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How to study vascular guidelines by me Mr. Mohamed Omar Elfarok



This on-demand teaching session tackles relevant guidelines in the field of vascular medicine. The speaker presents ways to efficiently organize and access vital vascular guidelines from various reputable medical societies such as European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS), European Society of Cardiology (ESC), American Heart Association (AHA), and Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). These guidelines are available in mobile applications that are constantly updated with new information. The speaker provides a walk-through on the contents and how to navigate these apps. Furthermore, the speaker offers useful tips on how to convert these guidelines into a digital notebook, which can be beneficial for studying or reviewing before exams. This session would be beneficial to medical professionals interested in or specializing in vascular medicine looking to streamline their understanding and access to important vascular guidelines.

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This video describe how to study vascular guidelines both from mobile and desktop app and how to convert the guidelines into a Microsoft one note notebook and to use digital pen to make a document and to make comment and summary of important points

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, learners will be able to utilize mobile technology effectively to access and browse vascular guidelines from various reputable sources such as the European Society of Vascular Surgery, European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association and other vascular societies.
  2. Participants will gain an understanding of how to systematically approach and study the different types of vascular guidelines (e.g., aortic, peripheral, arterial, venous), including their sub-categories and specifications.
  3. Learners will be taught how to use digital notebooks such as Google OneNote to understand, categorize, annotate, and retain important information from the vascular guidelines.
  4. The session aims to equip learners with the ability to understand the importance and relevance of different vascular guidelines, their changes over time, and guidelines from different regions (e.g., European, American, Australian).
  5. A key objective of the teaching session is to prepare learners to quickly revise and recall the vascular guidelines, enabling them to leverage this information prior to exams or during clinical decision-making processes.
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In my dear vascular. Uh I would like to speak to you today about vascular guidelines. And I would like to speak today uh about two platform, your mobile platform and your BC platform, which I think vascular guidelines should be on both. Number one I bought here, this is uh an image from my mobile phone and this is a folder which I call it vascular. And you can see the first four items are vascular guidelines. The uh the European one which is ES vs is very good uh vascular application with all the European Society uh Vascular Guidelines. It's updated and you found all the guideline in PDF. The second one is the uh European Society of Cardiology. Uh European Society of Cardiology have both cardiology and peripheral guidelines as well. And they are also very, very helpful. There is a guideline for dyslipidemia guideline for diabetes guideline for hypertension and uh also peripheral guidelines and aortic guidelines. Now, here is the American Heart Association guidelines which also started to make guideline about arterial disease, aortic, um aortic intervention and aortic disease management aortic dissection. And also very important. See S VS is the American uh vascular society uh guideline, which have a lot of guideline plus these, these four, there are also the Canadian guidelines, Australian Vascular Guidelines. But let us say these are the most important four that I will use probably once every week. So these are important for you to uh put on your mobile as a mobile application. Uh Now let us see and see how they look like. Uh quickly, this is the European Society of Acular Surgery Mobile edition and the application are updated. Once you get a new update, you will have the update immediately downloaded and you can um uh search for you want to have venous arterial pulmonary in, you can select your library and see what is going on. And here you can see the uh management carotid artery disease, vertebral artery disease. Each one of them will tell you what is inside and as stable as well. So this is the European Society of Vascular Surgery. Now, the uh European Society of Cardiology is again, very nice uh application that you can uh download uh all the information and there is a lot to do with vascular. You can see endocarditis, uh diabetes, mellitus, um pulmonary em and uh much, much more if you want to see the hole. And you can see uh also you have uh a lot of uh modality or the valve disease and uh dyslipidemia acute coronary syndrome and also uh added the AORTA as well. And this is the uh Society of Cardiology. Now, the American Heart Association or AHA, you can see here there is a new download I need to download and I can download. What is new. Uh These are the item you can see it cover chest pain, it cover hypertension, double antiplatelet therapy, peripheral arterial disease or pet. So you can see it's a quite uh uh very useful to have a guideline. So what happened next after you have all these guideline, how can I study them or how can I before the exam uh get the information about what I want to do. This is where the, the BC rule will come and I will show you how I do it now here, how I study the vas a guidelines. Well, uh I think in my opinion, you need to convert it into a digital notebook. And one of the most important digital uh notebook is uh of course, uh Google, one note, uh Google, one note you can see I can write down here, Google, one note. It is very important, uh very important uh digital uh digital note taking it can convert to my uh my uh writing into it, can convert my writing into English. Even my handwriting is not, is not very good and you can swipe if you want to uh it, it's not a problem and you can use it also to uh what I usually do for the uh the uh the guideline is two things I put uh marking like this and this, this mark is what is important. I put the highlight and also I have another um another color again which I use this one which II usually say this is very important. OK. So here you can make a notebook called vascular guidelines. So this is my notebooks and this is a vascular guideline. Each vascular guideline, you can divide it into chapter carotid aortic uh arterial guideline, radiation safety venous guideline. And there is more, there is Mesenteric guideline, vascular access guidelines and the venous guideline. Let us go, for example, to aortic guideline. If you go to aortic guideline, you can see I have put, it's not, not just one guideline, you can have the aortic guideline by European Cytosar surgery 2024. This is the most recent, but you need also to read the ACC and AHA Aortic guideline in 2022. And you need a a the guideline, the slides. This is a beautiful advantage. Compare the guideline into slides and you need the uh to know what happened in the past and which guideline has been changed. So this is European Society Aortic Guideline 2024. Let us take, for example, the Thoracic Aortic guideline, which is not very reason here. I put uh as I mentioned to you, the very important I put it in pink and I highlight what is um what is in yellow color and you can, I usually use my digital pen so you can move up the screen. This is the guideline. You can see, I always put the ear which here it is the thoracic aortic guideline has not been updated since 2017. This is the area that very important for you to uh arise. I usually look at the committee who are on the committee. This will give it Matt Thompson. You we know Mark Thompson from United Kingdom, which now he outside uh with, with some problems and fa from France, Mike and Jacobs from Netherland, uh Vincent Trumbo from Spain. And, and this is always give you the strength of the, of the guidelines that you're going to see. Um Here is the chapters, I put a highlight what you need to uh read and each chapter, this is the abbreviation. I usually put highlight on what is important why I convert it into this because here you have all the related uh aortic guidelines. Everything you need not just to take the most recent, but you need to see how it went. And I will try to summarize it's very simple uh lecture in order for you within 5, 10 minutes before the exam, you should be quickly shuffling through your uh guidelines. Uh And you can put your comment, you can put your, you mentioned here. I would like to uh draw my attention that this and then you write blah, blah, blah and then you can e easily as well, uh, remove it, uh, with your digital pen, you can easily, uh, remove it, uh, or if you, um, want to change it and.