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Vape (electronic cigarettes)



This informative on-demand teaching session is for medical professionals interested in the evolving understanding of vaping and e-cigarettes. Originating in 2002, electronic cigarettes gained traction as a tool for smoking cessation. We examine the different devices, delivery systems, and nicotine concentrations, and discuss the reviews made by the Office of Health Improvement. Focusing on the safety and effectiveness of vaping as a cessation aid, this teaching session also explores its potential risks. Post-Brexit regulatory changes to e-cigarettes and the existing restrictions are also reviewed. We provide guidance for practitioners assisting clients who wish to use e-cigarettes to quit smoking, including advice for clients using other quit smoking medications. This session is an excellent resource for professionals seeking up-to-date knowledge about e-cigarettes and vaping as a tool in smoke cessation.

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The lecture focuses on the benefits of vaping (e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes) in smoking cessation.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the mechanism of action of electronic cigarettes or VAPs, how they deliver vapor to the user's system, and how their different components and features change the user experience.

  2. Analyze the research findings from Health Improvement and Disparities Office, Public Health England and the Tobacco Addiction Group, and use this information to understand the risks and benefits associated with vaping, particularly in the context of smoking cessation.

  3. Be informed about the post-Brexit regulations in the European Union regarding the non-medicinal use of VAPs, including the standards for safety, quality, information provision, and advertising restrictions.

  4. Learn how to support patients who opt to use VAPs as part of their smoking cessation journey, which includes being able to advise them on choosing the right devices, flavors, and nicotine dosages.

  5. Understand how concurrent use of vaping and nicotine replacement therapy can support smokers in their quit attempts and learn how a behavioral change strategy can be integrated into smoking cessation plans for vaping users.

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Computer generated transcript

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Webs, electronic cigarettes, VAPs also known as electronic cigarettes or E cigarettes first became available in 2002, but gained popularity as a means of helping people quit smoking. Around 2014, weeps deliver an inhaled reso vapor to the users via a mouse piece. The vapor is produced by heating solutions that is typically contain nicotine, propylene, glycol and or vegetable glycerine along with uh with various flavors. Vaping does not involve compulsion. So the vapor does not contain carbon dioxide and other dangerous chemicals associated with tobacco combustion. Multiple devices exist to different delivery systems, ingredients and in equine concentrations, more recent devices tended to look like cigarettes and over users is an opportunity to choose your own flavors and inequity levels including no nicotine. The evidence on both the safety and efficacy of weeping as a cessation aid in is reviewed annually by both the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities, Oh Form Public Health England and and is a tobacco addiction group. The review by supports that vaping poses only a small fraction of the risk of smoking tobacco and they can assist individuals in quitting in quitting smoking. The review recommends that all smokers should be supported in their effort to stop smoking completely, including those who are dull users of both smoking and vaping the 2016 European Union tobacco products directive. There is a regulation of apps that does not have a medicinal license post Brexit. There is currently under your review and this regulation may change as a result. The existing regulations include minimum standards for the safety and the quality of the products as well as standards for information provisions and advertising restrictions. Additionally assistance for reporting side effects and the safety concerns related to webs has been implemented. Clients who attend stop smoking service and wish to use a web should be supported in their choice and they can also be encouraged to use a licensed stop smoking medication practice recommendations. One be open to the use of vaping among people keen to try it, especially those who have tried and failed to stop smoking using the license stop smoking medications to provide advice on vaping Z includes vaping provide nicotine in a form that is much safer than smoking. Some people find vaping helpful for quitting, cutting down their nicotine intake and or managing temporary cessation. There is a wide range of vaping devices and the people may need to try various types flavors and nicotine dosage before they find a product that they like. Vaping is not the same as smoking and people may need to experiment and learn to use their device effectively. For example, longer drags may be required and several short puffs may be needed initially to activate vaporizer and improve delivery. There may also need to recognize when coils or atomizer need replacement people previously vaping while smoking example, to to reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke may, may need to consider changing devices and or nicotine concentrations when making a quit attempt to make it more effective. Although some health risk for vaping may yet emerge, these are likely a tourist due to a small fraction of the risks of smoking. This is because the report does not contain the products of compulsion, burning that cause lung and heart disease and the cancer free multi behaviors to provided by a tree and to stop smoking, practitioner will improve the chance of successfully stopping smoking. Whether or not people fail, it may be useful to encourage clients to familiarize themselves with the use of their vaping device before setting equate for stop smoking services can provide a behavior support to clients who are vaping and can include these international data returns. Five clients of stop smoking services who are vaping and who also wanted to use nicotine replacement therapy can can safely use both in in conjunction. They don't need to have stopped, stopped the vaping before they can use a nicotine replacement therapy. Thank you and good luck.