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Discover how ultrasound technology can revolutionize your practice in critical care and anaesthesia with our on-demand teaching session 'Applications of Ultrasound in Critical Care and Anaesthesia'. Dive into the principles of ultrasound, its history and explore how its wide variety of applications assist clinicians in daily practice. The session provides insights into how ultrasound can facilitate vascular procedures such as arterial lines and venous catheterisation, offering a solution for difficult peripheral access. Learn about the role of ultrasound in anaesthesia and pain medicine; from infiltration of peripheral nerves to block transmission and avoid pain, to techniques to perform different types of blocks. Moreover, find out how thoracic and abdominal ultrasound aids in diagnosing and treating a variety of ailments, such as pleural effusions, pneumothorax, and bladder volume assessment. Lastly, delve into the fundamentals of echocardiography, an invaluable tool in assessing and diagnosing significant cardiac pathology. This educational session is a must for medical professionals wanting to expand their knowledge in ultrasound applications.

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Session 3 - Applications of Ultrasound in Critical Care and Anaesthesia [For Medical Students and Foundation Doctors]

Thursday September 19th 2024 - 17:30 - 18:15 (BST)

An introduction into some of the applications of ultrasound which you may see in ICU, operating theatres and the ward. It will cover the following topics:

  • Principles of Ultrasound
  • Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine
  • Vascular Procedures
  • Thoracic Ultrasound
  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Echocardiography

Radiology Basics is an online radiology teaching course organised by foundation doctors from the United Kingdom to improve your confidence in interpreting radiology imaging as medical students, foundation doctors and interns.

Certificates will be awarded for each session on completion of the feedback form.

If you have any questions about the teaching session please email will.wong3@nhs.net.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand and explain the basic principles and techniques of ultrasound, emphasizing its application in critical care and anesthesia settings.
  2. Acquire ability to utilize ultrasound technology for vascular assessments and procedures, such as venous catheterisation and arterial lines, and comprehend its importance in certain clinical situations.
  3. Master the use of ultrasound technology in regional anesthesia and pain medicine, including the execution of specific nerve blocks and depth assessments.
  4. Accomplish court competency in using ultrasound for thoracic and abdominal assessments, learning to recognize and diagnose common conditions like pleural effusions, pneumothorax, and abdominal fluid accumulations.
  5. Learn the use of echocardiography to assess and diagnose key cardiac conditions, such as left ventricular dysfunction, pericardial effusion, and tamponade. Understand its use in guide interventional procedures and monitor the effects of interventions and therapies.
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Applications of Ultrasound in Critical Care and Anaesthesia Radiology Basics Session Three 19/09/2024Session Plan Principles of Ultrasound Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Vascular Procedures Thoracic Ultrasound Abdominal Ultrasound EchocardiographyBasic Principles of US • High-frequency sound ( 2 – ~ 15 MHz) • Transducer produces ultrasound beam • Mechanical oscillations of crystalline structures • Piezoelectric effect: electrical --> kinetic/ sound energy • Propagates through different tissues • Returns to transducer as reflected echoes • Converted back into electrical impulsesby transducer crystals --> Ultrasound imagesBasics of Ultrasound • US waves are reflected at the surfaces between the tissues of different density • Greater difference = • ↑ proportion of reflectedsound • ↓ proportion of transmitted sound • If soundis completely reflected, = acoustic shadowing. • Bones • Calculi (kidneys,gallbladder,etc.) • tissue or between tissues.there is no difference in a • Homogenous Fluids – blood bile,urine, cysts, effusionUltrasound Machine/Techniques ProbeType → Probe Movements → Planes/Orientations Modes – B(rightness) andM (ovement),Doppler Buttons – Presets,Depth,Gain,Focus • US was initiallydevelopedin1950/60s • Access to andquality of US technologyhas greatly improved US in • Use as a small,portable, ‘point of care’ imagingdevice • Increasinglywidespreaduse of ultrasound in clinical practice Anaesthesia due to new applications and ICM • Corepart of trainingin ICM andAnaesthesia nowadaysVascular Procedures When do we need vascular access in patients?Vascular Procedures • Venous Catheterisation • Central – InternalJugular Vein,Femoral Vein, SubclavianVein,AxillaryVein • PeripheralVeins – IV Fluids,Drugs, Blood Transfusions • Peripheralinserted central catheter (PICC) • ArterialLines • Radial,Brachial, FemoralCentral Venous Cathether (CVC) • Intravenous(IV) access(especially if difficult peripheralaccess) • Central venouspressure(CVP) monitoring • Central venousoxygen saturation (ScvO2)monitoring/sampling • Infusionsof irritant substances (e.g.vasoactive agents, chemotherapyorparenteral nutrition administration) • Renal replacement therapy,plasmapheresisand apheresis (using a vascath) • Transvenouspacing • IVC Filter 1 2 3Arterial Lines/ Catheterisation Arterial blood (ABG) monitoring – pH,O2, CO2 Blood Pressure - Continuous systolic,diastolic, and meanarterial blood pressure monitoring Hemodialysis/ Plasmapheresis/ Apheresis Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) Cardiac andradiological interventionsVascular Assessments Venous thrombosis (upper and lower limb) Specialist (Transcranial,Renal Artery) Volume status from dynamic ultrasound imaging of inferior vena cavaRegional Anaesthesia and Pain • Infiltration of peripheral nerves with an anaesthetic agent Medicine • Blocks transmission to avoid or relieve pain. • Advantages over general anaesthesia • avoidance of airway manipulation • reduced doses • side effects of systemic drugs • faster recovery time • lowerpainlevels after surgery • Can be usedin conjunction withGA • Applications in acute and chronic pain conditions • Rib fracturesWhich nerves would you target?T ypes of Block Blockade of the Superficial cervical Interscalene brachial Supraclavicular block Infraclavicular block Suprascapular block Axillary brachial terminal peripheral plexus block plexus block plexus block nerves of the arm Rectus sheath block Transversus Ilio-inguinal / abdominis plane Fascia iliaca block Femoral nerve block Obturator nerve block Saphenous nerve Lateral cutaneous iliohypogastric block (TAP) block block nerve of thigh block Sciatic (trans-gluteal, Epidural – assessment sub-gluteal, anterior Popliteal sciatic nerve Blockade of the of spinal level, Caudal Catheter or mid-thigh) nerve block Ankle block terminal peripheral epidural depth and techniques Lumbar plexus block block nerves of the leg direction Real-time ultrasound- Deep cervical plexus Paravertebral block / guided epidural block (cervical nerve intercostal nerve puncture and spinal root) block anaesthesiaThoracic Ultrasound Pleural Effusions and Pneumothorax Thoracocentesis and Chest Drain Insertion Pleural and Lung Pathology Assessment and Biopsy Diaphragmatic function Ultrasound guided percutaneous tracheostomy and cricthyroidotomy Doppler assessment of thyroid vascularityPleural Effusion 1 2Pleural EffusionPneumothoraxThoracocentesis and Chest DrainsOther Applications of Thoracic USAbdominal Ultrasound • Detection of free intraperitoneal fluid • Assessment of the abdominal aorta • Assessment of the IVC including filling pressures • Bladder volume assessment • Assessment of the gall bladder • Assessment of the kidneysIntraperitoneal Fluid - eFAST - Blunt Force/Penetrating Trauma - HaemodynamicallyUnstable Patients - Rapidlydirect appropriate operative interventions (e.g. therapeutic laparotomy) inunstable patientsAorta AssessmentAorta AssessmentRenal UltrasoundRenal UltrasoundGallbladder UltrasoundEchocardiography • Assessment and diagnosis of significant cardiac pathology • severe left ventricular dysfunction • right ventricular dysfunction (massive pulmonary embolus) • pericardial effusion and tamponade • hypovolaemia • Peri-resuscitation echocardiography • Use of echocardiography to guide interventional procedures and monitor and assess the effects of interventions and therapies 7 1 6 2 5 3 4Left Ventricular Dysfunction Normal Ejection Fraction (55-69%) Severely Reduced Ejection Fraction (<30%)CardiacamponadeQuestions?Thank you