QUB & UU students induction September 2023 - Dr Danielle Thornton
Come join us at the Southern Trust for an on-demand teaching session relevant to medical professionals! This session will cover pointers about the trust, such as parking and lockers, as well as provide a specific induction to your medicine or surgical placements. Participants will also get to learn more about the medical education team and facilities, including the simulation suite, infection control, and the ability to claim mileage for travel between Craigavon and Daisy Hill. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about the Southern Trust!
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
Identify the roles of the Southern Trust medical education team, including their individual names and positions.
Develop an understanding of the locations and facilities at Craig Gavan Hospital and Daisy Hill Hospital.
Recall the process to obtain reimbursement for travel between Craig Gavan and Daisy Hill Hospitals while on placement.
Articulate the purpose and structure of the trust's simulation training program.
Describe the process for obtaining a fit test for infection control.
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So, hello to everybody. You're very, very welcome to the Southern Trust. Uh My name is Danielle Thornton, some of the Queen's students, the third students. I would have met you on Friday for our little generic induction. I am a GP uh for half of the week and then I am also an undergraduate medical education fellow here in the Southern Trust. So you're very, very welcome. Um I'm just gonna take you through a few of the pointers, the generic pointers about the trust, ok? And things such as parking and lockers, et cetera. Um And then after that, we're all gonna split out into our smaller groups um so that you can get a more specific induction to your medicine or surgical placements or whatever other placements you're here for. So by now, you should have got your welcome email from our medical education team and also accommodation or if you're going to be um getting involved with the travel pilot should have been sorted by now and we did email out the virtual tour of Craigavon Hospital as well. I'm sure you've all watched it. We're going to play it again after this. Um And then this is just your first day. So you're going to meet with our medical education admin team. So if you've lifted your cards, you will have already met either Claire Jade or Laura in um in our reception area. Um You're going to get a local induction with your undergraduate lead or their deputy, um who will be on the ward. So sometimes your lead might work on Monday. Um So they usually a point a de on the just to meet you on your first day for induction. Um You should have received your timetable as well. Um And we're gonna just do orientation and expectation today. So anybody who I am your supervisor, I'll be meeting you all today and we'll just go over um your logbooks and your portfolio and what we need, um what you need to do in the placement just to make sure that we're meeting those needs within your timetable. So this is just a rough schedule. So nine o'clock, we're just gonna do welcome and generic induction. Then at half nine, there's an equality talk, quarter to 10. Uh the UU student is gonna be meeting with Doctor mcauley and correct me if I'm wrong. Kelly, that's in the seminar room. Another room is now OK to be uh to be confirmed. And then at 10 o'clock, uh there will be a Daisy Hill Medicine Induction with Doctor Neil Morgan and then at 1030 I will meet with the cra and third year students who do on their medicine rotation. And I will go over your specific induction. And then at quarter past 11, I'll be meeting with the final year student to do your specific medicine induction. So this is just um a bit of an overview of our um medical education team in the Southern Trust. So we've got doctor Low um who is an anesthetic doctor. He's our director of education um in Diy or in Diy Hill. We've got Doctor John Hardy, he's a renal physician. He's the deputy sub dean and then our sub dean um is Doctor May mcconnell who's an endocrinologist and she works in Craven. Um and we've just split into 3rd, 4th and final year. Um So as you can see there, um if you're coming to Craig medicine um as a queen student, you'll be Third Carson Newman Mohammed and myself will be your undergraduate lead and if your final year it'll be myself and Newman. Um so they are all the various undergraduate leads within the trust. Ok. So you don't need to learn that off by heart. It's just to give you a rough idea of who we have working here. And then this is our lovely medical education team. So they will be available for all your queries. So we have the lovely Kelly here who is our medical education manager and then this is her great team. So we've got Claire Skelton who you might have met when you come in. So Claire is our project manager, then we have Wilma and Laura generally, they will be always in that reception area when you come in. Ok. It will be Wilma or Laura and Lenore can be there as well sometimes. And so they kind of rotate around that office. So if you do have a query, say someone hasn't turned up for teaching or if you have any sort of query like that on a day to day basis, you can direct it um to one of the staff members just in the reception. And then down in Daisy Hill, we have a and Sonya, I know vo is not there today, but Sonia is and then at the bottom we have an an ho an tends to have her. So Ann can be in Daisy Hill or she can be in. Ok. So great team, very friendly, very approachable. If you have any queries at all, don't be afraid to raise them with the girl and they will forward it to one of ourselves if it has to be or they will usually nine times out of 10 deal with us. And then this is our team of education fellows. So we've got doctor any rafferty. Um So on is off on maternity leave at the minute. Um But she should be back at some point during the year. Um There's myself um I work part time so I generally work Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then we've got um doctor Newman Mohammed and so Newman is full time. Um usually, and then this is our management team who um hopefully you will not come into contact with. But it's just to let you know who they are. So, Doctor Austin is our medical director within the trust. Then we've got Dr Aisling Diamond, who's the deputy medical director. Um We've got Simon Gibson who's our assistant director, um a medical director. And then we have, as we've already explained, uh Doctor Larry, he's Director of Medical Education, Doctor mcconnell, Doctor mcauley, who are the sub deans for Q UB and UU respectively. And we've got Doctor Debbie Collin, who's the foundation program director. Um So within um most of the placements you're gonna be having, um your placement could be possibly split between the two sites. That's because as I'm sure you're aware, um there has been a loss of some of the services that may be available within Daisy Hill. And we want to give everybody an equal opportunity of clinical experience. So your, your placement will be split between the two sites and there will be a formal timetable shared within one week of placement. So you should have already received that. So you'll know where you are. So because of that, we do have the mileage so you can claim mileage for travel between Craigavon and Daisy Hill, ok. Um And you submit that claim to undergraduate lead in the sub deanery office, you can't claim for mileage from your home to Craigavon or your home to Daisy Hill. It's just for travel between the two. So the way to differentiate that in your head is say, for instance, you're timetabled for two weeks in Daisy Hill, Daisy Hill is your base. If within those two weeks, you have to go to Craigavon for a clinic or for some other clinical opportunity, you can claim for the mileage between those between Daisy Hill and Craigavon and vice versa, if you're in Craig and have to go to Daisy Hill, but you can't claim for mileage under the, this form from your base to your home, ok? If you're on the travel pilot, that's different. But this is a, this is a separate um claimed yesterday and this is our map of Craig Alvan. Um So you'll see here, this is your main entrance. So this might have been where you all come in this morning. Um So as you can see, um that's a rough idea of the building. There's no point in me going through all of it. I will share this uh presentation with you. Um But afterwards, I generally take his on um a wee turn around to show you where all the wards, etcetera are. And most importantly, the canteen and coffee. This is just sort of where I like to, where is the easiest place to park. Um So this morning you'll have come in here at this side, the site entrance. Ok. The roundabout at the entrance and come up here, I generally feel like this is the easiest place to park here. Ok. So as you come in to gain site, it'll be your first, right? Ok. So you down that road, it's where the accommodation is and where trust headquarters is. Um, I think that's the easiest place to, to park. If you're generally here before nine o'clock, you'll get a space there. Um Some of the other car parks are paid, et cetera and it can be quite difficult. Car park two tends to be where patients will park, so it can sometimes get very difficult to get a space. So if you, if you pop into the trust headquarters, there is generally the easiest place to park in the morning and then this is Daisy Hill. So as you can see, Daisy Hill is the same. You do have some paid car parking areas. So tend to avoid those obviously and aim for the, the free car parking because obviously, if you're coming to placement every day, that would be a very costly experience for you. If you're paying for parking, we do have additional trust sites um including Lurgan, South Tyrone and Saint Luke's. Um, you may be sent to clinics there um, as we said before, if you are sent to a clinic in one of those um locations, you can claim travel, ok, from your base hospital. Um generally you won't get sent obviously to you going to ST Luke's if you're doing psychiatry, say, for instance, but um in general, we do try to keep most of the clinics in Daisy Hill and Craig, but there may just to try and get everybody fitted into the clinic. Sometimes we might have to go to the likes of Gan or South to facilitate the volume of students. We have basically to get you all into a clinic. Um And that's just an explanation of what we have at those hospitals. So it's usually wards, care of the elderly and rehab, wards and outpatient clinics. Um We do a lot of simulation here in your placement. Um So within M EC in Craigavon, we have a simulation suite um which is two floors up. Um we have fully functioning simulator there and we, you generally run simulation for our third and final years facilitated by the M EC team here and there will obviously be a simulation of your, your with your placement um as well. So we do offer that. So we do the simulation through um simulation of emergency cases, um how to handle difficult bleeps uh that you might get when you're on the ward, et cetera, et cetera. So it's very real life. We like to think and I'm generally a very, very unhelpful nurse or someone ringing you. And um we, we generally give you very little help, but if these good people enjoy it. Um, but yeah that there is one of the things that we offer, um and then infection control. Um has everybody been fit tested or does everybody have an appointment to get fit tested if they haven't been? Is there anybody that doesn't, could you let um one of the staff members know in the, in the reception when you're leaving? Is that ok? Just to get you sorted. Um, obviously, as I'm sure you're aware COVID is on the rise and now you're in a clinical environment and you could be exposed to vulnerable patients. So it is important that if you do have symptoms that you should perform a lateral flow test before coming into placement, um just to protect our patients. Um So that's very important, I'll come in after I'll explain afterwards what you do if you do have a positive test or if you are ill, what we expect you to do. Um It goes without saying if you're on the ward, you should be hand washing and if you have anything like a needle stick injury, I'm going to go into adverse events later on in the presentation and you should always be bare below the elbows. But since you all have scrubs, that's very easily done. But obviously, if you're on the wards, um no cardigans, jumpers, hoodies or anything like that. Um And just on the other side of um that slide, we have a rough idea of what we would expect in the amber and red zone for dawning and Dawing. So if you're ever confused or you're not sure what to do. Don't be afraid to ask a member of staff on the ward. Ok. They will tell you what kind of zone you're in, what you should be wearing. Ok. So never sort of go, oh, just go on ahead and, and see how you get on, ask someone. Ok? Um, no one's going to bite the head of you for asking. But you know, if you go into a red zone with no PPE on, um we don't want to be exposing you to anything. Basically, this is just a wee QR code for the GMC policies um as you're now in clinical placement. Um Well, even before this, we expect you obviously to adhere to ethical guidance um on good medical practice, confidentiality, decision making and consent and raising and acting on concerns. So just always know that we do expect you to behave professionally when you're on the wards and otherwise. Um and if anybody needs a reminder of that guidance, you can um take a wee copy of that QR code, but I'll be sharing this presentation with you anyway and then relevant trust policies. We would like to think that while you're on your placement, everybody will be very friendly and welcoming and kind to you, which is what we expect. But if everybody does, if anybody does feel that there's been any conflict, bullying, harassment or any issues like that at all that there is the trust policy. But if anybody has any concerns like that, you can come and talk to anybody in the N EC team, you can come and chat to me. Um everything will be taken on board and we can see what we can do to help you. Um So don't just except certain behavior is normal, ok? You can come and chat to us and we can see how we can help you. Um And we also have our quality diversity and inclusion policy, which is what our talk at 930 is gonna be about. Ok. So if you do have an issue um related to anything like it doesn't need to be obviously bullying or harassment. If you have any particular issue during your placement, you can either email myself or you can come and chat to me. Um You can speak to your undergraduate lead or your module lead if you're, you, you um or you can come and talk to the sub dean, ok. Generally people will come and talk to us first before they'll go to doctor mcconnell or um and we can sort of do direct you to how we can help you, ok. Um Or you can fill in this form um and send it to sub Deanery, but there's something don't be afraid to come and chat to us. There's always either ways we can improve your placement. Or if there's some difficulty you're having, generally it's something we've dealt with before and we can help you, um, sorted out. Ok. So clinical incidents, as we were saying before needle stick injuries, equipment fault, if you've had a fall, if you've injured yourself. So if anything like that does happen during your replacement, um, it's your responsibility to let your undergraduate leave know. Ok. But also speak to the staff on the ward. So obviously, if you've had a needle stick injury, um don't sort of leave the ward and come and find one of us speak to a member of staff on the ward. So one of the nursing staff, if it's one of the other, one of the junior doctors, um if it's maybe sister charge nurse on the ward, speak to somebody because quite often if there's something like that's happened, they have to enter a thing called a Datex, which is basically how we record all our untoward events and all of those events are collated and we look at general trends and how we can improve management and you know, just preventing untoward events on boards. So something like that does happen, don't be afraid to raise it with a member of staff on the ward, but also do come and tell us as well. Um And then pastoral support, as I say, we're always available um any of the medical education fellows, but if um if there's any specific pastoral support needed we also have defined leads for that. So, Doctor Janet Toner, who is our cardiology, she's a cardiology consultant program, but she's also the cardiology education lead. And then Doctor Hardy down in Daisy Hill. Um So if there are any issues at all, don't be afraid to raise it with um ourselves or one of the defined pastoral support leads. So, absences um if you're off sick, I apologize. It says Q UB on that I should have loved Q UB or UU. Um So if you are off sick, please email before following people. So it's your tutor on the day. So whoever was scheduled to teach you, um it's just good manners and it's professional to let them know you're not going to be there. OK? Your undergraduate lead or your module lead. If you're, you, you just to let them know I'm not going to be in um the sub deary team and uh Queens are UU. OK. So um the universities do have specific absence policies. So if you aren't, um if you're all sick for whatever reason or absent, um you need to let all four of those um people know um and just if you do have any issues at all, just to reiterate, talk to ward staff or come and talk to your undergraduate or module lead or come and talk to one of the M EC team. Um So in terms of what we're gonna do later on in the day we'll take in a wee tour to show you the staff changing and the lockers, um, show you how to get on the wifi, which I'm sure you know how to do. But, um, show you where the library, computers, private study spaces are and catering. Um, we do have this new app called OIS. Um, that is where it's an interactive app. We're going to be uploading all the timetables there. If there's any changes with your timetables, um you will receive a notification on the A app. So it's really useful to have. So what we sent out to most of you is the timetable as we expect it to happen. Now, as I'm sure you can appreciate people get sick, things happen that people can't come and teach and we have to rearrange teaching. So, um this is a very easy way of us keeping in touch with you and to let you know if there has been any changes. Um Do you want to take a picture of that? So you can download the app or have you already downloaded it? Yeah, she did share it last week. Yeah, we'll, we'll share this presentation with you. We can do I not a fan. So any questions.