Learn how to optimise your portfolio at the initial phase of the Core Surgical Training application cycle
Maximising Portfolio Points
Join medical professionals Joanna Ting and Sanjana Ilangovan in a practical and informative on-demand session titled "How to Maximise Portfolio Points". This session is designed to provide specific insights into self-assessment during oriel application, crucial deadlines for evidence upload, and strategic applications of achievements for maximum point yield. Discover how to epitomise the commitment to specialties through a concise eLogbook format and efficiently prepared consolidation reports. The discussions also delve into the nuances of attendance at surgical conferences, gaining surgical experience through various formats like tasters, electives, and placements, and successful execution of quality improvement/audit projects. This unique session concludes with evidence requisites to fortify your portfolio. Make sure that you seize this opportunity to refine your understanding of the oriel application and maximise your portfolio points.
Learning objectives
- Understand the importance of self-assessment during oriel application and the roles it plays in maximizing portfolio points.
- Comprehend the implications of not uploading evidence in a single domain on the portal and the resultant score of 0 that would be awarded by the verification panel.
- Learn and identify which achievements would score the highest in a given domain and how to leverage these to optimize their portfolio points.
- Understand the requirements and formatting of the eLogbook and the value it adds in accumulating portfolio points.
- Learn the importance of surgical electives, tasters, and surgical placements in increasing portfolio points, and the process of documenting and presenting evidence of these experiences.
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Session 2 How to Maximise Portfolio Points JoannaTing, SanjanaIlangovanImportant points - Self assessment during oriel application - Evidence upload is mid Feb 2024 - All achievements have been completed at time of application. For example, if accepted for a presentation in December onwards, cannot be included - A specific achievement can only be used to score points in one domain only. You should ensure that the achievement used is applied to the domain where the highest points can be awarded. - If you have more than one achievement within a single domain then you should select the one which would give you the highest score. - If no evidence is uploaded in a single domain on the portal at submission, then the evidence verification panel will award a score of 0 for that domain. - Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to amend the ‘self-assessment’ section of your application. Therefore, you should carefully check you have assigned the most appropriate score for each domain and that the required evidence is uploaded before you submit your application.Commitment to specialties ● eLogbook format (www.elogbook.org.uk) ● Consolidation report for each specialty to include: 1. Operative Experience ● The summary sheet of the consolidation report. ● Detailing the number of procedures undertaken and the date range of the operations undertaken. ● Signed by a consultant with their full name, GMC number (or equivalent) and the date they signed it. ● can include all of those assisted or supervised, but should not include those simply Observed, or those that all UK trainees are expected to have signed off as part of their foundation competencies. ● Please do not provide a copy of your entire logbook. ● No patient identifiable details! ● Only 1 consolidation report upload is permitted. Can be signed by your most recent consultant surgeon supervisor. They may, if they find the evidence acceptable, sign on behalf of all specialties.2. Attendance at Surgical Conferences ● Copy of conference attendance certificate: ● Name of applicant. ● Name of conference. ● Organising body. ● Date of conference. ● Where appropriate CPD points. 1. If no detail of accreditation is on the certificate of attendance, then a letter from the organiser needs to be provided detailing accreditation.Note: Surgical Conference = surgical themed conference either organised or accredited by one of the UK Royal Colleges of Surgeons, an international/national surgical organisation or regional deanery OR any surgical themed conference with evidence of CPD accreditation Non-accredited or undergraduate medical school society organised conferences will not be accepted.3. Surgical experience Surgical taster - A signed letter/document on official letterhead by your educational supervisor including: ● the surgical placement and hospital ● the dates undertaken, ● name of supervisor and their GMC no (or corresponding national medical registration equivalent) A surgical taster must have covered at least 5 days in total though does not need to be undertaken in consecutive days. A 5-day surgical taster booked for 2024 will receive 0 points. Only 1 document should be uploaded for each surgical conference (certificate of attendance for each conference in a single document) surgical elective/placement or taster. Any further documents uploaded will not be considered by assessors.Surgical elective - A signed letter/document on official letterhead by your educational supervisor including: ● the surgical placement and hospital ● the dates undertaken, ● name of supervisor and their GMC no (or corresponding national medical registration equivalent) This cannot be a letter of acceptance that was sent before you started your elective. Surgical placement - A signed letter/document on official letterhead by your educational supervisor including: ● the surgical placement and hospital ● the dates undertaken, ● name of supervisor and their GMC no (or corresponding national medical registration equivalent) OR ● a print out copy of your foundation placements signed as aboveQuality Improvement/Audit Pick the QI project/audit corresponding to the highest-scoring statement For applicants to score 4 or more points they must have personally been involved in at least 2 cycles of the audit or quality improvement project. The same Quality Improvement/Clinical Audit may be also put forward in the publications domain if it may score in that domain should the applicant wish.ANDNote: International ● delivered it in a country other than your country of residence/education at time of delivery or a recognised international meeting that rotates to different countries so then may occur in the country of your undergraduate education or residence. ● This rotation does not include the constituent countries of the United Kingdom. National ● delivered it in the country where their undergraduate education took place, or at their time of residence ● The UK comprises the four nations, therefore presentations within these countries by someone who is residing in the UK is considered national ● must then have taken place at an event or to an audience where the participants and the organising members are taken from a national cross section. Regional ● extends beyond a local hospital, single trust or university setting; ● for example, the deanery or sub-deanery region or a cluster of hospitals comprising different NHS trusts. If your activity extends beyond this, then this would count as national. If one hospital hosts two different medical schools, and the candidate undertakes the teaching in that hospital, this would not count as regional, it would be considered local. Local ● confined to a hospital, trust or university setting - for example including two medical schools who share facilities on one hospital site. If your activity extends beyond your local hospital/trust, this will count as regional or national as appropriate.Evidence Required 1. A letter from supervising consultant or QI/audit project stating level of involvement, must be signed (can be digital signature to reproduce a physical signature) and include: a. Consultant name and GMC number (or corresponding national medical registration equivalent) b. Date AND 2. Copy of audit project presentation outlining scope and impact (findings and improvements achieved) of project OR A Summary of the project detailing scope and impact of the project. AND (for presentation points only) 3. A letter of acceptance from the meeting where presented confirming a. project title b. presenting author c. date A copy of the meeting programme displaying the project and presenting author will also be acceptable.Presentations/Publications Option Score Notes I have won a prize for delivering an oral presentation at a 10 Personal delivery of presentation required. This does not Oral presentations referred to are with or national or international medical meeting convened by an include “oral poster presentations” without slides. It would normally be accredited institution after being invited/selected to do so expected to include a question-and-answer session. I have delivered an oral presentation at a national or 8 Personal delivery of presentation required. This does not international medical meeting convened by an accredited include “oral poster presentations” institution after being invited/selected to do so I am first author a prize-winning poster or oral poster 6 Personal delivery of presentation required. Poster presentations referred to are given presentations presented at an international or national medical with one poster or poster slide and meeting convened by an accredited institution after being sometimes a very short oral explanation invited/selected to do so with or without a question-and-answer session. I am first author for 2 or more posters or oral poster 4 presentations presented at an international or national medical meeting convened by an accredited institution after being invited/selected to do so I have given an oral presentation at a regional medical meeting 2 Personal delivery of presentation required. after being invited/selected to do so I have presented one or more posters as first author at a 1 regional medical meeting(s) after being invited/selected to do so or I have had a poster accepted for presentation at a national or international meeting but did not attendOption Score Notes I am first author (please see appendix for definition) of a PubMed- 10 Evidence of PubMed ID number. For any publication in print to be considered for cited publication (or in press) not including a case report or points allocation they MUST be PubMed editorial letter (PUBMED ID must be provided) cited to demonstrate that it is peer reviewed and relevant to medicine. Any candidate submitting without a PubMed searchable ID will score 0 points. Any candidate claiming a PubMed ID for an article which does not have this will potentially raise a probity concern with the interview panel. I am first author of a PubMed-cited publication of a case report 4 Evidence of PubMed ID number. Chapters written in medical books will not or editorial letter (or in press) or I have written a book chapter require pub med citing but rather the ISBN for related to medicine which has been published (not self-published) the book is required as detailed below. I am a Cited Collaborative author (please see appendix for 3 Does not require named authorship alongside publication Publications are accepted for points allocation if definition) as part of a research collaborative publication in 3 or more title. they have been accepted by a PUBMED PubMed cited publications catalogued journal (in press) provided acceptance for publication without amendments is provided and evidence of the PubMed status of the journal is also provided. I am a named co-author (please see appendix for definition) of one 2 PubMed-cited publication (or in press) I am a Cited Collaborative author as part of a research 1 collaborative publication in 2 or more PubMed cited publicationsIMPORTANT - You must not in any circumstances claim an oral or poster presentation in this section if you have used the same quality improvement project/audit to claim points in the QI/audit section (Presentation points). - Any points claimed for oral or poster presentations in this section must be completely different projects to any QI or audit work used to claim points in any other section.Teaching Experience Options Score Notes I have worked with local educators to design and organise a 10 Identify a gap in the teaching provided and have worked The activity is deemed regional if it extends face-to-face teaching programme (a series of sessions with local educators to design, organise and deliver a beyond a local hospital, single trust or defined as 4 or more) to enhance organised teaching for regional teaching programme. As part of this process, university setting; for example, the deanery or healthcare professionals or medical students at a regional you will have had input into the programme objectives and sub-deanery region or a cluster of hospitals level (please see appendix for definition of regional). outline of sessions delivered. comprising different NHS trusts. I have worked with local educators to design and organise a 8 You have shown the ability to identify a gap in the teaching teaching programme (a series of sessions defined as 4 or provided and have worked with local educators to design, more) to enhance organised teaching for healthcare organise and deliver a local teaching programme. As professionals or medical students in an online format (please part of this process, you will have had input into the see appendix for definition of online) to a regional or larger programme objectives and outline of sessions delivered. audience. I have worked with local educators to design and organise a 6 You have shown the ability to identify a gap in the teaching The activity is deemed local if it is confined to a teaching programme (a series of sessions defined as 4 or provided and have worked with local educators to design, hospital, trust or university setting more) to enhance organised teaching for healthcare organise and deliver a local teaching programme. As professionals or medical students at a local level (please see part of this process, you will have had input into the appendix for definition of local). programme objectives and outline of sessions delivered. I have provided regular teaching for healthcare professionals 2 Examples of teaching include but not restricted to regular or medical students over the last year (4 or more bedside or classroom teaching, acting as a mentor to a sessions/year). student, acting as a tutor or delivering teaching in a virtual learning environment.Training Qualifications Eg. Training the teacher courses, PG cert module NB. Face to face or virtual are acceptableQuestions?Feedback