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In this on-demand teaching session, Dr. Ayomikun will guide medical professionals through the Pla Examination Platform Two Examination; the final step before registering as a medical doctor in the UK. Dr. Ayomikun will discuss the exam structure, the materials needed to prepare, and the benefits of attending an academy. Those interested in practising as a medical doctor in the UK are encouraged to attend this session to gain advice on how to best prepare for the exam and ultimately pass the exam the first time.


This video gives a succinct description of methods that can help achieve desired scores in the PLAB 2 exam.


Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify key elements of the PLAB 2 exam.
  2. Discuss the benefits of attending an academy for the exam.
  3. List the valuable resources needed to prepare for the exam.
  4. Explore the exam format, which consists of of 14-18 stations.
  5. Compare cultural differences in order to communicate more effectively with patients in the UK.

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Hi, my name is I am, I am a doctor in the NHS. And once again, you're welcome to my channel. If this is your first time on this channel, you're welcome to this channel. And the purpose of this channel is basically to guide international medical graduates in their journey to practicing as a medical doctor in the UK. So if you're looking to practice as a medical doctor in the UK, you're welcome to this channel and please kindly subscribe, hit the subscribe button so you can get notifications when we release new videos. Today we are talking about the plateau examination platform two examination. If you're following the platform RO to P practicing in the UK, the pla examination is the final ordu that you need to cross before finally getting registered as a medical doctor in the UK. And the P platform two can be quite daunting for a lot of people in the sense that it's only written in the UK. So you have to travel over to the UK to get this exam routine and can be a lot of stress applying for visa and can be financially intensive when you have to book for flights and you have to pay for some accommodation for a couple of days or weeks and you have to the exam itself. The cost is a bit on the high side. So it can be challenging for people because of the stress that it takes to write the exam and the costs of failing the exam can be really high. So this is why this exam comes with a lot of pressure and consider the fact that is the last O to the one is to cross before, before get registered as a medical doctor. It becomes imperative that one actually passes this exam the first time. But it's not the end of the world if one does not pass it the first time, but we are going to be, I'm going to be giving tips to help you to pass this exam the first time. So what is the oe exam? All the the plateau exam all about the plateau exam is basically an oe exam and you go from one station to another. The aim of the pla two examination is to test your competencies at the level of a foundation year two doctor in the UK. So your competencies at the level of a foundation year two doctor in the UK are going to be tested in this examination. And um there will be a couple of stations usually about 14 to 18 stations, but this can change but it usually about 14 to 18 stations and it's an oe examination. Some stations are history taking, some stations are examination stations. Some stations are communication stations. It can be a lot of things, there can be many things, telephone conversations, telephone consultations, addressing patients concerns, addressing angry patients. You know, these are the they mimic the scenarios that you are likely to come across as a medical doctor in your day to day practice in the United Kingdom. So we are going to be so I'm going to be discussing the Flap two examination to be what it is like and what you need to do to be able to pass it at a sitting. In terms of the materials you need to prepare for pla two like all other exams in this UK route. In this platform route, you need to have a functioning pla group. It is even more important especially for pla two because you need a lot of information guidelines change every day, especially during this COVID period. You need a lot of support from people. You need a lot of clarifications. You need a lot, you need to make a lot of clarifications. So you need people that can constantly supply you with information. You just need to filter the information to ensure that they are the correct ones. So in terms of the materials that you need to prepare for this platform two examination, the medical, we recommend the club blueprint for Foundation program curricula, the club blueprint for foundation program curricula. So this is a very good materials to get for your platform two. So as to know the right things to study. Also, there are a number of books from different academies that you can purchase. There are a number of pla two academies I must reiterate that attending academy is not compulsory for you to pass your platform to it is not compulsory for you to write your platform two. And there is always that question. Do I need to attend academy before I write my club two? Is it compulsory to go to academy? It's not compulsory to go to academy before attending, before, before, before going for the plateau examination. It's not compulsory to go to academic but going to an academy has its own benefits. Number one, it enables you to have a focused practice with a large number of people. You have a focused practice with a large number of people. This exam is all about practicing, practicing your the the the possible scenarios. It's important to differentiate practicing from cramping scenarios because some people go ahead to cramp the possible scenarios. This is not good enough because when you meet patients in real life, you're not going to be telling them scenarios that you've read in books. But the practice just help you to get more organized and to ensure you don't miss the salient things that you're supposed to say or the salient things that you're supposed to do. Ok? So it's so the academies help you to practice and rep practice and practice with different kind of people. And also, and the benefit of the academy is you get assessed usually by doctors that are practicing in the UK in many of the academies. And um this can also help you to correct your errors and that might actually cost you um some vascular stations or cost you the exam. So that is another benefit of attending an academy. Also another benefit of attending an academy is that when you attend an academy for the period of time that you are in the academy, you are focused on your exams, there are little distractions, it's an intense period. So it helps you to focus your attention on the exams. In addition, when you attend an academy, it helps to boost your confidence, it helps to boost your confidence because this the the possible scenarios will be discussed over and over. You are going to have, you would have to have practiced with a lot of people. You would have a mock examinations and this as a way of boosting your confidence. And to be honest, plateau exam requires a lot of confidence. Some people don't feel because they don't know what to say, but they feel because they are jittery and they lack confidence. Also, the academist helps you to get familiar with the UK system. The truth is we all studied medicine um in different countries and medicine. Is universal all over the world. But there are, there are changes or things that are peculiar to each countries in terms of the cases and the in terms of the kind of patients that you you you meet. So and in terms of the cultural differences in the patients that you meet. Sometimes cultural beliefs, cultural differences can affect how you you communicate with your patients can affect how your patient accept whatever treatment that you're proposing. So attending Academy helps you to prepare for um to prepare for this exam in the context of a UK patient. So that is also another benefit of attending academies. So the question is which academy do I attend? Well, in this video, I will not be reviewing the academies. Um in subsequent videos, I'm going to do a review on the academies and I'm going to speak with students past students of um these various academies to get an unbiased review from them. So you can look forward to this particular video because it's going to really address a lot of concerns and a lot of questions that you might have regarding attending Plateau Academy, there are a number of popular plateau academies. Um some of the popular ones, there could be others, but some of the popular ones that I know of or that I've read of that. I've seen people write about include Swami Academy, Samp Academy apa Common stations. Key point Brumley emergency causes doctor to be so these are some of the plateau academics that I know of and that are quite popular and there could be other ones. But um we cannot access the list on this video, unfortunately, but these are some of the common ones. Um I would be doing a review on these seven academics that I've just mentioned in one of my videos and I really want you to look forward to that video because we will be speaking with past students of these academies and getting feedbacks from them as regarding these academies. So personally, I would recommend um I would, I think it's advisable to go to an academy because of the reasons I've just mentioned, but it's not compulsory to go to an academy before going for your Plato examination. And I have had of candidates that passed the exam self preparing and didn't go to academics. So this is the end of the uh video for today. If you have any questions, please, you can type it in the comment box and I will answer your questions. Also look forward to our next videos and please please please hit the subscribe button so you can get the notifications or whenever we release new videos. Thank you very much. Bye.