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Hi, everyone. This is Nit from a world. Welcome back to the next class. I hope you all are doing good in this class. We are going to learn about ABG interpretations. ABG means arterial blood gas, arterial blood gas test oxygen level carbon dioxide in our blood. Moreover, we can see the PH balances too. First of all, the ABG interpretation, we should know what is the normal level of ABG values. So let us see the components and the normal values of ABG in ABG. You can see that there is ph carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, oxygen and oxygen saturation. Ph The normal value of ph that is 7.3527 0.45 carbon dioxide. It should be between 35 to 45. Oxygen should be 8200 bicarbonate that should be in between 22 to 26 oxygen saturation. It should be greater than 95%. As we all know that you know, it is very essential to remember these values, then only we can identify the abnormal values in the ABG, right? So if there is any imbalances in the ph, it can affect our body function, either it can lead to acidosis or alkalosis. So let us see what is specifically, you know, alkalosis and what is acidosis in alkalosis? We already have seen that the ph the normal value is in between 7.35 to 7.45. So any value that is greater than 7.45 we consider it as alkalosis. Ok. So any value which is less than 7.35 it is considered as acidosis. The other component, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide is always stands uh in terms of acid. That means if it is greater than the normal value, that is greater than 45 that means it is acidic. If carbon dioxide is less than 35 that means it is alkalosis. The next one that is bicarbonate, the normal value which we have already seen it should be in between 22 to 26 right? So if the value, if any value that is below 22 that means it is acidic. And if it is greater than 26 that means I close it. So, so far we have seen what is the normal and what is mean by alkalosis and acidosis. Right. Next step, it is very essential to know the type of acidosis and alkalosis, either it can be respiratory or metabolic. So let us see more about the types of acidosis and alkalosis. Here you can see that there are four types. The first one is respiratory acidosis. The second one respiratory alkalosis, the another one metabolic acidosis and the last one metabolic alkalosis. So, in respiratory acidosis, we always look into the value of carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide, the normal value it should be between 35 to 45 right. So if it is greater than 45 and the carbon dioxide, it is always stands for respiratory. So if it is greater than 45 it means it shows acidic. So the PH should be less than 7.35. So that is called a respiratory acidosis. Ok. The another one, respiratory arsis. So in alkalosis, we have already seen that the carbon dioxide can be below 35. So the PH can be more than 7.45 right? In metabolic acidosis, the important thing, the metabolic, it stands bicarbonate. Ok. So if the bicarbonate falls any value below 22 it can lead to acidosis. That means ph can be less than 7.35. The final one that is metabolic alkalosis here, the PH can be greater than 7.45. The bicarbonate can be greater than 26. Ok. So the only thing here you can see that either it is respiratory acidosis or alkalosis, the component is carbon dioxide, right? The carbon dioxide value, determine the Ph of the blood. In metabolic bicarbonate value will determine the Ph of the blood. Ok. So when you see the ABG value of a particular patient, the next step is to know whether this, you know the abnormality, either respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis, whatever it is, the very next uh nursing critical judgment is to identify the present status of the patient. That means if my patient is going through a compensate stage or it is already compensated or not. Right? So if whenever we have the imbalance in our ph our body will try to compensate to get back our ph to the normal level. That is 7.35 to 7.45. Either it can be by renal system or respiratory system. Ok. So if there is any respiratory acidosis or alkalosis, our respiratory system will try to change the ventilation or I mean to adjust to the ventilation to get back our carbon dioxide to normal 35 to 45. So that it indirectly held the ph back to normal 7.35245. Ok. So, in renal, it mainly if the acidosis is either due to metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, the renal system, our kidney will try to concentrate the urine either acidic or to help the bicarbonate to become normal between 20 to 26. So it will help the PH of the blood back to normal 7.35 to 7.45. Ok. So how we can see whether it is compensated or uncompensated in ABG strip. So when you get an ABG strip, if your ph is normal and the PC two and the bicarbonate is abnormal. That means the patient is fully compensated because the ph is already normal, right? Even if the carbon dioxide and bicarbonate is abnormal because body is come uh trying to help the blood to be in the normal ph the another one partially compensated. That means the body system is doing the adjustment too, you know, to maintain the PH I within the normal limit. So we can expect that Ph PCO two and bicarbonate are abnormal. That means it is partially compensated. The another one uncompensated here, you can see that PH is totally abnormal, but the PCO two HCO three is normal. That means the system, the renal or respiratory system is not doing any ads, no adjustment to get back the Ph to the normal level. So the PH is still abnormal. Ok. That means patient is uncompensated in this stage. We need to act or we need to give some medications as per the doctor's order or we need to give more oxygen. It depends on the which stage of acidosis or, or which type of alkalosis the patient is going through. So this is all about ABG so far we discussed about the normal values. What is alkalosis, what is acidosis? What are the types of acidosis and alkalosis? And we have already seen about the compensation and the stages of compensation. I hope you got, you all got an overall idea about, you know, ABG remember to subscribe and share this channel to all nurses and nursing students. See you on next video till then. Bye, take care.