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Barnet NHS Health Checks Guide




NHS Health Check Training

Delivered by Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc

Former Clinical Advisor Personalised Prevention OHID

Chair Health Care Committee HEART UK

This is a Face to Face event, this bespoke NHS Health Check Training is a great opportunity to update your knowledge nationally and locally, whilst networking with colleagues from across Barnet.

Travel and parking details have been sent to all registrants and are available on the Barnet NHS Health Check training page.

This event is for Barnet only, please visit the Smart Health Solutions website for more information on the NHS Health Check training.

This course will provide the learner with updated knowledge and understanding to support them in carrying out an NHS Health Check assessment and to inform the client of the significance of their results and their risk, providing brief advice if required.

It provides underpinning knowledge for the core competences and technical competences described in the NHS Health Check competence framework produced by Public Health England.

Learning Outcomes

  • State why NHS Health Checks are important.
  • Identify non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Identify modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Know the NHS Health Check filters
  • State how an NHS Health Check should be conducted.
  • Identify how an NHS Health Check can assess and interpret the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • State how the risk of cardiovascular disease and opportunities for reducing this risk may best be communicated

Who should attend

Anyone involved in the delivery of health checks including:

  • Practice Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • GPs
  • Health Care Assistants
  • Care co-ordinators
  • Social Prescribers
  • Administration
  • Practice Staff
  • Pharmacists
  • Allied Healthcare Professionals
  • Health Trainers & Champions
  • Healthy Lifestyle Professionals

Certificates of participation are available to all attendees on submission of evaluation and handouts for each course are available for future reference via the MedAll platform.

We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.

We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008 and that we have won all training tenders we have bid for.

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Barnet NHS Health Checks Guide v1.3 W HICH TEMPLATE SHOULD I USE TO RECORD NHS H EALTH CHECKS? The template you should be using is NHS Health Check BAR 2017-18 V2 which is in the BAR Global Templates folder: There may be other templates available on your system (such as the Ardens template) but please do not use them – they do not contain all the items needed to complete a Barnet NHS Health Check. H OW DO IFIND AND RUN THE NHS H EALTH CHECKS SEARCHES ? • In EMIS Population Reporting o Navigate to the ES&R Barnet Federated GPs Limited EMIS only has space to show 4 libraries of searches, and the 5 onwards just appear as a world symbol. If you click on the world icon (bottom right highlighted in the screenshot below), you will be able to find ES&R Barnet Federated GPs Limited library o Then click: panBarnet > NHS Health Checks > *NHS Healthchecks Barnet 20XX-XX - o Right-click and copy this folder o Paste this folder into a folder in your practice section of Population Reporting o Run this folder (takes about 10 minutes to run this folder) H OW DO IFIND PEOPLE TO INVITE FONHS H EALTH CHECKS ? • Once the searches have run: o This first section shows patients that have not had an NHS Health Checks Invitation in the past 5 years: these are priority patients to invite, you can identify people with or without mobile numbers, so you can decide to send text invites, or letters etc. o The following sections below identify people that are also due invitations, for example, people that have had blood tests recently, so it is worth inviting them to ensure we do not send people for repeat blood tests unnecessarily. H OW DO IIDENTIFY PEOPLE THAT HAVE HAD ANNHS H EALTH CHECK THAT IS VALIDATE? • Navigate to the ‘Validation Folder’ then look at the patients in this report belowHOW DO IIDENTIFY PEOPLE WITH MISSING ELEMENTS OF THNHS H EALTHC HECK(D ISPUTED)? • Navigate to the ‘Validation Folder’ then look at the patients in this report below • You can also look individually at the different elements that are missing and the conditional items as per the example below HOW DO ICHECK THE SPECIFIC REASON FOR A PATIES DISPUTEDNHS H EALTH CHECK ? • Find the patient in the Excluded list of the validated patients • Right-click the patient then click on the Check Patient button • Scroll down to see which item is missing HOW CAN ISEE WHY PEOPLE ARE IDENTIFIED AS NOT ELIGIBLE NHS H EALTHC HECKS? Yes, you can by looking at people in this report below – you will either see that they are too young, or too old or already have had an NHS Health Check in the past 5y etc.