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MedAll Education
MedAll Education
Sue Gibson
Sue Gibson
Posted by Sue Gibson  |  20 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024

Q&A for Otolaryngology Session: Thyroid nodules: Examination and basic investigation | Jeena Narayan

This event promises to equip you with the tools and confidence needed for optimal management of thyroid nodules, ensuring you can offer the highest standard of care to your patients. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or in the early stages of your medical career, this session is an invaluable opportunity to refine your skills and update your knowledge in this evolving field.

Ahmed Mohamed Ali Hamid and 1 other have liked this

Q&A for Otolaryngology Session: Thyroid nodules: Examination and basic investigation | Jeena Narayan

This event promises to equip you with the tools and confidence needed for optimal management of thyroid nodules, ensuring you can offer the highest standard of care to your patients. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or in the early stages of your medical career, this session is an invaluable opportunity to refine your skills and update your knowledge in this evolving field.

Ahmed Mohamed Ali Hamid and 1 other have liked this
Tanesha Mentore20 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024

A well-defined hypoechoic nodules, largest measuring 1cm x 8.7cm in the left hemi thyroid in a 28 year old, what is your interpretation on this and what is your recommendation for this patient. The thyroid function test shows a euthyroid state

A well-defined hypoechoic nodules, largest measuring 1cm x 8.7cm in the left hemi thyroid in a 28 year old, what is your interpretation on this and what is your recommendation for this patient. The thyroid function test shows a euthyroid state

Tanesha Mentore20 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024

Do we always opt for lobectomy when we have atypia of undetermined significance?

Do we always opt for lobectomy when we have atypia of undetermined significance?

Tanesha Mentore20 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024

How does molecular testing play a role in the differentiation between atypia of undetermined significance (III) and Follicular neoplasm (IV) for the Bethesda and is it recommended?

How does molecular testing play a role in the differentiation between atypia of undetermined significance (III) and Follicular neoplasm (IV) for the Bethesda and is it recommended?