hughes3@nhs.scot Edinburgh Orthopaedics 29