I've attended the majority of the sessions and found them really useful so far thank you. You have mentioned a resource document containing all the information from the sessions will be sent out at the end of the course. Our PSA exam is on the 30th of January so I was wondering if there was a way to be sent this earlier to help with revision.
Thank you
Apologies, sending them out in batches, if you have a registered attendance certificate with us on MedAll I’ll make sure you get one either today or tomorrow
Hi, has this document been sent out yet? I attended some of your sessions, and filled in the feedback forms, but haven't received anything? Thanks in advance
Apologies, sending them out in batches, if you have a registered attendance certificate with us on MedAll I’ll make sure you get one either today or tomorrow
Hi, has this document been sent out yet? I attended some of your sessions, and filled in the feedback forms, but haven't received anything? Thanks in advance
Hi guys, apologies for the delayed response, We're just finishing editing the document now - we have a list of attendees and will send out the guide before the weekend
Hi guys, apologies for the delayed response, We're just finishing editing the document now - we have a list of attendees and will send out the guide before the weekend