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MRCS courses by Examiners and AI , how to use artificial intelligence to train yourself on phonecall station and AI play the actor and give you grades



The on-demand teaching session teaches medical professionals how to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to study for the MRC S part B examination. With the use of AI tools such as OpenAI's GPT-3 or Google's Gemini, the session demonstrated how AI can answer questions on study schedules, recommended books, and specific exam topics. The session also explores a higher level AI interaction, with AI playing the role of a patient in a phone call scenario, allowing candidates to practice their communication skills in a virtual environment. The AI evaluates performance, indicating strengths and areas for improvement, a beneficial tool for candidates preparing for MRC S part B examination. This session showcases how medical professionals can use AI technology to optimise and personalize their study program for a surgical exam.

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This video will show you how to use AI in your MRCS part B study , it is a great partner and can play the role of an actor and give you your overall assessment , great helping hand to pass the examination

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in exam preparation for MRC S Part B examination.
  2. Assessing different AI tools for their suitability in preparing for the examination.
  3. Learn how to use AI tools to create personalized study plans, select relevant study materials, and schedule adequate review time.
  4. Use AI in mock communication setups to improve your patient communication skills particularly in certain scenarios e.g., handling a patient who wants to discharge against medical advice.
  5. Reflect on AI-generated feedback on performance in order to identify areas of strength and improvement.
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My dear candidate for MRC S exam. I'm speaking on behalf of MRC S part B examination courses by examiners and artificial intelligence. Obviously, the advantage of this course, it is done by examiners which are very experienced, who have seen thousands of candidates who have used to get the grade and see what common mistakes for you to avoid. I'm going to speak today about artificial intelligence. I want you to consider artificial intelligence as your friend and your partner while you are studying for part B Mr S examination. Number one, not all artificial intelligence tool are suitable for you to do that. I will give you here an example using copilots. So for example, if you can go to chat GBT, which by open A I and you put a question, can you help me in studying communication skills in Oscar examination of MRC S part B? And the answer he will tell you for communication skills. Part B, you need to understand the communication, you need verbal communication. Uh you need active listening, you can see he's giving you advice, but he is not actually uh mentioned to you how he can help you in the exam. So this is not extremely help. So what I have done is I have trained artificial intelligence, which is a Gemini by Google to be professional in helping me and help a candidate to study MS exam. And I used a verbal communication. So if you open from your mobile and let us play um the goblin uh Jim and Rock. Good morning, Jim. I can you help me in the study, MRS part B examination? I'd be glad to help you prepare for the MRCS examination. Here are some key areas to focus on and resources that can support your studies, understanding the exam structure, familiarize yourself with the format of the MRC S exam, including the number of parts types of. So here he has given you a verbal reply about the structure of MRC S and so on. There is something very simple. Uh For example, uh I will ask uh how long do I need to study for Mr S part three examination? How long do I need to study for MRC S part B examination? In order to pass safely the amount of time you need to study for the MRC S part B examination depends on several factors, including your current knowledge base learning style. And the you can see a period of 4 to 6 months is a period that is really optimal for you to plan ahead and to study. I think six months of studying five hours per day should be sufficient. Let us ask, can you prepare the study schedule over six months to cover all topics? Can you create a study plan for MRC support to be examination over the next six months to cover all topics? Creating a six month study plan for the MRC S support to be examination note, this is a general study plan. You may need to adjust it based on your individual learning style knowledge gaps and the specific requirements of the MRC S support to be examination month one foundation and assessment review the Silver. So you can see it's a very helpful to put a study plan for you. What topic you need to study, how long it will take? And this is used to take a lot of time from us. Now you can do it very easy and very straightforward. And let me ask another question. Which books do I need to read for? Let us ask the Gemini, which books do you recommend for me to read for MS part to be examination recommended book MRC S Spot to be be seriously recommended textbooks that can help you prepare for the MRC S support? Very nice answer you need to read. Very unlock the Snell Clinical Anatomy. Davidson Practice of Medicine. Davidson is is quite huge. I would say this is on the on the outer side. So it it has given you a lot of very good suggestion. Very good of books. Let me uh narrow this selection and ask what is the best history books to read? What is the best three books to read for MRC is supposed to be examination, the best city books to read for the MRC Support Bee Examination would be those that focus on core surgical principles, clinic, skill, skill in. While there are the best books to study from for the M RCA Support Bee examination arm. One ba loves short practice of surgery. This classic. So here he has given you only three books for you to study. So this is a very uh nice way of knowing which books to read from and even to decide your study plan. So far, we did not use the maximum potential of artificial intelligence. So what we have done is just uh which books to read. Can you make a study schedule and so on. Let us go to a higher level. We want to get actual training with artificial intelligence in the phone call station because in phone call station, all what you need is just the voice and the reply. So I've got him the question. I am a candidate part B and I want the training on phone call for medication skills. This is the answer. Absolutely. I can help you practice your phone call communication skills for the MC part B examination to get started. Please let me know one. Are there any specific areas of the syllabus you'd like to focus? So this is a very good start. Let us decide now which station we want to get training at. So I've told artificial intelligence, I want to get training on phone conversation. The scenario, the charge against medical advice. He let us see a reply. Let's practice a phone call, scenario, discharge against medical advice. D scenario. A patient calls the hospital to his artificial intelligence already have given you a scenario of a patient in a hospital. Uh informant the medical team, they intended to leave against medical advice. The charge against medical advice called the da the uh patient is concerned about the cost of treatment and feel that they can manage their condition at home. You are the medical team member responsible for handling the course. Keep going to be considered. You could see here you need to gather information, you need to explain the risk and you need to address the patient concern. So let us they already have given an advice, but let us make artificial intelligence play the role of an actor. So here I have prompted the artificial intelligence. Can you play the role of an actor in this scenario? And I will play the candidate and use your own voice which you mean he will not reply by text, he will use your voice. But because I put it in text, he will reply as a text. But this is what I ask you from him. Absolutely. I'll play the role of the patient. Let's get started me as the patient. Hello, I'm calling to let you know he already started and he started by him as the actor which will be like the patient. And I want to put him the l the time limit of let us say six minutes. And then I will tell him, give me an assistant of my performance at the end. So now you will watch me in practice with artificial intelligence in a phone call is station exactly like what happened in the exam. So I will put here, let us make time of the station to be three minutes and give me your assessment of my uh four months at the and again, use voice. Ok. So this is what is called prompt. So let us see how we're going to perform. Certainly, let's keep the phone call to three minutes. I'll play the role of the patient and you'll be the medical team member, me as the patient. Hello, I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to leave the hospital. Please respond as you would in a real life situation. I'll assess your performance at the end of the call. Remember to gather information about the patient's reasons for leaving. Explain the risks and consequences of d ok. Let us start the three minutes. Phone call me as the patient. Hello, I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to leave the hospital. Yes, sir. I am the vascular registrar on call today. Why you want to leave the hospital? Can I know why can I know why do you want to leave the hospital? Sir? I me as a patient, the treatment is too expensive and I think I can manage at home, but you know your condition is critical and we can try to ask the insurance to cover your cost. Me as a patient, I'm not sure if my insurance will cover the rest of my stay. I've already been here for a week and the bills are piling up. I can't afford to stay any longer. Uh but you know, your condition is quite critical and I am afraid about your health. If you left the hospital patient, I understand that my condition is serious, but I believe I can manage it at home with the right care. I am willing to follow up with my doctor and take any necessary medications. So if you insisted to leave the hospital, can you be in direct contact with our consultant just in case me as the patient? Yes, I'm willing to stay in contact with my consultant. Please provide me with their contact information so I could follow up with them as needed. Ok, I will give you the contact information of the consultant and the phone number and we'll give you a report if any emergency happened to you, which I wish not to happen. Me as the patient. Thank you for that. I'll make sure to contact the consultant. If I have any concerns, I appreciate your understanding in the Is there is any other way we can help you as an A I language model? I don't have personal needs or desires. Can you give me an assessment of my last performance in the last phone call station set your phone call preference. Based on our scenario, here's a brief assessment of your performance, strengths, empathy, you demonstrated empathy by understanding the patient's concerns about the cost of treatment. Communication, you communicated clearly and effectively asking relevant questions and providing information problem solving. You explored alternative options such as staying in contact with the consultant areas for persuasion. While you address the patients concerns, you could have potentially used more persuasive techniques to conv them to stay. For example, you might have highlighted the potential risks of leaving against medical advice in more detail time management. While we didn't have a strict time limit for this practice, certain to be mindful of time during the actual exam, ensure you can efficiently gather information, address concerns and provide necessary advice. A slotted time. Overall, your performance was strong. You demonstrated good communication skills and empathy. By focusing on persuasion techniques and time management. You can further enhance your phone call communication skills for the MRC S part B examination. Would you like to, you can see these artificial intelligence have played the role of an actor in this scenario really very well and it was in voice conversation. This scenario was created, but I can give him the scenario, creation, scenario of the angry patient uh discharge against the medical advice. Um Any other scenario we think of and we can get training and you see the benefit he has given you what you have performed it good and what you have performed it bad. So here you have a platform that you can be trained or any phone call a station, the artificial intelligence play the actor and you play the candidate and you get your grades all done by artificial intelligence. And believe me, you will learn a lot and your communication will become much better. Now let us go to another area where artificial intelligence again can help you. For example, the suture station in the suture station, someone will say how artificial intelligence can do that. Well, there is a trick if you videotape your performance of doing sutures of a cartoon and you upload your video to artificial intelligence, it can give you a grade. And here I will give you the example in a put the question artificial intelligence. If I upload a video of me doing suture the station Mr examination, would you be able to give me your assessment in of my performance? Notice that artificial intelligence will not give you grades like from 0 to 10 because it's a language model. But it can tell you weak, average, moderate, very good. This far it can give you assessment it will understand the way you do suture where you put your not your speed and your handling, you will be amazed by it. Answer. So let us put this to Gemini but this is visual intelligence. For example, the suture station, uh I've put the question here. You can see uh uh define I if I uploaded a video of me doing suture, can you assess my performance? And you can see the answer? He said, certainly I can help you assess your performance in Mr S suture station based on the video you provide, so you can upload the video and the artificial intelligence will do the analysis and give you your results by providing a link to analyze the video. I'll carefully watch the video paying attention to key aspects such as technical skill, correct, knot tying, needle handling and tissue manipulation, speed and efficiency, ability to complete the DJ within the allotted time, precision and accuracy, minimal tissue damage and accurate placement of sutures safety. So here artificial Intelligence can assess your suturing skills. Same with urinary catheter skills, same with excision biopsy skills. All this. If you put it in one minute with you, you upload it, you get your assessment. So actually, as I told you, artificial intelligence, like your partner, the problem is artificial intelligence have around the 40 billion neural network. So this is not the usual answer you will get of geminis that you use on your mobile or laptop. This is a special Gemini which I have trained on medical, medical knowledge, especially M CS. And this will be available in our hands. On course in MS in 26 to 20 27th of September, you can have your skills as assist by artificial intelligence and you can see marking is not done by the examiner is done by artificial intelligence. So I am sure this is extremely helpful tool. Now your chances to pass the exam for the shot is extremely high. The availability of tools, assistance and help are there? Please join us either on the free uh free form over the internet for virtual Aus station or the hands on AY station. And I wish you all the best.