BOTA Conference 2022 | Dr Alan Hilley | Sustainability Faculties and Champion Networks
In this special on-demand teaching session, medical professional Alan Hilly will share his knowledge and experience of sustainability and champion networks. He will present on the climate crisis and its consequences. He will then go on to discuss Sustainable Quality Improvement and its importance, as well as the Center for Sustainable Healthcare's Principles of Sustainable Clinical Practice. Alan will also share his insights from his fellowship year working with the Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare and explain the concept of the Green Champions Network. Join Alan and explore how to maximize patient outcomes while minimizing utilization of finite resources and reducing our carbon footprint.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the global environmental changes due to the carbon footprint of healthcare systems.
- Describe how an integrated system of sustainable, quality improvement operations can prevent and reduce carbon emissions.
- Apply risk management and patient-centered principles to sustainable, quality improvement operations.
- Identify strategies and actions to support sustainable healthcare in a region.
- Utilize networking and collaboration to promote sustainable healthcare in a region.
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so. Hi, guys. Welcome back to our third and final session of this afternoon. It's my great pleasure now to introduce on Hilly. Who I think I'm writing is a glass go negative now in orthopedics registrar in the Northeast on He's currently out of program doing a fellowship in sustainability and is here to share with us some of his knowledge unexperienced off sustainability faculties on champion networks. So thank you so much for joining us, Alan, if you want to share whenever you're ready. Yes. No problem. Thanks very much to it. Just so. First of all, just a warning. I'm actually up in the highlands off Scotland. So on, hopefully my internet holds out, So I've been assured I'll be a left of it pox in Syria. First of all, um, I would just say that a couple of my slight have already bean showing by Dr Lever, but I think the message is important, and I think he can bear repeating. So, um, first of all, my name's artery actually said I am a classical negative, and it's a absolute privilege to have been asked to come and present today. Artie, inaugural, uh, water sustainability conference so a little bit about myself. So that is a picture off King Edward B, which is a beautiful beach in the tone of tame most, which is where I'm from and I spend a lot more time out walking along the beach or out in the hills and elite district running, claiming swimming. And it really was my experience on love for nature. What was my gait way into having quite grave concerns about the climate crisis and is what sparked me into action to try and contribute to the solution. So, as Julie mentioned, I'm in orthopedic trainee in the Northeast on I'm sure, as we've talked about today, we really are quite big contributors to the any chest is carbon footprint, and I really wanted to use my Year of program as a leadership fellow, too. Focus on sustainability to try on, uh, make a difference. So today I'm just going to talk a little bit briefly about the climate crisis and a few, this lady said, I've seen showing already on, and then we'll talk a little bit about sustainable quality improvement, and I think, let's just we'll talk more on broad brush strokes on concepts and principals. And I think quality, improvement and sustainability really underpins everything that we are aiming to do, um, in sustainable healthcare. And then I'm going to talk about, um, My year is a sustainability fellow working with the faculty of Sustainable Healthcare under Green Champions Networks. So this graph has been showing already, but I've done a few presentations known sustainable healthcare. And I always start with this late because it really does, uh, you know, concerned me, and I think it's a very worrying slate. As we can see from the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen exponentially year on year, and we really are critical. Tipping point on. There's a consensus amongst claim that scientists it's a of less. We drive the carbon dioxide to lessen 400 parts per million. We are on course for a claim it catastrophe, and what did these numbers matter? So why do these numbers martyr? So this is a graph that shows the projected global temperature predictions based on our current policies, and if we do nothing on every current, we continue on a current predictor e that it's predicted that the global temperatures will rise by between in 4.1 of 0.8 by four. 2100. And what does that mean? It doesn't mean that we're going to have a better sometime, and summers are going to be warm and glorious. The consequences really are catastrophic as being us has been mentioned before. Result in faithful heat waves, droves, flash floods, conflict, uh, some. And on that, ironically, is the populations that have contributed least to the problem that will be impacted most by its consequences. So really, it is time to act and we need to. I know again this has been touched on already. But the healthcare globally is major contributor to carbon emissions. If it was a country, ah produces much carbon dioxide carbon emissions as Canada. The NHS is the biggest public and mr off carbon dioxide in the public sector for both 4 to 5% on your case, total carbon emissions on on a daily basis, we produce more carbon Lanhee through airport, and it really is quite a vicious positive feedback loop. We know that about 44,000 deaths pair year can be directly associated with poor air quality, and the more morbidity and mortality that there is, the more stress and utilization there is off the healthcare system, resulting in more carbon emissions on more mobility from per year quality. So it's a vicious cycle. No, we need to work out how we can read on one of the ways we can do this by engaging in sustainable quality improvement. So it's terrible. Quality improvement isn't designed to try and replace ah traditional quality improvement projects, but rather it needs to be integrated into any quality improvement intervention that we make. And this was recognized by the Royal College or physicians, which have no integrated sustainability, is a key demean off their quality improvement framework and what is sustainable. Quality improvement was all about maximizing sustainable value and sustainable value. Recognizes that we live in a world with finite resources, and we have to make sure that we maximize our patient outcomes Well, minimizing are utilization off these final resources, and these resources can be classified as environmental social on financial, and this is broadly termed on the triple bottom line. So, in summary, sustainable value is all about maximizing patient outcomes. Woest minimizing are impact on triple bottom line. Whenever we're doing are sustainable quality improvement project. We should really keep in mind the Center for Sustainable Healthcare's Principles Off Sustainable clinical Practice. So the top we have got prevention and it's at the top for ah for a reason, because prevention really is the most powerful thing that we can do to reduce the carbon impact off any any service that we're providing. That is often something that is neglected because it is. There's quite difficult to impart things that strategies for prevention off all health, our public health strategy. So but campaigns to improve healthy eating, exercise, smoking cessation also campaigns to improve hosting and here quality. And then we have got self care. So that's all about educating and imposing our patients to have more autonomy over their own healthcare on health. And then we've got Lynparza three. So we've talked to touch the ice on the previous presentations. It's all about making are pathways mortification on less carbon intensive and then we've got a low carbon alternatives. So this could be, for example, switching to lower carbon intensive medications or switching from single use uh, items. And as we move down those principles, the impact it has on the carbon footprint. Often intervention decreases, but often it is the law. Carbonyl 10 Tarrant is that we focus on clinicians cause its laws that we can have the most direct impact on So, um, and my years as a fellow. So actually, I'm not a sustainability fellow leadership fellow working for health education England Northeast on the North from Breo Trust. But from the outset off my fellowship year, I was very Adam and I wanted to make sustainability the focus off that year. And I've been working very closely with the faculty off Sustainable Healthcare in health education. Northeastern. This is the first faculty off. It's kind in the UK, and this chair, by Elaine Weekly is a consultant. And if test in the Northeasterners, Elaine's of really driving force behind lot of the good work has been done in the region. As a faculty, we are responsible to our post graduate dean on the Meter Coomer and profit. Chemo has been really supportive off all the, um, interventions and all the projects that we've tried to get off the ground. So in terms of our aim, our aims, broadly speaking, are all about awareness. So it was a recognition that amongst trainees and amongst the wider mg t, the really is quite your awareness off the impact that healthcare system heart on the claim, a contribution that it harms to the claim it emergency. And we really wanted to try and do something about that. We also really wanted to educate our trainees in the region of boat healthcare and sustainability, but also about the principles off sustainable quality improvement and Holick and implement, not in their own clinical practice. We then, once we recognize the importance off networking collaboration is a very powerful tool, and it's far more powerful to implement change on the regional level or a national level rather and everybody working in silos doing their own thing. And then importantly, we wanted to celebrate. So we really wanted to celebrate all the great work that's being done by, uh, the region, um, and also to share good practice. It can be used as an example for all of people to follow. So our achievement sissies Ah, this is just a selection off are cheap. It's so far. We've been up and running for a year over a year now and and not really the time, we really have managed to achieve quite quails. So in terms of raising awareness, so we know produce a quarterly newsletter which and has got all the, uh, sustainability. Relevant news is happening in the region and beyond, as well as updates on sustainability projects and a ways that people can get involved. We also education is being a real focused off our first year, and we teamed up with the Center for Sustainable Healthcare with design, the number of workshops that we've ruled out across the region focusing on sustainability in healthcare, but also the principals off a sustainable quality improvement. And we're also, um, training up a team off facilitators in the region so that we can provide these workshops independently on also, we've designed and ruled out the learning platform, uh, learning module, unseasonable healthcare on the even eat for health platform. Um, in terms of networks, we've come on to talk about that a little second and then in terms of celebrating, I'm really happy to see that we are about to have our first annual faculty of Sustainable Healthcare Conference, which is going to be in the catalyst and Newcastle. We've got really fantastic program off speakers and exhibitors, and we're also going to have a port of presentations to try and celebrate all the good work that's been going on in the region. So in terms off the Green Champions Network, this is a piece of work that I've been working on over the last few months, and it was born from, uh, a survey that was carried out during our launch event. And the themes that were really repeated over and over again was that people wanted our mechanism to collaborate to, um, network they wanted read on a central hub for resources and two kids. And really, it was born on the recognition as trainees. Specifically, Is that the rotational nature off the training program? It's very difficult to embed yourself within. Each trusts sustainability work because as soon as you get your kind of fingers and you know you get you get your teeth into a project, it's no longer four, you're moving on and all that momentum congeal lost. We really want you to have something that could perpetuate it through a training training program so that they could start projects, completely projects and then share their experiences with, um uh, the the next generation of trainees. So they're all of the the role that we invested for agreeing champions was free, see, So we wanted them to be to communicate, so we wanted them to be the conjurer. It between the training is that the represent on the faculty of sustainable healthcare we wanted them to contribute content to do the, uh, case reports and for the platform on Also, in terms of collaborations who locally, originally on nationally on. But we also appreciate that when you get started on your green champions and when you when you get started on your sustainability journey, it could be really quite daunting and really difficult to know where to start. So we have been working to produce a green champions, huh? Which is, Ah, one stop shop for everything that you will need to get started on your sustainability journey. It will have resources to kids and also hard a bank off Case reports from previous work has been done as well. This current projects that, uh, the champions Consejo for it to get involved with eso that is just in the phone of stages of production. And it's going to be ready to get ruled out very shortly. So that is just, ah, whistle stop at through my year. Similar important concepts. My one bit of advice for anybody that's kind of just starting out on their sustainability. Johnny would be too faint. And I'll I think having something do who is just maybe a little bit more experienced in kind of sustainable healthcare that may have, um, faced some of the challenges that you are up against Converium really helpful and really pouring and give you the confidence to try and on make the changes that you want to achieve. So thanks very much. There's a couple of acknowledgements don't they're on, but yeah, I'm happy to take any questions. Alan, thank you so much for that. That with the absolutely brilliant talk on kind of really shoulders, you know, kind of what's going on, you know, to try and develop stable health care that there is hope that, as you say, you know, the important thing is to have an ally someone to kind of show you the way, and hopefully, you know, the work that you guys are doing well help a lot of people make those connections to people who could help thumb going forwards