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The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

1Right masseter (5) 2Right pterion (5) 3Accessory nerve (spinal division) (5) 4Right 3 maxillary molar (5) 5Anterior fontanelle (5) 6Ethmoidal sinus air cells (5) 7Right temporalis (5) 8Nasal septum (5) 9Accessory nerve (CN XI) (5) 10Fossa for lacrimal sac (5) 11Sigmoid sinus (5) 12Frontal bone (5) 13Common carotid pulse (5) 14Anterolateral cricoid cartilage (5) 15Right internal jugular vein (5) 16Left sternohyoid (5) 17Brachiocephalic artery (5) 18Lateral ventricle (5) 19Trachea (5) 20Abducens nerve, CN VI (5) 21Helix (5) 22Fourth ventricle (5) 23Frontal pole (5) 24Longitudinal fissure (5) 25Body of corpus callosum (5) 26Left Condylar Process (1) 27This is the Abducens Nerve (CN VI). Its function is to abduct the eye (away from the medial plane). (2) 28Left Zygomatic Bone (2) 29Left Ophthalmic Artery (2) 30Right Pterion (4) 31(6) Right Sublingual Gland 32(6) Left Ethmoid bone 33Right Zygomatic Arch - this image shows the lateral side of the right of the skull. (3) 34Maxillary Sinus (7) 35Left Sternohyoid Muscle. Bonus question: based on this name, which two structures does this muscle connect together? (7) 36Right Trigeminal Nerve CNV. Bonus question: can you recall the three branches of the trigeminal nerve and their functions? (7) 37Right Lateral Pterygoid Muscle. Bonus question: what is its function? Ans: It depresses and protracts the mandible to open the mouth. (7) 38Left Vestibulocochlear nerve CNVIII (3) 39Left Submandibular Gland (3) 40Tentorium of Cerebellum (3) 41Basilar Artery (3) 42Middle Nasal Concha (3) 43Lateral Ventricle (6) 44Superior Sagittal Sinus (6) 45Right Olfactory Bulb (3) 46Epiglottis (3) 47Left Subclavian Artery (3) 48Vomer/ Nasal Septum (3) 49Left Mastoid Process (3) 50Left Digastric Muscle - this is the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. (3) 5152