There is a small but growing community of Filipino medical professionals practicing in the UK, a handful of which are either consultants or those in specialty training programs. This webinar aims to inform, guide and inspire other Filipino doctors who want to explore different specialties in the UK. Thus, we have invited Filipino doctors currently in various training programs — Paediatrics, General Practice, Pyschiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery and Medicine— to share their experiences. We hope to see you there!
10 Aug 2024
Q&A for Road to the Royal College: Insights from UK-Based Filipino Specialist Doctors
Q&A for Road to the Royal College: Insights from UK-Based Filipino Specialist Doctors
Hi, where and when can I watch the recorded video for this event?
Hi, where and when can I watch the recorded video for this event?
Hello doc! I would just like to ask if there was a recording of the event earlier? Thank you
Hello doc! I would just like to ask if there was a recording of the event earlier? Thank you
Kindly inform I didn’t get attendance certificate.
Kindly inform I didn’t get attendance certificate.
Advice for pass MRCS part B please!!
Advice for pass MRCS part B please!!
Exam resources/advice for MRCS part A please?
Exam resources/advice for MRCS part A please?
At what point in your timeline did you sit part 1 and part 2?
At what point in your timeline did you sit part 1 and part 2?
May we know po doc what kind of PG cert you submitted? I also want to clarify if we are required to rotate to different surgery specialties before applying to CST?
May we know po doc what kind of PG cert you submitted? I also want to clarify if we are required to rotate to different surgery specialties before applying to CST?
Hello! What can we do to build our Paediatric portfolio in order to have better chances of getting a first JCF job? Thank you.
Hello! What can we do to build our Paediatric portfolio in order to have better chances of getting a first JCF job? Thank you.
Are there CA for psychiatry?
Are there CA for psychiatry?
Doc for PSYCH core training i heard as a CT1 you are the ward monkey - is that true - you will be the one running to do all the bloods, ECG and the nurses don't help but sit down and drink tea.
Doc for PSYCH core training i heard as a CT1 you are the ward monkey - is that true - you will be the one running to do all the bloods, ECG and the nurses don't help but sit down and drink tea.
Hi doc - MRCPsych exam is super hard i heard - it's like 30-40% for Paper A. What happens if you can't pass the paper - how many times do people normally take to pass MRCPsych. if u did residency in PH - can you go directly to ST4 if you also do MRCPsych and pass it or do you need to go back to CT1 .
Hi doc - MRCPsych exam is super hard i heard - it's like 30-40% for Paper A. What happens if you can't pass the paper - how many times do people normally take to pass MRCPsych. if u did residency in PH - can you go directly to ST4 if you also do MRCPsych and pass it or do you need to go back to CT1 .
Are there clinical attachments for GP just to get a grasp of the NHS (I dont really want to spend an entire year for FY2 haha)
Are there clinical attachments for GP just to get a grasp of the NHS (I dont really want to spend an entire year for FY2 haha)
Do you do special interests after the 3 year GP training kind of like a sub-specialty or fellowship?
Do you do special interests after the 3 year GP training kind of like a sub-specialty or fellowship?
Hello Doc, it was mentioned earlier that you are currently doing training part-time. Is it just for the final year or can this be done during the whole training?
Hello Doc, it was mentioned earlier that you are currently doing training part-time. Is it just for the final year or can this be done during the whole training?
At this time, do you feel there is still lots of space for incomings GPs despite the amount of people applying? :)
At this time, do you feel there is still lots of space for incomings GPs despite the amount of people applying? :)
Is it doable po ba doc to do masters while training
Is it doable po ba doc to do masters while training
Hi doc, asked this earlier, but will ask again, what's the highest pay grade we can achieve as GP? :)
Hi doc, asked this earlier, but will ask again, what's the highest pay grade we can achieve as GP? :)
Hi doc! Would you recommend applying straight to a GP training post or going through FY2 first to get a grasp of the healthcare system? PS. I haven’t had any clinical attachments yet. I’m kind of scared of being lost if I go straight to training right away.
Hi doc! Would you recommend applying straight to a GP training post or going through FY2 first to get a grasp of the healthcare system? PS. I haven’t had any clinical attachments yet. I’m kind of scared of being lost if I go straight to training right away.
How long it will take for the GP journey?
How long it will take for the GP journey?
Would the CREST form be a problem if I currently work in an LGU in the Philippine and not a hospital?
Would the CREST form be a problem if I currently work in an LGU in the Philippine and not a hospital?
Can I get my CREST form signed in the PH?
Can I get my CREST form signed in the PH?
for GPST rotations - can we avoid A&E or is it mandatory? where your GPST rotations 6 monthly change or 3 monthly ones? thanks doc :)
for GPST rotations - can we avoid A&E or is it mandatory? where your GPST rotations 6 monthly change or 3 monthly ones? thanks doc :)
Can GP specialists also work in private clinics after training? Usually, how long are subspecialty trainings doc?
Can GP specialists also work in private clinics after training? Usually, how long are subspecialty trainings doc?
For GP you have to do home visits - can we escape that and request to just work in the surgery only
For GP you have to do home visits - can we escape that and request to just work in the surgery only
have you encountered specialty consultants from the Philippines who swtiched to GP practice in the UK? if so, can you give an overview on this pathway?
have you encountered specialty consultants from the Philippines who swtiched to GP practice in the UK? if so, can you give an overview on this pathway?