Surgical Site Infection in Craniotomy for Neuro-Oncology (SINO) : A Protocol for An International Prospective MultiCentre Cohort Study Across the United Kingdom and Ireland
SINO Induction Video
Join Ken, the CO PI of the Sinus study, for an informative, concise 15-minutes review session focused on the data collection process related to a study of the incidence of SSI cramp, particularly in neuro oncological patients undergoing craniotomy in the UK and Ireland. He'll break down the essentials of data dictionary and proforma usage while identifying the information required from patient demographics, the index of multiple deprivation, and comorbidities contributing to SSI cramp. He'll also clarify how to record perioperative data, surgical details, and outcome data, with an emphasis on the significance of suture material and postoperative complications categorization as per the Clavin DDO classification. This mandatory briefing is designed to ensure optimal data collection for the study and allow for easier reference and understanding along the data extraction process.
Learning objectives
- Understand the primary and secondary objectives of the Sinus study, along with the importance of data extraction and data collection process.
- Learn how to accurately use the provided proforma for data collection and interpretation of patient demographics for the study.
- Understand how to use the data dictionary for recording variables such as patient sex, age, BMI, index of multiple deprivation, ethnicity and comorbidities.
- Know how to collect and record perioperative data and surgical details following the guidelines and classifications specified in the teaching session.
- Learn the process to document outcomes such as remission rates, SSI cran rates, postoperative complications, and mortality following the Clavin DDO classification and understand the importance of accuracy in this process.
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Hello, my name is Ken. Um the CO P I of the Sinus study. Uh First and foremost, thank you for collaborating. And tonight, I'll spend less than 15 minutes to cover on the data collection process. Um We know research shows that you retain better when the information given is short and concise, uh feel free to revert to this video and refer to the pertinent slides as you could collect your data as you know, um based on guidelines, this training is mandatory before you can kick start your extraction process. So today I will cover on the data dictionary and then the proforma. So let's just recap on the primary objective of this study. OK. So we aim to ascertain the incidence of SSI cramp particularly in neuro oncological patients undergoing craniotomy within the UK and Ireland. And then we want to ascertain risk factors for this condition. Um in terms of secondary objectives, uh we want to compare the incidence of SSI cr and suture versus stable wounds um after accounting for certain compounders. Uh and then we want to assess the effect of SSI cr on subsequent adjuvant oncological treatment and to determine the percentage of patients which initiate adjuvant uh oncological therapy in those with SSI cr versus those. Without. Now, in the coming slides, I will reveal to you parts of the Proforma and the data dictionary to elaborate more on the proforma. Uh This is what your proforma and the patient demographics look like. Um just have a browse. Um So here I'll explain uh about each um uh component of the data dictionary. And it's just extremely important that you enter results based on the options we have uh entered in the data dictionary uh on the right most column. Uh We see here, we, we're gonna collect data on sex age BM I and the index of multiple deprivation and the index of multiple deprivation. Data sets are just small area, measures of relative deprivations, um deprivation across each of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom. Um And areas are ranked from the most deprived area ranked number one to the least deprived area. Uh So just feel free to refer to this. Um URL. Next, we will look at ethnicity and we are ba uh classifying this based on the NHS data model. We also have um data collection on the comorbidities to you know. So, so we can account for certain compounders. And here we have um we, we give more information on immunosuppression, right? So in terms of the comorbidities, we have smoking, we have the esa grade and these, you can refer to the medical surgical notes and then we have the list of um uh other comorbidities such as M I congestive heart failure and PVD. Yeah. So she is just a, a comprehensive list of all the um comorbidities. So it's just extremely important to look at the um preoperative immunosuppressive medication that they have been on. And we want also the date and uh if any other new or driven chemotherapy or radiotherapy were given, next, we have data on previous creal surgery and SSI. Again, here are the options in the data dictionary. Uh We want to get information about any previous cranial surgery, um which could be confounded. And what was the date, the indication and then the location of the cranial surgery. And we also include info uh include uh biopsies. Next, we wanna get information on perioperative data. OK. And then in the next few slides, we'll explain more about uh what we mean by that. So we wanna look at what kind of anesthetic they have been given the preoperative um hemoglobin, um uh preoperative um glucose, sorry. Um As research has shown that sometimes that may be associated with um high rates of iron and whether or not any perioperative antibiotics were given. And the number of agents over here, we have a comprehensive list in the next few coming slides uh of the types of antibiotics. Uh And we have just arranged them alphabetically. We also wanna get uh gather information on preoperative uh steroid use and the type of steroids, the dose um and the length of the steroid cause whether or not this was weaned or not. And it um information on radiation in terms of the dose such as in gray and the number of fractions. Next, we wanna input data uh on surgical details. Um Again, we want a day of surgery, whether or not any preparation was given the location of the tumor. And here we, we will have tumor classification based on the 2021 wh O classification of tumors of the CNS. Uh And we have the different various um gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors, ependymal tumors, chop plexus tumors, and then melastoma and the other CNS embryonal tumors don't forget. We also wanna include uh peripheral nerve tumors as well. And I know these slides are extensive. So, again, as I've mentioned, the first slide, refer to these slides if you get lost uh along the data extraction process. Finally, and uh recalling the secondary um objective, we wanna look at the um the types of suture material, whether or not there has any implications on SSI reme. So we wanna get that information on that as well. Finally, we're gonna look at the outcome section. Mm So we wanna look at whether or not there are any remission, the rates of SSI cran whether or not this is yes or no um a a at day 30 and we don't look at any uh postoperative um complications. And we, we do that based on the Clavin DDO classification. So this classification is a consensus on how to define and grade POSTOP complications, just a uniform way of reporting complications so that we can facilitate interpretation of um you know, surgical outcome data. Sorry. And we, we, we grade them from 1 to 5 uh with various components in three and four. And we wanna gather information on mortality uh uh a any cause of mortality and 30 again. Thank you for your attention and thank you for collaborating based uh on this sinus study. Again. Uh We're happy to take any questions on this email uh address or just feel free to whatsapp US on the uh group. So, thanks. Um I'm King. Like one of the CO PS. See you.