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Basis of how to write a medical CV


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How to write a Medical CV? - as a medical student Glasgow University Vascular Surgery SocietyWhen would you need it? ● For entry onto the Specialist or GP Register ● Non-training posts: RMO (Resident Medical Officer) or Clinical Fellow; ● For “out of training experiences”, such as Leadership Fellowship and other non-clinical roles ● Academic Foundation Training ● Applications for clinical attachments (observerships) or electives ● Research positions ● Applications for committee positionsBasic outline:Personal Details ● Full name ● Correspondence address (preferably your home address rather than departmental address) ● Contact telephone numbers ● Professional email address (e.g. nhs.net, doctors.org.uk)Profile + Personal Attributes ● paragraph of 4-5 lines; summary ● Your agenda ● Your background ● Highlighting 3-4 specific skills and experiences most relevant + ● Skillset listingEducation and Qualification ● List your qualifications in reverse chronological order ● Include dates, institution(s) and location(s) ● Other previous degrees ○ Postgraduate qualifications ○ Qualification during intercal ● Pre-university qualifications* Positions of ResponsibilityAdditional skills and achievements ● Certificates ○ ALS certificate (additional provider status ensure that this is included) ● Prizes and Awards ● Attendance at conferences and meetings* ● Presentations* ● Publications ● Clinical audit / Quality improvement project ● Languages (state level of proficiency) ● Information technology skills (e.g. statistical analysis packages, Radiology reporting tools)Experiences Clinical Experiences ● Title Employment / Internship ● Location Volunteering Experiences ● Period of time ● A sentence of description Teaching Experiences ● Key responsibilities in bullet points Research Experiences ● Always try to link back to medicine Interests ● Non-academic ● Well-rounded ● Non-mandatory References ● “Available on request” ● Names and contact details of 2-3 referees Building Content Contact for reference List clinical and And List of roles with non-clinical Additional experiences Review your responsibilities interests Identify your achievements? strengths and -> selective ->sub-categorise? Use an excel sheet weaknesses; From small to 1. Important? ->selective Be concise List 6-9 of your big things 2-3 pages long 2. Just interest? Tone and Language “qualities” ● X photo ● X DOB ● Font size: minimum Formatting 11-12 ● Neat font ● Not too flowerySummary ● Be selective ● Concise ● Highlight what is relevant to your medical career /post you are applying for ● Watch out for changes in entry requirements for training programmes ● Half-yearly / yearly update ● Keep track + work on gapsReferences https://london.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/cvs_-_cover_letter.pdf https://www.bmj.com/careers/article/preparing-your-medical-cv https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/careers/students/graduatejobs/typesofjobs/medicine/cvs.aspx https://www.google.com/search?q=Medical+CV&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB818GB818&sxsrf=ALiCzsalc- BDH7n4Kyhw2NWsf0pcIkH0ow:1666814728453&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjazK 7e2P76AhXbSUEAHVcLC54Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1280&bih=699&dpr=2 Questions?