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Immerse yourself in the 2nd edition of the ASOU Annual Scientific Conference and Surgical Landscape Exhibition, taking place from the 26th to the 28th of March in 2024. Initiated by the Association of Surgeons of Uganda and the Ministry of Health, this conference will delve into the theme of "Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care." Additionally, it will showcase the vast range of surgical services offered regionally and pioneering advances in varied surgical specialities. The Surgical Landscape Exhibition will magnify the role of surgery in fostering economic growth. Various healthcare stakeholders, including clinicians, academicians, policymakers, and private sector players will congregate for this event, making it an invaluable networking experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to not only expand your knowledge but also contribute to the promotion of Global surgery in Uganda.

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The Association of Surgeons of Uganda in Partnership with the Ministry of Health will host the Surgical Landscape Exhibition - 2nd edition at Kololo Ceremonial grounds on 26th March 2024 and the Annual Scientific Conference and AGM on 27th - 28th March 2024 at Protea by Marriott Hotel Entebbe to showcase the plenary lectures, research, and advances in surgical practices in Uganda.

The Association of Surgeons of Uganda (ASOU) is the officially registered body that brings together all Surgeons; both in training and fully qualified; retired or practicing; in Uganda or in the diaspora to foster excellence and ethical conduct in surgical practice. It represents the national agenda for advancement of Surgery.

One of the association’s core values is to promote multidisciplinary approach towards patient management by working closely with other disciplines i.e Nursing, Anesthesia, Laboratory and Diagnostics, Radiology, Public Health Private and Public sector organisations. This conference aims to reinforce and promote this teamwork to advance access towards safe, affordable, and timely surgical care.

A recent Lancet paper “Global Surgery 2030” reported that 5 billion people lack access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care when needed. 143 million additional surgical procedures are needed each year to save lives and prevent disability. 33 million individuals face catastrophic health expenditure due to payment for surgery and anaesthesia each year.    Surgery is an indivisible, indispensable part of health care and investment in surgical and anaesthesia services is affordable, saves lives, and promotes economic growth.

Aim and Objectives

The ASOU Annual Scientific Conference and Surgical Landscape Exhibition will be a forum that brings together stakeholders to share experiences, network, have shared learning, and draw key lessons related to the need, purpose, and methodology of advancing universal access towards Safe, Affordable and Timely surgical care.

The events will have these objectives:

  1. To Promote and harmonise collaborative work among surgeons and other disciplines involved in provision of surgical services
  2. To showcase the range of various surgical services provided in the region and provide in-depth Knowledge on the advances in the different surgical specialities.
  3. To promote Global surgery in Uganda and enhance collaboration with global surgery initiatives.
  4. To surgical training and mentorship
  5. To enhance and optimise wellness among surgeons

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the key challenges and possible solutions to improving universal access to surgical care according to the "Global Surgery 2030" Lancet paper and the plenary lectures of the conference.
  2. Gain increased knowledge about recent advances in surgical practices, specifically in the context of the Ugandan healthcare sector.
  3. Comprehend and articulate the necessity of collaboration among various disciplines within the healthcare sector to provide comprehensive and effective surgical care.
  4. Learn about the resources and procedures for surgical training and mentorship through the ASOU and other practitioners in the field.
  5. Promote wellness among surgeons, with a focus on work-life balance, stress management, and the creation of supportive professional networks.
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ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care CONCEPT PAPER THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE The scientific committee was elected in the ASOU Executive Council planning meeting held on 2nd Nov 2022 and its composed of: Dr. Christine Namugenyi - Chair Prof. Moses Galukande - Co-Chair Prof. Patrick Kyamanywa Prof. Robinson Ssebuufu Dr. RoseAlenyo Dr. Flavia Luwedde Dr. Kakungulu Edward Dr. Kigonya Victor ORGANISING COMMITTEE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OFFICIALS Dr. Jane RuthAceng - Minister of Health Dr. DianaAtwine - Permanent Secretary - MOH Dr. Charles Olaro - Director Curative Health Services MOH Dr. John Baptist Waniaye - Commissioner Dep’t of Emergency Medical Services Dr. Richard Kabanda - HOD Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Ms. LilianAkello -Administrative Secretary ASOU OFFICIALS Prof. FrankAsiimwe -ASOU president Prof. Moses Galukande -ASOU President elect Dr. Kakungulu Edward - General Secretary Dr. Christine Namugenyi - Chair Scientific Committee ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care Dr. Kakembo Nasser - Central Uganda Representative Dr. Ssettabi Eden Michael - Finance Secretary Dr. Victor Kigonya - Publicity Secretary Dr. Bua Manuel Johanes - Eastern Uganda Representative Dr. Bitamazire Denis - Western Uganda Representative Dr. Okidi Ronald - Northern Uganda Representative ASOU EXECUTIVE COUNCILMARCH 2022-2024 Prof. FrankAsiimwe - President Prof. Moses Galukande - President Elect Dr. Kakungulu Edward - General Secretary Dr. Flavia Were - Dep. General Secretary Dr. Ssettabi Eden Michael - Finance Secretary Dr. ShikandaAnne Wesonga - Information & Library Secretary Dr. Christine Namugenyi - Dep. Information & Library Secretary Dr. Kigonya Victor - Publicity Secretary Dr. Bua Emmanuel Johanes - Eastern Uganda Representative Dr. Nasser Kakembo - Central Uganda Representative Dr. Bitamazire - Western Uganda Representative Dr. Okidi Ronald - Northern Uganda Representative Dr. Makumbi Timothy - Mulago Specialised National Referral Hospital Representative Dr. Bbosa Brian - SHO Representative Mr. Joel Kiryabwire - COSECSARepresentative Mr. Jombwe Josephat - Ex-OfficioASOU President & COSECSARepresentative Mr. Ssenyonjo Hussein - Ex-OfficioASOU President Prof. John Ssekabira - Ex-OfficioASOU President ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND: TheAssociation of Surgeons of Uganda in Partnership with the Ministry of Health will host the Surgical Landscape Exhibition - 2nd edition at Kololo Ceremonial grounds on 26th March 2024 and the Annual Scientific Conference andAGM on 27th - 28th March 2024 at Protea by Marriott Hotel Entebbe to showcase the plenary lectures, research, and advances in surgical prac- tices in Uganda. TheAssociation of Surgeons of Uganda (ASOU) is the officially registered body that brings to- gether all Surgeons; both in training and fully qualified; retired or practicing; in Uganda or in the diaspora to foster excellence and ethical conduct in surgical practice. It represents the national agenda for advancement of Surgery. One of the association’s core values is to promote multidisciplinary approach towards patient management by working closely with other disciplines i.e Nursing,Anesthesia, Laboratory and Diagnostics, Radiology, Public Health Private and Public sector organisations. This conference aims to reinforce and promote this teamwork to advance access towards safe, affordable, and timely surgical care. Arecent Lancet paper “Global Surgery 2030” reported that 5 billion people lack access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care when needed. 143 million additional surgical procedures are needed each year to save lives and prevent disability. 33 million individuals face catastrophic health expenditure due to payment for surgery and anaesthesia each year. Surgery is an indi- visible, indispensable part of health care and investment in surgical and anaesthesia services is affordable, saves lives, and promotes economic growth. Aim and Objectives TheASOUAnnual Scientific Conference and Surgical Landscape Exhibition will be a forum that brings together stakeholders to share experiences, network, have shared learning, and draw key lessons related to the need, purpose, and methodology of advancing universal access towards Safe,Affordable and Timely surgical care. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care The events will have these objectives: 1. To Promote and harmonise collaborative work among surgeons and other disciplines in- volved in provision of surgical services 2. To showcase the range of various surgical services provided in the region and provide in- depth Knowledge on the advances in the different surgical specialities. 3. To promote Global surgery in Uganda and enhance collaboration with global surgery initia- tives. 4. To surgical training and mentorship 5. To enhance and optimise wellness among surgeons THE SURGICALLANDSCAPE EXHIBITION - 2ND EDITION ASOU held the first ever Surgical Landscape Exhibition in March 2023 that show cased the var- ious surgical services in the country and the role of surgery towards economic development. The association in partnership with the Ministry of Health will host the 2024 Surgical Landscape Exhibition - 2nd Edition. It will be held on Tuesday 26th March 2024 from 8:00am - 5:00pm at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds and on 27th-28th March 2024 at Protea by Marriot hotel Entebbe. This event will be launched by the Ministry of Health. The surgical landscape exhibition will be the second edition to be held in Uganda. It will bring together healthcare leaders, clinicians, academicians, scientists, policy makers and private sector players in Uganda. The exhibition will also be open to the general public and be covered by me- dia. The exhibition will provide in-depth knowledge about new trends and latest developments in dif- ferent fields of surgery. There will be information regarding the complete range of surgical pro- cedures performed in Uganda and the best practices for consideration of treatment of patients. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition – 2 nd Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care The exhibition will provide a platform for brands that support surgical care to show their prod- ucts. Attendees will get the opportunity to meet numerous surgical professionals and interact with them. Exhibitors will be provided with a booth and will be able to make multiple short presentations to the public via interviews with media personality. Permission will be sought from UMDPC to allow marketing and advertising of healthcare ser- vices during the event. EXBITION FEES: EXHIBITORS AMOUNT (UGX) NO. OF DAYS LUNCH (Delegates) PLATINUM 5,000,000 3 2 GOLD 4,000,000 2 2 SILVER 2,000,000 1 2 Potential Exhibitors include: Specialised surgical services / associations in Uganda i.e. • The Uganda Heart Institute : Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery • The Uganda Cancer Institute • UrologicalAssociation of Uganda - Transplant Unit • Lubaga Hospital Transplant Unit • Society of Uganda Endoscopic and Gastrointestinal Surgeons: Hepato-pancreatico-billiary Surgery, Colorectal Surgery • Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons of Uganda: Minimally Invasive Surgery ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care • Peadiatric Surgical Foundation: Pediatric Surgery • Plastics, Reconstructive andAesthetic Surgery • Association ofAnaesthesiologists of Uganda Global Surgery : Smile TrainAfrica, Global Surgery Foundation National referral and Regional referral hospitals Private Hospitals Public & Private Medical Schools / Universities NGOs: Cure Uganda Private Health Sector Civil Society Organisations Private manufacturers, drug, supplies companies THEANNUALSCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE The 2024Annual Scientific Conference will be held on 27th and 28th March 2024 from 8:00am - 5:00pm. We shall have a hybrid conference i.e both online and in-person attendance. There will be ple- nary sessions delivered by local and internationally renowned speakers and experts in the subject matter. Successful oral and poster presentations will also be made. This event aims to bring together all Surgical specialties and associate surgical disciplines in- cluding Anesthesia providers, Radiology, Nurses, Diagnostics & Laboratory, Public health spe- cialists, public and private surgical health sector stake holders to discuss advances in provision of surgical care and increase access to surgical services in the country. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care The theme is “Advancing Universal access towards Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care.” The sub-themes focus on current needs for ASOU members suggested from the 2023 Annual Scientific Confrence feedback poll, the various work/research done in the country, the role of Government, Civil society organisations, Private sector, academic institutions, Professional associations and global surgery initiatives in supporting and advancing universal access to surgical health care in Uganda. The Sub themes include: 1. Role of Global Surgery Initiatives 2. Harmonising multidisciplinary team work • The National Surgical, Anesthesia & Obstetrics Plan ( team to present) • Associate disciplines: Surgery & Anesthesia, Radiology, Nursing, Lab & Diagnostics, Public health 3. Advances in Surgical Care • Surgical sub-specialties - MAS, SUGES, NSU, APRASU, ENT, OPTHALMOLOGY, OMF, 4. Surgical Training & Mentorship 5. Wellness: Welfare & Self care for Surgeons • Longevity of a Surgical Career • Surgical Business • Preparation for Retirement Note: PHD presentations will be made based on the sub themes. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care The Keynote speakers will include: Prof. Salome Maswime, Prof. Gregory Beilman, and Guest speakers: Ms. Jane Fualal, Dr. Mary Nabukenya, Dr. Doruk Ozgediz, Prof. Kyamanywa, Prof. Galukande, Dr. Jenifer Rickard, Prof. Neema Kasejje, Dr. Peter Nthumba among others. ABSTRACTS: Abstracts will be submitted via Asou website www.asou.or.ug & MedAll. For any support appli- cants may contact the Scientific committee via email asou.or.ug@gmail.com or via the provided mobile numbers. Categories: Current research papers from members for Oral and Poster presentations PHD presentations Deadlines: Submission deadline: 31st January, 2024 ; Deadline extension: 25th Feb, 2024 Review andApproval: 28th February 2024 ; Marking 1st Mar, 2024 General & specific abstract rules: Participants will refer to the abstract submission guidelines shared on the conference website. THE KYALWAZI MEMORIALLECTURE This event will be carried out on the 28th March 2024. The Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture is an annual event organised by the Association of Surgeons of Uganda in remembrance of Professor Sebastian C Kyalwazi, the first surgeon in East & CentralAfrica. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Jackson Orem, Director Uganda Cancer Institute. Other guest speakers and the Kyalwazi family will also participate in this session. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care THEANNUALGENERALMEETING The AGM will be carried out on the 28th March 2024. The Executive Council will present the various activities carried out by ASOU members through the terms. The Finance will present au- dited books of accounts to the members. There will be discussions among members about the ASOU strategic plan, ASOU SACCO, and amendment of the ASOU constitution. This will be concluded by nomination and voting of the incoming 2024-2026 ASOU Executive Council by subscribedASOU members. THE EVENING BALL/ GALA This event will crown the activities and will be held on Thursday, 28th March 2024. This will be a cerebration of ASOU Members and their associates where members are requested to invite their spouses, partners, next of kins. Members will be recognised for their achievements and contributions towardsASOU and the Surgical discipline at large. This event will promote networking, mentorship and fraternising among members. Entertain- ment, food and drinks will be provided. REGISTRATION All participants are required to register. Registration shall be through the scientific and organis- ing committee. Registration will be done the following ways: • Asou website: www.asou.or.ug & MedAll • Email: asou.or.ug@gmail.com , support@asou.or.ug , info@asou.or.ug • Mobile: Local Delegates: +256774 509870 (Miss Kiza Immaculate -Admin secretary) International Delegates: +256772 529442 (Dr Luwedde Flavia - SC Member) Exhibitors: +256773298785 (Dr Christine Namugenyi - Chair Scientific Committee) ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition – 2 nd Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care FEESAND PAYMENT INFORMATION Each participant is required to pay a registration fee. Participants are kindly requested to pay reg- istration fees as per their category below. CATEGORY AMOUNT Early Bird registration 400,000 Subscribed members 450000 Non subscribed members 500000 Subscribed Associate members 350000 Non members 500000 Online Participants 200,000 International Participants (physical) 500,000 Payments are to be made via 1. Mobile money: +256774 509870 - Ms Kiza Immaculate -Administrative Secretary 2. Deposits to Bank: Cash/Cheque/Bank Transfer: A/C Name:Association of Surgeons of Uganda A/C No: 9030005947013 Branch: Mulago branch 3. Physical payments for registered delegates at the venue ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care NOTE: For Payments made to the bank, scan the bank slip and share to the registration sec- retariat/ organising committee via text or emails above. The ASOU receipt will be issued to the participant subsequently. Early registration and payments are encouraged to facilitate adequate planning. Payments entitles the delegates to full attendance, full conference material: abstract summaries, and conference sta- tionary. They will also be guaranteed entry into the exhibition. Full course meals: Morning break tea, lunch, evening tea & water for 3 days and a cocktail/bbq for the last evening. Exhibitors will be entitled to a well secured booth, media coverage, interaction with participants, lunch for 2 members from the team. Accommodation and dinners are not covered by registration fees and will be booked separately with assistance from the secretariat. Communication to follow. TRAVELANDACCOMMODATION Transportation including theASOU Van will be available to transport participants communing from theASOU offices to the Confrence venue everyday. Local and International Participants will meet their own travel and accommodation expenses. Participants who will not be staying at the conference venue will meet their own transport to and from the venue.Again, the secretariat can help with information about suitability of hotels. International delegates requiring a visa to Uganda can check this website for more information. https://visas.immigration.go.ug/ TOURISM INFORMATION There are many places to visit around Uganda. Kindly visit the Uganda tourism board website for details: https://utb.go.ug/ ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition – 2 nd Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA th th th 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care CONFERENCE PUBLICITY The Confrence will be publicised at National, Regional and International levels. All important dates and announcements will be shared on the official conference website and social media platforms ofASOU (www.asou.or.ug). The committee responsible for Publicity will document a social media plan and market the con- ference to the best of their abilities. CONFERENCE EXPECTED OUTPUTS We shall have a high level breakfast with key policy makers to discuss key areas in advancement of surgical services in Uganda. Solutions on how to advance access to safe and affordable surgical care in the region among all surgical care providers. We shall work together with theAfrica Health Sciences Editor -Annals ofAfrican Surgery for a special edition of the Journal where presented abstracts for interested authors (with permission) will be published. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition – 2 nd Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care PROPOSED PARTNERS & SPONSORS LOCAL GLOBAL MOH Uganda SMILE TrainAfrica National DrugAuthority WHO National Medical Stores COSECSA MTN Uganda Global Surgery Foundation WHO Uganda KidsOR UMEME University of Global Health Equity ( UGHE) Uganda RevenueAuthority Partners in Health Uganda WildlifeAuthority IRCADAfrica Parliamentary Health Committee RCSI Institute of global Surgery Bulamu Health Care Royal College of Surgeons of England Tororo Cement CHESA City Oil SEED Global Health UAP Insurance AstraZeneca C-Care Uganda-UK HealthAlliance DENK Pharma, CIPLA, Wide Spectrum, Clinton HealthAccess Initiative Crown Health Care, Pacific Diagnostics, DHS Logis-UNICEF tics Private Sector Foundation Uganda LifeBox Plan International Uganda YOGI ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care HOW TO PARTICIPATEAND PARTNER WITH US SPONSORSHIP PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE Amount $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 troduce their products Program to i15mins 10mins 5mins - Number of Delegates 10 6 4 2 Reserved table at Gala dinner 10 6 4 2 Awards/ Recognition at Conference ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Sponsor’s logo on conference flyers✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ tionsrence website, and special invita- Sponsor’s printed materials inside con- ference bags ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Conference Venueity Material at the✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Exhibition space during the confer- ence. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Company logo on the cover page and ✓ ✓ ✓ book.ert inside the conference abstract Other Ways to Participate in Sponso1. Sponsoring Pre and Post Conference media engage- ship ments 2. Sponsoring the Conference Gala Dinner 3. Sponsoring registration for delegates interested to par- ticipate but limited with finances. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition – 2nd Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care