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This on-demand teaching session, hosted by Dr Christo Thomas from the Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria, provides a comprehensive guide to the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It's intended for medical professionals seeking GMC registration and will cover key aspects including booking options, exam structure, types of tasks, and tips for each section - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Participants will get insights on how to improve their scores, exam costs, as well as the validity period and result processing time. The session will conclude with a detailed walkthrough on exam day protocols, revision resources, and understanding exam results. An absolute must-attend for anyone aiming to ace the IELTS!

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Join us for a CPD-approved talk on "Ace the IELTS," presented by Dr. Christo Thomas. This engaging session will explore effective strategies to excel in the IELTS exam, offering essential tips for improving language proficiency, test-taking techniques, and confidence-building methods. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your skills and achieve your desired IELTS score!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the structure and requirements of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for GMC registration, distinguishing between the academic and general training versions of the exam.
  2. Learn how to book and prepare for the IELTS exam, including understanding the cost and available test centers.
  3. Gain familiarity with the four sections of the exam: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, including the type of tasks, expected duration, and assessment criteria for each section.
  4. Develop strategies for improving performance on the IELTS, such as tips for each section, utilizing practice tests, and adequately managing time during tasks.
  5. Be able to navigate the exam day and understand the scoring system, providing awareness of what to bring, what to expect, and how to interpret exam results.
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AcetheIELTS DrChristoThomas Graduate fromthe MedicalUniversity of Varna, Bulgaria – To be able to apply forGMC registration you would need to sit an English proficiency exam such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) orthe OccupationalEnglish Test (OET) – The OET is more medicalrelated whereas the IELTS is more generalized. – There are 2 options when booking IELTS, academic orgeneraltraining. The academic one is the one required. – Otherthanthe speaking section, the exam canbe done onpaperorona computer. Whatisthe – Exam results take 1-5 days if done ona computerwhereas the paperone takes 13 days. IEL TS? – IELTS is valid for2 years – Tyou canimprove yourscore inone section(not available inthe UK), check the IELTs website forfurtherinformation. where – IELTS costs approximately £220 / 460 BGN – OET costs approximately £320 – Bulgaria test centers – Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Burgas https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org Howdoyou bookit? – Consists of 4 sections –Listening,Reading,Writing andSpeaking. – Totaldurationof 2 hours and 45 minutes. – Listening,reading and writing are done back toback whereas Examstructure speaking could be later onthat day or another day depending on examiner availability whenbooking the test. – Doing the computer based versionallows you tohave the passages up onthe left and the questions onthe right. – What does it assess? The ability tounderstand mainideas and specificfacts The ability torecognize opinions and attitudes The ability tofollow how aconversation/argument develops Listening – 40questions in30minutes – Recording only plays once – If paper based there’s anextra10minutes at the end totransfer answers from the questionbooklet tothe answer sheet – Sectionconsists of 4 recordings: A–A conversationbetween2 people inaneveryday socialsituation B –A monologue inaneveryday socialsituation C–A conversationof agroup (max 4)people inaneducational context D–A monologue inaneducationalcontext Listening – Types of tasks: Multiple choice questions Matching the correct answer Labelling adiagram Form/table/summary completion Completing asentenceTipsfor listening – What does it assess? The ability tounderstand ageneralsense of the passage Identify mainideas Identify specificdetails Understand inferences and implied meaning Reading Recognize opinions,attitudes and purpose of the writer Follow the development of anargument – 40questions in60minutes (noextratime if onpaper) – Types of tasks: Fillinthe blanks of sentences/tables Reading Matchheadings totext or diagrams Short answers toopenquestions Multiple choice questionsTipsfor reading – What does it assess? Ability towrite anappropriate response Organizing ideas Using correct vocabulary and grammar – 2 tasks in60minutes Writing – Recommended tospend 20minutes ontask 1 and the other 40 minutes ontask 2 – Task 1 requires aminimum of 150words – Task 2 requires aminimum of 250words – Task 1: Describing agraph,table,chart or diagram Similar toGCSE/A-LevelScience exam questions Try toexplaintrends – Task 2: Writing Write anessay onapoint of view or argument GCSEEnglish‘PEE’Point Evidence Explain You have toexplainyour personalopiniononatopicbut you can discuss the opposite view toreachthe word count if you are struggling. – What does it assess? Communicationof opinions and informationoneveryday topics Speak inlengthabout agiventopic Organize ideas coherently Speaking Express and justify opinions Analyze and discuss issues – 11-14 minutes,be relaxed and talk naturally – Consists of 3 parts: PartA –Examiner introduces themselves and confirms your identity.They willask generalquestions about yourself to encourage you tospeak naturally. Speaking Part B –You willbe givenaparticular topicand points that must be covered inyour answer.You have 1 minute toprepare and make notes,thenyou must talk uninterrupted for 1-2 mins.After you have finished,they willask 1-2 questions onthe same topic. PartC–Further questions connected toPart B,allows you todiscuss more abstract issues and ideas. – Practicetests–(Can’tstressenoughtodomockstopracticetiming) Whenyouregisterthere’smaterialsontheportal Writinganswersaren’tmarkedsotryaskingseniorsorpaidtutorswho understandthemarkingschemetocheckyouranswers. https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/take-ielts/prepare/free-ielts-english- practice-tests/ielts-on-computer/practice-tests https://ielts.org/take-a-test/preparation-resources/sample-test- Revision questions/academic-test https://mocktestielts.com resources – Youtube– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzps8q2es7c – Paidcourses— https://medcityinternationalacademy.com – Stay calm,arrive tothe test center early toavoid panicking and rushing intothe exam. – If you arrive late,you may not be allowed totake the test once it has started. – They willtake aphotoand signature before starting toconfirm details. ExamDay – Bring your ID(Passport),apen,penciland aneraser.You are also allowed tobring water inatransparent bottle. – If you need togotothe toilet during the test,raise your hand.The invigilator willcome and speak toyou,however the test willnot pause. – Scored out of 9 ineach sectionand overall. – A score of 7.5 required in eachsectionand 7.5 overall for the F2 standalone programme. – Exam results take 1-5 days if Examresults done onacomputer whereas the paper one takes 13 days.