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AFP/SFP Talk - Slide Deck 1


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AFP (SFP) ROBIN BORCHERT FY2 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCEAFP CAMBRIDGEWHA T ISTHEAFP • Themed foundation programme: • Research (lab-based project) • Medical Education (with teaching,~PGCert) • Leadership and Management • Typically dedicated non-clinical time in FY2 (varies) • 500AFPs in UK/yearWHY • Common reasons: • Get more research experience • Non-clinical time • Prepare forACF/academic clinician • Make connections pathway • Find out foundation destination • Get exposure to specific early specialties • Just have to pass SJTCHOOSINGYOUR PROGRAMMES • Programme theme • Competitiveness • Location • Research interests • Rotations • Interview process • Timing of academic block • Experiences of others • F1 & F2 HospitalsDOYOUR RESEARCHYOURADDITIONALACHIEVEMENTS • Publications (pubmed ID) • Presentations (local,national,international) • Prizes (awards,scholarship,bursaries,recognition,etc.) • Tips: • 1.Include everything • 2.Evidence for everythingA FEW POINTS ON DECILES • Some have cutoff • Some don’t seem to mind for interview stage • Tips: • Find out if your programme has a cutoff • Aim for the highest decile you can getWSQS • Now the same acrossAFPs • Common and theme-specific questions • Tips: • Tailor to the programme • Be specific about your experiences you want to get out of theAFP • Draft early • Send for feedback from everyoneINTERVIEWS • Varies personal vs non-personal – do your research • Most will have research/clinical components • Clinical component +/- social & ethics twist • Demonstrate solid clinical knowledge as you’ll be completing the FP in reduced time • Approaching a supervisor – can help for some interviews • Resources: • ISC medical interviews handbook • Oxford handbook (emergencies section) • Supervisors,currentAFPs,friends for interview practice • Tip:book interview slot early!OFFERS • 48hrs to decide • May receive offer 1 week laterDA TES th • August 29 –Academic vacancies available on Oriel st th • Sept 1 -8 – Oriel registration • Sept 8 – 22 – Oriel applications open • Nov 29 – Deadline for shortlisting • Interviews – ~November/December th • Jan 12 – Offers • Jan 19 onwards – Cascading of remainingAFP postsNOT GETTINGANAFP • Doesn’t change much • Can still pursue research,QIPs,teaching,attend courses & conferences • Can put more emphasis on rotations/hospitals • Can still go forACFsTHANKYOU ?