06) Two Handed Tie-left hand
Join us for an interactive session demonstrating the essential knot tying skill of a two-handed tie, left-handed, presented by a left-handed surgeon. Learn how to tie a knot with two hands, the differences between a left and right-handed knot, and practice with various suture silks and a not tying board. We will show you how to confidently execute this critical surgical skill for success in the operating room while perfecting your knot-tying abilities.
Learning objectives
- List and explain the five steps of a left handed two handed tie
- Explain why it is important for surgeons to be able to tie knots both right and left handed
- Utilize the correct equipment and materials when demonstrating this knot
- Identify the difference between L shapes and S shapes when making the knot
- Master the ability to produce a square knot when alternating between L shapes and S shapes.
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For our next skill, we're going to demonstrate something which we've already covered, which is a two handed tie, but we're going to demonstrate it left handed. I myself and I'm left handed surgeon. And I think it's super important that we demonstrate this for other left handed surgeons out there, but also being able to tie knots, both right and left handed is a super important skill for all surgeons to have. Once again for this skill we'll need are not tying board. We'll need our practice string or you can use suture silk ties typically work best and gloves are optional, but I highly recommend them. It's always best to practice the same way. You're going to execute a skill in the operating room. You can use the skill to tie and secure any not. And most attendings and residents will want you to show mastery of this tie first before moving on to other ties such as a one handed tie. So to start, we'll place are not tying board in front of us and we'll threat our practice string behind the side that has the penrose drain. Now, for me, I'm going to place the blue side of my string on my right side and the white side of my string on the left side. Now, the key to making this knot is making L's and sees with our hands. And what I mean by that is for the beginning part of the snap, we're going to make two L's with both of our hands. And when we move on to the second part, we're going to make two seeds with both of our hands. So what that looks like is if we pick up our strings, the strings are going to be draped over index fingers as such. And this is how we'll start the, not now, since this is a left handed, not are left hand is going to be our post and our right hand is going to be the one that's going to start our movement. So to start what we'll do is we'll take the blue under the string that's in our right hand and we'll cross it over our left index finger to make an X from here, we're going to pinch our thumb and our index finger together. And what we'll do is we'll rotate our hands. So now our thumb is on the bottom and our index finger is on the top. Once again, we'll rotate our hands through with our index finger on top and our thumb on the bottom, we can unpinch are index finger and our thumb and we can use our right hand to drape the blue end of our string overtop our thumb from here, we'll once again, pinch are index finger and our thumb together this time with the blue and of our string in between, and we'll rotate our fingers back to where we started bringing the blue side of the string with us. Now, if you notice this isn't exactly a square. Not if we didn't cross our strings in the beginning. What we'll have to do is cross our hands here. So I'll cross my hands down until it a nice square. Not now, this is just one half of are not in order to continue throwing square knots we'll have to do is switch from our els to those seeds that we talked about before. You'll pick up the same side of the string in the same hand that you had before. But instead of making els, what we'll do is we'll make sees with a string draped around our thumb as such similar to what we did before. We're going to take our right hand and cross it over the string that's on our left them to make an X, well, pinch our thumb and our index finger and we'll rotate them through. So now our thumb is on top and our index finger is on the bottom. We'll take the blue under the string that's in our right hand and we'll place it over top are index finger and we'll re pinch our thumb and index finger this time with a blue string in between and rotate our hands back through bringing the blue end of the string with us. Now, since we crossed our hands last time, we don't need to cross our hands this time. In order to continue throwing down a nice square. Not to continue this, you'll go back to throwing your next, not using your els followed by the seas alternating back and forth so that we, then each time you're laying a nice square. Not, and that is how you do a left handed to hand tie.