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This on-demand teaching session is perfect for medical professionals looking to learn more about healthcare training and the challenges it poses. This session dives into the need for scaling up the amount of professionals trained and the cost of such training for healthcare professionals. Attendees will be able to hear from a World Health Organization representative, as well as from the CEO of Metal on their mission to make healthcare training more accessible and free. They will learn more about their tools that are free and open access and the amazing collaborations with healthcare organizations around the world. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging session!

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*** PLEASE NOTE: Upon Registration, there are some useful documents that you have access to with regards to the 'why?' and the 'what' for Treatment Escalation Plans which will NOT be the main focus of this event. We will aim to tackle TEP implementation - the 'how'. You can find these documents in the Catch Up content ***

Identifying the deteriorating patient is a key element in a patient safety programme. But the response to the deteriorating patient is just as important. Managing out-of-hours emergencies can be difficult for on-call staff. Discontinuity of care is an almost universal problem in delivering emergency care.

Treatment Escalation Plans aim to provides easily accessible information and guidance about what should be done (or not) in the event of deterioration. But a TEP is a complex intervention.

Training and education in two key domains is both necessary and challenging:

  • Reframing priorities in medical decision-making. Consultant buy-in and leadership is as important as clinical team participation.
  • Discussing and agreeing goals of treatment as well as what should be done (or not) if things get worse. Learning to have a conversation under time pressure involves communication skills development.

Implementing TEPs has multiple component parts:

  • Integrating TEPs into existing Deteriorating Patient SOPs
  • Training and education for trainee doctors and nurses: essentials that they need to know about TEPs and how to create them.
  • Training and education for lead clinicians - convincing them that TEPs are time well and that there are beneficial outcomes that are worth having.
  • Choosing appropriate outcome measures for audit and research projects
  • Selecting and applying situations in which TEPs are “mandatory” rather than discretionary
  • Accountability: incorporating TEPs into Morbidity and Mortality reviews.

The Webinar will offer an exploration of these questions. The emphasis will be on how rather than why. Participants will be actively encouraged to pose questions as well as offer their experiences of what has worked or not worked in addressing problems. The aim is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and practical solutions.


1:30-1:40 | Introduction | Dr Stephen Friar

1:40-2:05 | Treatment Escalation Plans: How to integrate them into a Deteriorating Patient Programme | Dr Gregor McNeill

2:05-2:30 | Treatment Escalation Plans: Mandatory or discretionary? Experience in the Princess Alexandra Hospital | Dr Jane Snook

2:30-2:55 | Getting Treatment Escalation Plans to stick - Experience of Pilot and Audit Projects | Dawn Coventry (Quality Improvement Manager, NHS Lothian), Lise Axford (Chief of Nursing Services, Hairmyres Hospital)

2:55-3:05 | Coffee Break | Go to sessions on the left of your screen and have a coffee with others!

3:05-3:30 | Implementing TEPs in the ED and how to get ED medical staff on board | Dr Calvin Lightbody

3:30-3:55 | Snapshots: communication with patients under pressure; outcome measures and accountability at M&Ms | Prof. Robin Taylor

3:55-4:30 | Panel Discussion and Questions - All

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the World Health Organization goal of training 18 million healthcare professionals worldwide by 2030.

  2. Explain the lack of resources and access to higher healthcare training in countries across Africa.

  3. Explain the cost of training for a surgical trainee in the UK.

  4. Identify ways to make healthcare training more accessible.

  5. Summarize the mission and purpose of Metal.org for hosting, attending, and recording events.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

um, I wanted to give Phil. He's the CEO of metal. Just a moment to explain that vision a little bit more. So just before I invite Gregor in, I'm going to bring fill in. Thank you so much. Uh, Steven, um and thank you so much for giving us a little bit of time as well to share a little bit about our work and the mission that were on first and foremost. It's It's our honor, really to work alongside you and your colleagues today. Uh, it's really important, Um, session. Our mission is to make healthcare training more accessible to everyone. And we're doing that for a reason. We need to train 18 million healthcare professionals around the world, and we've got to do it by 2030. It's World Health Organization goal. And that, coupled with what The Lancet described as severe institutional shortages in our healthcare training capacity, forms a bit of a toxic combination. And unfortunately, where that need is at its greatest resources are at their least. So there are 11 countries on the continent of Africa which do not have a single medical school. There were 20. They only have a single medical school undergraduate or Post graduate. So we need to scale up the amount of health care professional professionals that we train. We don't have enough resources to do that. In most countries around the world, and in some countries, that is a stark problem. That's a problem that isn't just confined to, um, uh, certain geography around the world, though, when we see these sorts of headlines around the world fairly consistently. Just in the last couple of months in headline news on BBC news is that the NHS in England? I know, I know we're on a Scottish event, but HS in England is facing. It's worth staffing crisis in history. So it's a problem that is affecting so many health care systems around the world. And when you look at some of the cost of teaching and training, you can see why that is a big problem even in high income countries. This is a study from the Association for Surgeons and Training. It looks at the cost of training for a surgical trainees in the UK, and that is up to 71,000 lbs of their own money contributed towards their own training over a period of years, and a lot of that up to 1300 lbs is being spent on courses and conferences every single year. And when we look at the buying power of salaries in, uh, the UK, this is a fairly hot topic at the moment. We can actually see that That's going, uh, down, uh, real terms decrease in buying part of health care professional salaries over the last 10 years. And so that means that, um, healthcare training has the potential to be who can pay most exercise. And this is a quote from Maria Prial, who leads the widening Participation Medics network in the UK, she says. As a widening participation doctor money is and always has been tight. Study budget covers one big course or maybe two or three small ones, and to meet course surgical training needs. The wealthy can easily treat the application as a paid take box exercise with little development. And that's something we want to change. We want to make healthcare training accessible. We want to make it accessible to everyone and to solve some of the big problems we need to do that scale, and we're really proud to work alongside amazing organizations like the NHS in Scotland. Like the healthcare professionals who are leading this session to try to make their lives a little bit easier, we think that's our position. We think there are so many amazing healthcare organizations out there who want to deliver amazing, accessible education are stuck using tools that may make that more difficult than having to set up EVENTBRITE plus email out some calls. Plus put Google form in for feedback, plus manually make certificates, plus download a video, add it to somewhere else to make it available on demand. And all of that takes time out of busy healthcare professionals days. And so, if we can hopefully channel some of that time and energy into more health care education, we can scale up the amount of healthcare professionals that we can train. This is something that keeps us going, and I want to. I'm about to move on to my last like I'm not going to take up too much of your time, but this is something that we really believe in. It's it's something that Doctor Tedros, who needs no introduction, said at a tech conference two years ago. And it's something that has inspired us. Ask yourself every day if your technology works to help the poorest in the world and to reduce in equality. And that's a really beating heart beat of us, that metal, even for paid for events. We want to make that possible. We know that so many organizations need to charge for their events. And we've launched a scheme called Fair Medical Education, which allows healthcare organizations to automatically make access to their virtual hybrid events available to those in lower middle income countries at a free or reduced price. And the only time we ever charged as an organization is if that organization is charging for their teaching and training for free and open access, teaching and training. Our tools are free and open access, and you can teach up to 10,000 people on a medal of event. We think that scalability is really important. These are some numbers. From the last 18 months, we've helped 1300 healthcare organizations. There are 5000 courses, two colleagues, 171 countries, and what's really exciting is those organizations have come from 20 countries, so you can kind of see the collaboration effect. That's it. I'm gonna leave you guys to amazing event. Um, if you want to join us on that mission, if you're ready to host an event, you can start doing that metal dot org slash host. And if you want to just find events metal dot org slash events If you want to watch, catch up metal dot org slash on demand and you can find lots of events on demand. Thank you so much for having me. Um, I hope everyone here has amazing rest of your event. Thank you.