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Junior Anatomy Series Phase 1b Anatomy Abdomen, Pelvis, Perineum mock 2

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Phase 1b Abdomen, pelvis and perineum mock paper 2021-22 Keir Bhaskar 1. a. What structure attaches this organ to the anterior abdominal wall? b. What structure is the red arrow pointing towards c. The main blood supply of this organ is derived from which branch of the aorta?2. a. What is the area of the stomach labelled by the blue arrow? b. The blood supply of the area indicated by the orange arrow branches from which artery? 3. a. What is the muscle indicated by the blue arrow? b. The aponeurosis of this muscle forms what layer of the spermatic cord? c. The structure connected by the black arrows forms which border of Hesselbach’s triangle? d. The dermatome indicated at the level of the green line is? 4. a. At which part does bile drain into the structure indicated by the blue arrow? b. Which part of the structure labelled by the orange arrow is not retroperitoneal? c. The artery indicated by the green arrow supplies what structures? d. The corresponding vein to this artery joins which other vein to form the Hepatic portal vein?5. a. The muscle indicated by the blue arrow is? b. Which duct in the structure labelled yellow joins the bile duct to exit at the sphincter of oddi? c. Given that the hilum of the kidney is visible, at which vertebral level is this image taken? 6. This is an image of the gallbladder a. Which structure is labelled by the blue arrow? b. Where, exactly would you palpate for the structure shown in the image? 7. a. If the structure labelled by the blue arrow initially became inflamed, where would the pain be referred? b. If a surgeon was trying to locate this structure, what landmark on the colon would be useful? c. The structure indicated by the orange arrow has a blood supply that stops at which significant point in the rectum? d. Which part of this structure is retroperitoneal? 8. a. If the structure illustrated by the black arrow in the image is part of the venous porto-systemic circulation and connects with the oesophageal veins, what vein is it? b. This structure indicated by the blue arrow drains blood from where? 9. a. What is the structure labelled by the blue arrow? b. What structure is indicated by the orange arrow? c. The structure labelled by the green arrow crosses over which artery in the pelvic cavity? d. This structure is also damaged commonly in which surgical procedure? e. The grey arrow is pointing to a structure which bifurcates at which vertebral level? f. What covering is most closely adherent to the structure labelled by the black arrow?10. a. Name the structure the blue arrow is pointing towards b. What is the function of the muscle the green arrow is pointing at? c. What is the structure the orange arrow is pointing towards? d. What is this structures function? e. The structure indicated by the yellow arrow, which part of the Autonomic nervous system causes this structure to contract and what muscle causes the contraction? f. What vessel is the grey arrow indicating? 11. a. In this image of the scrotum, what is the function of the organ the yellow arrow is pointing towards? b. What is the name of the plexus of veins the blue arrow is pointing at? 12. a. What structure is the blue arrow pointing towards? b. This structure empties out into the urethra, what is the name of the glands in females located near the opening of the urethra? c. What is the grey arrow pointing towards? d. The orange arrow is roughly pointing towards the dentate line, sensation below this point is determined by which nerve?13. a. The opening of the vagina (indicated by the blue arrow) has glands to lubricate it, name these? b. The orange arrow is pointing towards a structure, what is it? c. Name the structure indicated by the yellow arrow? d. A lot of structures in the pelvic space are covered by a large ligament, name it.14. a. Name the structure the blue arrow is pointing towards. b. Between which ribs does the organ that the green arrow is pointing towards lie? c. The yellow arrow is pointing to a vein that drains the most of the abdomen, what is the name of the vein that drains the posterior wall of the abdomen? d. The structure the black arrow is pointing to forms part of the foregut, the structure which feeds into this organ penetrates the diaphragm at what level?ANSWERS 1a: falciform ligament 1b: Quadrate lobe 1c: Coeliac trunk 2a: fundus 2b: splenic artery 3a: external oblique 3b: external spermatic fascia 3c: medial border 3d: T10 4a: 2 part of the duodenum 4b: The tail of the pancreas nd rd 4c: 2 part of duodenum through to 2/3 of transverse colon 4d: Splenic vein 5a: Psoas major 5b: The main pancreatic duct 5c: L1 6a: The cystic duct 6b: intersection of transpyloric plane and mid clavicular line, usually around level of 9 rib 7a: around level of umbilicus 7b: taenia coli 7c: The dentate line 7d: The ascending and descending colon 8a: left gastric vein 8b: 2 part of duodenum through to 2/3 of transverse colon 9a: Left adrenal gland 9b: left testicular vein 9c: common iliac artery 9d: Hysterectomy 9e: L4 9f: Renal capsule 10a: Corpus cavernosum 10b: expulsion of urine/ejaculate 10c: prostate 10d: produce spermatic/seminal fluid10e: Parasympathetic nervous system and detrusor muscle contracts 10f: Internal iliac artery 11a: To produce spermatids 11b: Pampiniform plexus 12a: bladder 12b: Glands of Skene 12c: labia majora 12d: Pudendal nerve 13a: Bartholins gland 13b: Round ligament of the uterus 13c: Pubic symphysis 13d: Broad ligament 14a: Abdominal aorta 14b: 9 and 11 rib 14c: Azygous vein 14d: T10