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In this on-demand teaching session, medical professionals would receive an extensive review of abdominal examinations, with a focus on spot diagnosis and differential making. Ideal for both in-person and virtual attendees, the session includes insightful examiner tips and tricks for perfecting the craft. It offers a thorough breakdown of the examination process, from general inspection to auscultation, inspection and palpation of hands, and beyond. Our quick recap will tune-up your skills, help increase diagnosing accuracy, and boost patient management efficiency. The session also covers specifics on examining a stoma, external hernial orifices and genitalia, and conducting a digital rectal examination. Finally, the session lets professionals evaluate themselves with practice sessions involving real patient scenarios. This thorough and hands-on approach to learning will solidify your understanding, improve your technique, and enhance your overall medical practice.

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Join us for an interactive hybrid session designed for 4th year medical students focused on mastering abdominal examinations in clinical practice. This session will integrate both in-person and online learning, allowing for real-time engagement and collaboration.

Participants will learn the key components of a thorough abdominal examination, including inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation techniques. Experienced faculty will guide students through a structured approach, emphasizing the importance of patient communication and comfort during the examination process.

In-person attendees will have the opportunity to practice these skills on models and participate in small group discussions, while online participants will benefit from live demonstrations and Q&A sessions to clarify techniques and address common challenges.

By the end of the session, students will enhance their confidence and competence in performing abdominal examinations, equipped with practical tips and best practices to apply in clinical settings. Join us to refine your skills and ensure a strong foundation for your future medical practice!

Learning objectives

  1. By the completion of the session, learners will be able to conduct a thorough and accurate abdominal examination including general and specific inspections, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.
  2. Learners will attain the skill to recognize and assess different physical signs and symptoms associated with abdominal conditions, including liver disease, abdominal scars, and the presence of a stoma.
  3. Participants will be able to correctly identify external hernial orifices, examine external genitalia, and perform a digital rectal examination.
  4. Learners will have the competence to carry out an insightful examination of a stoma, covering inspection and evaluating its function, discharge, site, type and surrounding skin.
  5. By the end of the session, learners will be able to systematically present and discuss their findings with other healthcare professionals, ensuring their assessments are thorough, accurate, and don't miss any subtle signs.
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ABDOMINAL EXAMINATIONSEveryone: Quick recap of abdo examinations, spot diagnosis and differential making. In person students: practice with examiner tips and tricks to polish itABDOMINAL EXAMINATION OVERVIEW General Abdominal Abdominal inspection inspection palpation Chest and Inspect back percussion hands inspection Palpation of Face auscultation hands Axilla Neck (lymph Legs nodes) General Abdominal Abdominal inspection inspection palpation Chest and Inspect back percussion hands inspection Palpation auscultatio of hands Face n Neck Axilla (lymph Legs nodes)TO COMPLETE EXAM • Examine external hernial orifices • Examine external genitalia • Perform a digital rectal examination • Other tests/investigations if indicatedSPOT DIAGNOSESHOW TO EXAMINE A STOMA • Inspection 1. Site 2. Type of stoma 3. Surrounding skin 4. Covering of surrounding skin • Stoma functioning • Stoma discharge 1. Colour 2. Type 3. AmountSPOTDIAGNOSES:CONDITIONS THEYCOULD BRINGON THE DAY Patient with scars Chronic liver Patient with from previous disease stoma abdominal surgeryABDOMINAL EXAMINATION OVERVIEW General Abdominal Abdominal inspection inspection palpation Chest and Inspect back percussion hands inspection Palpation of Face auscultation hands Axilla Neck (lymph Legs nodes)THERE WILL BE OTHER SPOT DIAGNOSES I MAY NOT HAVE COVERED Please practice examinations at your own time Find patients on the wards that may show these signs: be thorough with your examinations and look for subtle signs Practice presenting these to doctors able to point you to the right signsin features that they have noticed: they may be Compare your findings to the medical notes: if your examination differs go back and normally happy to teach training doctors if youre friendly and keen to learn.are • Bevor Sie zu YouTube weitergehen [Internet]; [cited 2024 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/@geekymedics • Discover Clinical Medicine - MedSchool [Internet]. The Cardiovascular Exam; [cited 2024 Nov 8]. Available from: https://medschool.co/exam/cardio • Mansbridge C. The OSCE Revision Guide for Medical Students. [place unknown]: OSCEstop LTD; 2018. 376 p. • Bevor Sie zu YouTube weitergehen [Internet]; REFERENCES [cited 2024 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/@medzcool • [cited 2024 Nov 8]. Available from: https://zerotofinals.com/. • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks). [place unknown]: Oxford University Press; 2017. 928 p. Peer reviewed by Dr. Risma Remsudeen, Surgical SHO (YGC) on 10th November 2024/ Ronan Fitzgerald (SHO WMH)THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND PARTICIPATING I HOPE YOU FOUND THE SESSION USEFUL: ANY QUESTIONS