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MedAll Gastroenterology
MedAll Gastroenterology
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
Posted by MedAll Editor  |  3 Jul 2024 (Edited)
3 Jul 2024 (Edited)

MASH Forum Case: Management

Can you answer the questions about this case ahead of joining Prof Dinani's session?

Ms. M is a 38-year-old female presenting with Class 2 obesity (BMI 34 kg/m²) and prediabetes, diagnosed with metabolic-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). She is eager to improve her liver health but prefers to avoid medication, believing lifestyle changes alone can achieve this goal.

Her dietary habits primarily consist of meals eaten outside the home, including a quick breakfast on her way to work. She consumes a diet ginger ale with lunch and attempts to have dinner at home around 6 pm. However, she experiences nighttime hunger, often snacking on cookies or chips, with occasional fruit intake. Ms. M has an unused gym membership and expresses interest in starting a walking routine. She reports no joint issues or arthritis.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Novo Nordisk. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Mark Perloe and 3 others have liked this

MASH Forum Case: Management

Can you answer the questions about this case ahead of joining Prof Dinani's session?

Ms. M is a 38-year-old female presenting with Class 2 obesity (BMI 34 kg/m²) and prediabetes, diagnosed with metabolic-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). She is eager to improve her liver health but prefers to avoid medication, believing lifestyle changes alone can achieve this goal.

Her dietary habits primarily consist of meals eaten outside the home, including a quick breakfast on her way to work. She consumes a diet ginger ale with lunch and attempts to have dinner at home around 6 pm. However, she experiences nighttime hunger, often snacking on cookies or chips, with occasional fruit intake. Ms. M has an unused gym membership and expresses interest in starting a walking routine. She reports no joint issues or arthritis.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Novo Nordisk. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Mark Perloe and 3 others have liked this
Liliana Laynes17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

She urgently needs to change her lifestyle, start a Mediterranean diet, and have an exercise program. There are barriers that prevent these changes such as too much work, stress, lack of time to prepare her meals and exercise.

She urgently needs to change her lifestyle, start a Mediterranean diet, and have an exercise program. There are barriers that prevent these changes such as too much work, stress, lack of time to prepare her meals and exercise.

Kim Dombroski13 Jul 2024
13 Jul 2024

A lot of it depends on her type of work and her willingness to change. If a desk job then she should be able to fix something the night before to take to work and heat up. If not education on ordering the healthier of the foods. I worked 25 years in a hospital and we were lucky to get a break sometimes. Even now with home health it depends on the schedule. Its all about healthy choices. Medication wise, maybe more education is needed from the healthcare provider on the negatives and positives of the medication as well as affordability. If it is one of the newer meds like wegovy or mounjaro. Good luck getting it at s decent cost if at all thanks to the insurance industry

A lot of it depends on her type of work and her willingness to change. If a desk job then she should be able to fix something the night before to take to work and heat up. If not education on ordering the healthier of the foods. I worked 25 years in a hospital and we were lucky to get a break sometimes. Even now with home health it depends on the schedule. Its all about healthy choices. Medication wise, maybe more education is needed from the healthcare provider on the negatives and positives of the medication as well as affordability. If it is one of the newer meds like wegovy or mounjaro. Good luck getting it at s decent cost if at all thanks to the insurance industry

Dani Carlson13 Jul 2024
13 Jul 2024

She sounds incredibly busy. Suggest healthy choices at fast food places. Head to the gym after work an have dinner later to avoid nighttime hunger.😀

She sounds incredibly busy. Suggest healthy choices at fast food places. Head to the gym after work an have dinner later to avoid nighttime hunger.😀

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

What potential barriers might Ms. M encounter in adhering to lifestyle modifications, and how can we proactively address those challenges?

What potential barriers might Ms. M encounter in adhering to lifestyle modifications, and how can we proactively address those challenges?

Margarett Walden13 Jul 2024
13 Jul 2024

Meal prepping and the time it takes. Stop eating during the night. Preparing lunch that she can eat at work....do they have microwave? Do they have somewhere to eat/ break room? Eating a healthy diet, getting time to go to gym, making it a part of her routine 3 to 4 times per week ...money for healthy eating a possibility. Address the changes slowly . .do not go on crash diets....drink a lot of water and increase fiber to feel full longer. Meditation Diet, DASH, ADA.

Meal prepping and the time it takes. Stop eating during the night. Preparing lunch that she can eat at work....do they have microwave? Do they have somewhere to eat/ break room? Eating a healthy diet, getting time to go to gym, making it a part of her routine 3 to 4 times per week ...money for healthy eating a possibility. Address the changes slowly . .do not go on crash diets....drink a lot of water and increase fiber to feel full longer. Meditation Diet, DASH, ADA.

Gina Perez-Baron15 Jul 2024
15 Jul 2024

Introduce Easy meal planning. Small changes to add steps and activity into her day. Stress reduction and mindfulness to help with nighttime anxiety eating. Increasing water intake.

Introduce Easy meal planning. Small changes to add steps and activity into her day. Stress reduction and mindfulness to help with nighttime anxiety eating. Increasing water intake.

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Potential barriers is busy lifestyle, eating out daily, sedentary lifestyle.

Meal prepping at least start packing lunch so she can make healthier choices. Breakfast can be meal prepped as well concentrating on protein rich quick meal suchvas hard boil eggs, healthy smoothie, etc.

She should stop soda at lunch and switch to water. Can add fruit to water for flavor.

She should start walking program. 20-30 minutes if able in the evening at least 5 days a week. Try to walk at lunch if just around the office, take the stairs.

Try to avoid eating after dinner unless water and small serving of fruit with protein. Consider healthy snacks during day as snack so she won't be so hungry at night.

Potential barriers is busy lifestyle, eating out daily, sedentary lifestyle.

Meal prepping at least start packing lunch so she can make healthier choices. Breakfast can be meal prepped as well concentrating on protein rich quick meal suchvas hard boil eggs, healthy smoothie, etc.

She should stop soda at lunch and switch to water. Can add fruit to water for flavor.

She should start walking program. 20-30 minutes if able in the evening at least 5 days a week. Try to walk at lunch if just around the office, take the stairs.

Try to avoid eating after dinner unless water and small serving of fruit with protein. Consider healthy snacks during day as snack so she won't be so hungry at night.

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

How can we educate Ms. M on the potential role of pharmacological treatments in MASH management, even if she is currently not interested in medication?

How can we educate Ms. M on the potential role of pharmacological treatments in MASH management, even if she is currently not interested in medication?

Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson14 Jul 2024
14 Jul 2024

It could be beneficial is the Dr attending Ms. M case can engage her in Motivational Speakers sessions as well as a Wraparound Case Management Service to try to made her to commit to a Treatment Plan and It might include a Nutritionist ( including a list of food she should avoid and the reason why) as well as ideas and combinations of a menu and, letting her know the late she might be eating before bed ( +- 2 h, suggesting her get a gym mate.

It could be beneficial is the Dr attending Ms. M case can engage her in Motivational Speakers sessions as well as a Wraparound Case Management Service to try to made her to commit to a Treatment Plan and It might include a Nutritionist ( including a list of food she should avoid and the reason why) as well as ideas and combinations of a menu and, letting her know the late she might be eating before bed ( +- 2 h, suggesting her get a gym mate.

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Acknowledge the fact that she wants to avoid medication but would approach her with a goal setting plan. Consult nutrition to help. If weight loss goal is not achieved within 3 months, then ask her to reconsider medication. I would emphasize her risk of progression to cirrhosis, as well as developing Diabetes, cardiovascular and renal disease as well.

Acknowledge the fact that she wants to avoid medication but would approach her with a goal setting plan. Consult nutrition to help. If weight loss goal is not achieved within 3 months, then ask her to reconsider medication. I would emphasize her risk of progression to cirrhosis, as well as developing Diabetes, cardiovascular and renal disease as well.

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

Given Ms. M's prediabetes, what additional recommendations might be appropriate to address her metabolic health and potentially improve her MASH?

Given Ms. M's prediabetes, what additional recommendations might be appropriate to address her metabolic health and potentially improve her MASH?

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

I would assess renal function and cardiovascular risk as well. Nutritionist to assist with diet, also she could consider intermittent fasting, avoidance of high fructose corn sugar, refined carbs and reduction in sweets. Weight loss 10% has been shown to reduce inflammation and steatosis and reverse fibrosis as well as improve cardiovascular health. Low fat low cholesterol diet would be beneficial.

I would assess renal function and cardiovascular risk as well. Nutritionist to assist with diet, also she could consider intermittent fasting, avoidance of high fructose corn sugar, refined carbs and reduction in sweets. Weight loss 10% has been shown to reduce inflammation and steatosis and reverse fibrosis as well as improve cardiovascular health. Low fat low cholesterol diet would be beneficial.

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

What follow-up measures should be taken to monitor Ms. M's progress and assess the effectiveness of her lifestyle changes on her MASH?

What follow-up measures should be taken to monitor Ms. M's progress and assess the effectiveness of her lifestyle changes on her MASH?

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Check weight


labs including hepatic panel, a1c, cmp, cbc and after 6 months

If weight loss has been achieved, I would repeat fibroscan.

Check weight


labs including hepatic panel, a1c, cmp, cbc and after 6 months

If weight loss has been achieved, I would repeat fibroscan.

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

What strategies can be implemented to encourage Ms. M to utilize her gym membership and initiate a walking routine?

What strategies can be implemented to encourage Ms. M to utilize her gym membership and initiate a walking routine?

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Gym membership: could as someone to come with her (workout buddy). Try to work it into her schedule (perhaps 2 days a week), going after work or on the weekends.

Walking: increase walking at work during lunch, take the stairs, walk to co-workers office instead of calling or Teams them.

Walk with a buddy, after dinner. Break up walking into 10-15MINS intervals couple times a day.

Use a pedometer to count her steps

Gym membership: could as someone to come with her (workout buddy). Try to work it into her schedule (perhaps 2 days a week), going after work or on the weekends.

Walking: increase walking at work during lunch, take the stairs, walk to co-workers office instead of calling or Teams them.

Walk with a buddy, after dinner. Break up walking into 10-15MINS intervals couple times a day.

Use a pedometer to count her steps

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

What specific dietary adjustments should be recommended to address her eating habits, including breakfast choices, nighttime snacking, and beverage consumption?

What specific dietary adjustments should be recommended to address her eating habits, including breakfast choices, nighttime snacking, and beverage consumption?

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Breakfast: hard boil eggs, oatmeal, yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts, avocado toast with eggs, protein smoothie.

Night time snacks- nuts/seeds, celery and peanut butter, healthy trail mix, veggies with yogurt dip, banana and peanut butter, small fruit.

Drinks: water infused with fruit, unsweetened tea

Increase veggies with this being the largest on the plate

Try to avoid HFCS, limit sweets and refined carbs.

Breakfast: hard boil eggs, oatmeal, yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts, avocado toast with eggs, protein smoothie.

Night time snacks- nuts/seeds, celery and peanut butter, healthy trail mix, veggies with yogurt dip, banana and peanut butter, small fruit.

Drinks: water infused with fruit, unsweetened tea

Increase veggies with this being the largest on the plate

Try to avoid HFCS, limit sweets and refined carbs.

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

How can a patient-centered approach be used to design dietary and lifestyle modifications that are sustainable for Ms. M?

How can a patient-centered approach be used to design dietary and lifestyle modifications that are sustainable for Ms. M?

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor3 Jul 2024(Edited)
3 Jul 2024(Edited)

Given Ms. M's aversion to medication, what evidence-based lifestyle modifications should be prioritized for long-term MASH management?

Given Ms. M's aversion to medication, what evidence-based lifestyle modifications should be prioritized for long-term MASH management?

Rena Johnson17 Jul 2024
17 Jul 2024

Weight loss at least 10%

Caloric reduction

at least 150min/week moderate exercise

Weight loss at least 10%

Caloric reduction

at least 150min/week moderate exercise