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Overview of CST application process CST timeline


Applying into Core Surgical Training - everything you need to know beforehand to prepare for the application cycle

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Overview of CST application process CST timeline Portfolio requirements MSRA and some practice questions What you can do now

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Session 1 Applying to Core Surgical TraPreparationSRAIntroductions ● 22/23 CST Application Cycle, applied from F2 ● Plastics-themed CST ● Run-through Urology Trainee ● Why we are doing this course ● Life as a CST - steep learning curve, expected to work independently very quickly ● Don’t rush to get into training!Objectives - Overview of CST application process - CST timeline - Portfolio requirements - MSRA and some practice questions - What you can do nowCST application process Application through Oriel (including portfolio self assessment) Sit for MSRA Upload portfolio evidence InterviewsKey changes in 2023 When the MSRA was introduced, the scoring for the portfolio also changed, and the 4 domains for 2023 are as follows: 1. Commitment to surgery 2. Quality Improvement / Clinical Audit 3. Presentations and Publications 4. Teaching experience and Training in teachingBUT Be ready for last-minute changes in the portfolio requirements!Portfolio = 30% of total score - guaranteed points. 5 main domains with total of 52 points Remaining 70% = MSRA score (10%) and interview score (60%).What You Can Do Now - Gather evidence for portfolio - time consuming so be organised! - Surgically-themed audit - ensure present at a national conference - Train the teacher course lasting at least 2 days (usually can claim under study budget if paid course but check with deanery) - Organise a teaching course (minimum 4 sessions) - Present at conferences (ASIT, Junior doctors conference) - oral poster presentations don’t count as oral presentations - Relax as application season can be stressful - find an application buddy!Generic Portfolio Guidance 1. Any achievements claimed must have been undertaken after commencing your medical or first undergraduate degree, and before last date of application 2. Evidence upload prior to results of MSRA 3. Single achievement that would award the highest score 4. Evidence required - https://medical.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training-recruitment/medical-specialty- training/surgery/core-surgery/core-surgical-training-self-assessment-scoring-guidance-for- candidatesMSRA - Used for shortlisting applicants - usually around January - Contributes 10% of total score - Free computer based exam - automatically invited once longlisted - Book early - limited space in test centresMSRA Single computer-based exam 1. Professional Dilemmas (PD) paper - 50 Qs in 95 mins (8 pilot Qs), SJT which tests professional integrity, coping with pressure and empathy and sensitivity. 2. Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) paper - 97 Qs in 75 mins (11 pilot Qs), tests medical knowledge. optional five-minute break betweenClinical Topics ● Cardiovascular ● Dermatology/ENT/eyes ● Endocrinology/metabolic ● Gastroenterology/nutrition ● Infectious disease/haematology/immunology/allergies/genetics ● Musculoskeletal ● Paediatrics ● Pharmacology and therapeutics ● Psychiatry/neurology ● Renal/urology ● Reproductive ● Respiratory ● Let us discuss some practice questionsFormat Half of the questions in the PD paper are ranking questions and half are multiple-choice questions. Half of the questions in the CPS paper are extended matching questions (EMQs) and half are single best answers (SBA). EMQs feature sets of 7-10 answer options, each with multiple associated questions. For SBAs, candidates must choose the single most appropriate answer out of 5-8 answer options for a clinical presentation.Revision Hints and Tips 1. Start 2 months before exam in Jan 2. Question banks we used to do LOTS of practice questions - MCQBank, PassMedicine 3. No negative marking 4. No absolute right or wrong answers for SJT, ranking Qs marked against a predetermined key, based on a near-miss approach. 5. Good SJT practice: https://foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/resources/situational- judgement-test-sjt/practice-sjt-papers/ 6. Official practice papers with answers here: https://medical.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training- recruitment/medical-specialty-training/publications/multi-specialty-recruitment- assessment-msra-2023-practice-paperWhat else do you want us to cover? - Portfolio? - MSRA? - Interview?Feedback