Dr Farah Roslan : "Life as a Paediatric Surgical Trainee"
Join this exciting On-demand Teaching Session - "Life as a Paediatric Surgical Trainee," delivered by Ms. Farah Roslan, a respected figure with a wealth of experience. She charts her career path from graduating from the University of Nottingham up to being a Fellow in Paediatric Surgery.
The presentation is fascinating and beneficial for pros in the industry and covers a range of topics like how to get started in paediatric surgery, what a typical day in the role entails, challenges, and useful tips for those eager to follow this path. Ms. Roslan also delves into pressing issues like burnout, work-life balance, the cultural context of being a surgeon, and the specific challenges faced by expecting surgeons. It's an opportunity no medical professional should miss.
Learning objectives
- Understand the path to becoming a paediatric surgical trainee, including the critical steps and milestones along the way.
- Comprehend the rationale behind choosing paediatric surgery as a speciality and what a typical day in this field entails.
- Identify and discuss the challenges associated with being a paediatric surgical trainee, including meeting expectations, burnout, and maintaining work-life balance.
- Gain insight into key issues facing female surgeons in the field, such as harassment, bullying, the impact of pregnancy and parenthood on professional life.
- Obtain practical tips and recommendations for those interested in this career path, with a particular focus on self-care and work-life balance.
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LifeasaPaediatric SurgicalTrainee Ms Farah Roslan,BMBS,MRCS(Edin) UniversityHospitalsof Leicestery • How do I get here • Why paediatric surgery • What a typical day looks like Content • Challenges • Tips for those who are interestedHowdoIgethere? FoundationYearTraininginTrent Twinning programmefrom Deanery InternationalMedicalUniversity, •FoundationDoctorof theYear 2019 HSTinPaediatricSurgery(2022 Malaysia •Introducedthedisposablehijab –current) 2016 2018–2020 2022 2018 2020–2022 Graduatedfrom theUniversityof CoreSurgicalTraining Nottingham •GeneralsurgerythemedwithT&Oand •PresidentofInternationalPublicHealth PaedsSurgery experience Society •MRCSA &B •NottinghamDebatingUnion Why paediatric surgery • Theatre • On calls • Clinic Whatatypical • Ward round • MDT daylookslike • Teaching • Admin • Academic • Competition • Meeting expectations (self, Challenges others) • Burnout • Work life balance – pregnancy and parenthood2021 2022• Burnoutarisingfrom chronicwork-relatedstress is endemic amongsurgeonsinthe UK. • 22% offemale and10% ofmale consultants reporting beingoften/always‘subject to harassmentinthe formofunkindwordsorbehaviour’ • The proportionoffemale consultantsurgeonsthat reported beingoften/always‘subject to bullyingat work’was doublethat ofmales at 14% versus7% • Half oftrainee surgeonsandtwo-fifthsof consultantsurgeonsreported burnout.• Surgicaltrainees are 3x at higherriskto experience pregnancyloss • Nightshifts and workingmore than 40h a weekare associated with higherrisks ofmiscarriage • Themostcommonreasonforsurgicaltrainees stopping breastfeeding early was inadequate workprovision • Nearly 1in4 non-childbearingtrainees were unhappywith their workscheduleonreturn to work • Conclusion: urgentaction to reduce rates ofmiscarriage andmajorpregnancycomplications insurgicaltrainees inEWTD-compliantsettings.• Overhalfofsurgical traineesworkingLTFT haveexperienced undermining behaviouras a resultoftheir LTFT. • Despite a reported need forLTFT inboth genders,this remainsdifficultto organise,access to usefulinformationispoorandnegativeattitudes amongstaff remain. • Recommendationsare made to provideimprovedsupport and informationfor those wishingto pursueLTFT. • You don’t have to have it all figured out Tipsforthose •makes you feel fulfilledhich whoare interested • Look after yourself •selfcare ≠ selfishfter others,Anyquestions?