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So we are here today with associate professor Arjun Mohan and we're gonna be talking about asthma. Um Dr Mohan, would you be so kind to tell us a little bit about your research interests and your career interest? And then we're going to dive into 80 s 2023. Absolutely. Heikal. Thank you for having me today. So, uh my research inter center there on asthma um at the core of it, I'm a clinical trial. It's I love being in all in uh clinical trials to explore novel therapies. But my research, interesting center along all aspects of print with asthma. Uh More recently, I've developed a fascination with this prediction. So hopefully over time, I think, figure out some this particular model that's about, that's identify active. Uh uh and let's, let's let's get to 80 s 2023 right? What were, what were the biggest hottest topics that everyone was talking about in asthma this year? Uh 80 S. Yes, I think uh 80 s take upon three areas when it came to asthma. Uh the use of uh legal therapy, um the impact of asthma in the context of racial and economic strategies and how we doing better, improve access to their and finally better assessing biologics in terms of response. Uh So let me walk you through all three areas. So uh the whole approach to relieve the therapy has been revolutionized in the last five years or so. Uh But more recently, we're getting more creativelive that how we can use different inhalers available out there. So, so we've heard a lot about inhaled corticosteroid for me to all being used as a reliever. But now we also heard about inhaled corticosteroid shot acting, read Agnes as a single inhaler being used as a believer strategy. So there was a lot of debate about it. Um debate comparing the old inhaled corticosteroid for me to call with the inhaled corticosteroid that we thought debate about how we can expand the reach of peace and killers, how we can better deploy them and of course, the economic and um an environmental impact because there's some concerns about those things as well. Um There are ongoing concerns that despite all these advances in asthma, we're leaving a lot of the table with terms up not getting to the highest risk patient out there. Uh we do want to help people access for bad outcomes, but it really goes from multiple communities, um racial minorities and lower socioeconomic status, for example. So there are conversations that are going on about how we can improve delivery of care in my asthma, the the world of biologics saw a lot of interesting data being presented as well. Uh Folks representing data about different bio markets and how we get better use them to identify patient's set of. Folks representing response to therapy data on patient's based on various clinical characteristics or biomarker profiles. And folks were also doing good honest efforts to quantify rates of remission, which I find truly fascinated. So remission is a concept simply put of being disease free in terms of clinical care, as well as potentially lung function. After you go on biologics, it was almost an unattainable measure for the longest period of time. But in the world of biologics has become very possible. So we've seen people going into remission and there was a lot of data being presented about rates of permission characteristics, that kind of uh predict remission invasions, but also on the flipside characteristics that critic focused talks. So the I I suspect this will be an ongoing conversation um for the future. And speaking of the future, what do you think if we're looking at uh 80 s 2020? For for instance, what what are the hottest bits of research that are currently ongoing that we might see some presentations about at 80 s 2020 for a little bit of a crystal ball. But uh from your opinion, absolutely, I think you must forgive my bias is because I'm involved in some of this work. But we're gonna see exciting data being presented presented from the precise trial. So the precise study is uh N I A sponsor study that's using biomarker uh based information to divides targeted into uh interventions with asthma. It's an ongoing study but it's close to getting in some uh interim analysis that we're also gonna see exciting data being presented with biomarkers under investigation. Biologics are part of the biologics under investigation. Um That's just we have the ongoing swift and nimble studies are looking at ultra long acting versions of the back. Uh Finally, there's always hope and aspiration that we continue the conversations with anti inflammatory with the legal therapies. This is still a new space, the results of the the knowledge study. That's a study where they look at mild to moderate asthma patient's and evaluated and you drop this tonight combination inhalers but just presented have 80 is 2023 but we want to look at the full data, we want to look at the final outcome. So that's to be determined, right? Super Doctor Mohan. Thank you so much, really great summary of what was happening at 80 s 2023 a little glimpse about what might be coming down the line at 80 S 2024. Thank you so much for your time and we're we're really looking forward to, to seeing some of those results pan out over the next year. Absolutely. Thank you for having this. So my pleasure.